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Roseburg Oregon- Obama-Media and Respect

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posted on Oct, 8 2015 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: misskat1

1/4 of Roseburgs population has said they are going to the protest on Friday. So, it will be interesting to see if they are the minority or the majority. (21,181 total population, 5,600 say they are going to the rally).

That's not how Facebook works. All anyone has to do is click "+going" no matter who or where they are.

a reply to: Glinda

I can't help but shake the phrase "dancing on a grave."

Whatever happened to the decorum of letting the families GRIEVE and bury their loved ones and try to cope WITHOUT a media circus descending a SECOND time (i.e., Obama coming to town).

Yet if he didn't show up, he'd be blasted for not caring enough to show up. I wonder how many victims are required for a tragedy to be a national tragedy? When 9/11 occurred, did we take a poll of victim's families to see how many were in favor of the President making a public appearance? Let's be honest. The reason that conservatives don't want Obama there is because he did his normal useless spiel about mass shootings and also, they hate him. It has nothing to do with letting families grieve. If he was a Republican President, this wouldn't even be a discussion.

a reply to: Krakatoa

"Maybe"...I see you are ASSuming again. I have never seen nor read of any of the regular citzenry (not those in politics that either risk their jobs or benefit on some way fro a POTUS visit) saying anything but they do not wish him to visit.

Well that's not accurate is it? This thread was started by one.

So, neither of us are them, and neither of us have any RIGHT to speak for them. I will let them, the victim's families make that decision. And I think the POTUS would be expressing true leadership if he also respected their wishes.

Perhaps you'd like to share some links? I haven't personally seen interviews where family members say they don't want him there. What I have seen is David Jaques, publisher of the Roseburg Beacon doing an interview on the O'Reilly Factor say the following (source):

“I think the president first of all is not welcome in the community, and that isn’t just my opinion. We’ve talked to dozens upon dozens of citizens – some family members of the victims, our elected officials,” said Jaques, who summarized a statement from Douglas County Commissioners and the county sheriff, who “all came to a consensus language about him not being welcome here to grandstand for political purposes.”

Ironically enough, Newsbusters was kind enough to point out how everyone is pushing the same interview as proof that Obama is not welcome as they were doing the exact same thing:

Just a few of the many items noting the opposition to Obama's visit are at Breitbart, Mediaite, Daily Caller, Gateway Pundit, and BizPac Review.

I followed every link and they're all repeating the same "evidence" which is of course, the statements of a single person who happens to be the publisher of a conservative paper who claims that he has spoken to "family members" which could mean he spoke with the 3rd cousin twice removed of a survivor.

Now lets look at Oregon Live - Obama visit to Roseburg stirs local anger about his support for gun control after shooting:

President Barack Obama's remarks in favor of gun control a few hours after the mass shooting at Umpqua Community College is sparking anger in Roseburg about his upcoming visit to the city.

David Jacques, a Republican activist who publishes a weekly newspaper in Roseburg, warned on national TV on Monday night that the president "is not welcome in the community."

The furor over the president's visit led the Roseburg City Council to issue a statement saying city officials will welcome Obama and "extend him every courtesy."

Council President Tom Ryan said in an interview Tuesday that the statement – which referred to "misrepresentations" made by some people – was aimed at Jacques, who claimed to have the support of community leaders.

If Obama "can help heal some families, more power to him," said Ryan, who also expressed concerns about what the president might say during his visit.

"We don't need to be in the middle of a national gun rights debate," Ryan said. "We have people who are healing. That is our main concern."

Jacques, who was a delegate to the 2012 Republican national convention, has been interviewed by Bill O'Reilly on Fox News and featured on several conservative websites.

He said in an interview with The Oregonian/OregonLive that Obama showed "blatant disregard for the mourning process," and he charged that the president is coming to Roseburg to recruit family members to speak out in favor of tougher gun laws.

Now, if you have links showing family members saying they don't wish to meet with President Obama, I'd love to see them. I also hope you understand that none of the family members are compelled to meet with the President in private. Seems to me that YOU'RE doing a lot of "ASSuming" yourself. Have you considered the possibility that maybe YOU'RE doing a disservice to immediate family members of those killed who DO want to meet with Obama?

If it's really about grieving family members for you and you can't produce any evidence to support your "ASSumption" (always clever) that any of them actually don't want Obama to visit with them in private, then are you going to change your position?
edit on 2015-10-8 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2015 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals
Thank you

posted on Oct, 8 2015 @ 01:01 PM
This is not the Mud Pit...and this thread will not be allowed to go that route.......that means no bickering, baiting or name-calling......

Therefore, post ON TOPIC, and in a civil manner....You are responsible for your own posts.

*** ALL MEMBERS *** Ending Rudeness, Hate, Bigotry: Getting Back to Basics

Failure to get on board with the above will have consequences.
This thread will reopen shortly.

and, as always:

Do NOT reply to this post!!
edit on Thu Oct 8 2015 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

Reopened at 2:06 PB EDT
edit on Thu Oct 8 2015 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

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