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Sign of the Son of Man

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posted on Oct, 12 2015 @ 07:12 AM

originally posted by: Jonjonj
I thought that I was speaking to a person, not an illogical entity. You use language and I understand your words, but then you use the same words to make no sense at all.

" That is so absurd and answer that it bespeaks if I am speaking with humans that have thinking ability.".
I kind of understand that, but I can interpret it in many ways.
I can think that it means that the idea is absurd and therefore respond only to things that understand.
I can think that you want to say that It is absurd and I would answer that garbled ...
Yes, no... I really have no idea what you mean.

Thank you. You have no idea of my name do you? I do yours. Still, I thank you.

posted on Oct, 12 2015 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: ParasuvO

So what are you saying? All of creation will come to an end? What will become of us then? No more universe? Come on now... surely you jest.

posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 04:29 AM

originally posted by: 3n19m470
a reply to: ParasuvO

So what are you saying? All of creation will come to an end? What will become of us then? No more universe? Come on now... surely you jest.

(Psalm 104:5) He has established the earth on its foundations; It will not be moved from its place forever and ever.

No. The earth, and thus the universe itself will never come to an end. No matter who much they want you to think billions of years matter, into the future. And thousands into the past do not.

posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 06:40 PM
God has great plans for the human race. He is being the patient father right now waiting for us to mature into the people he knows we are capable of being. We have eternity to figure it out between ourselves. Once we are able to behave in the way he intends for us to behave, we will begin our eternity with him anew.

There are many who have been led far astray from God's true wishes by the false prophet. He has given more than enough time for them to realize their mistakes and find their way back to him on their own. Soon, the processes that have already begun will force them to choose sides. If they still fail to come back to God's fold, they will meet the fate so many have met before.

The forces are massing as I type this for the beginning of the end of the false prophet and his people. We will all know when God decides to call the trump, the signs will be unmistakable.

Have faith, stay strong and you will be preserved.

posted on Oct, 15 2015 @ 05:18 PM
Why almost all of you are quoting BOOKS written by rulers and their minions for THEIR purposes?

posted on Oct, 15 2015 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: yosako

I assume you are not including me in the "most" then? I do not need to regurgitate scriptures memorized for no reason other than to appear to understand the true meaning of God's words. I know God intimately and channel him directly.

I am currently writing a book of my own to give modern understanding of our part in God's great plan. So many forget that we have achieved freewill by choosing to leave Eden. God does not control us like puppets. He let's us make mistakes, hoping we learn from them on our own.

We are all experiencing the "end times" people like to speculate about. But the "end times" are by no means an end to mankind, or the Earth. There will be death and great sorrow, but the righteous in God's eye will repel the false prophet and his throng of followers.

The battle is already underway.

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 02:21 AM

originally posted by: yosako
Why almost all of you are quoting BOOKS written by rulers and their minions for THEIR purposes?

The prophecies from charlatans and false prophets will come and go. It has all been foretold many centuries ago by Jesus.

Jesus himself quoted God's word often. And so did all of his followers, proving by references.

The self-called knowledge of any man is nothing. And whenever it is in conflict with God's word it is a lie and false.

Let him who think he is something not deceive himself, for he is really nothing.

When God's truthful and healthful word is quoted, it is not to act or sound high or mighty, but to allow you to read his mind on the matter, what he has inspired. It is to show, the information given you is not mine, but his.

It was written long before I was born. Your rejection or acceptance of him, is not of me, but of him. And he knows it. And his word is alive and exerts power, and is able to discern the thoughts and intentions of your heart:

(Hebrews 4:12) For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints from the marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart.

Of course the majority of mankind rejects God's word as true, and that is why the misery it is in today.

Its message is for everyone. But certainly that does not mean that everyone will accept it when they are offered it.

Not even that many people in Jesus' day accepted his word, even though he spoke truth. Rather they rejected him, the majority, and loved the lie over the truth.

And just because he understood truth and spoke truth, doesn't mean he was arrogant. Actually he was the humblest man to ever walk the earth, and someone to strive to walk after.

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 03:19 AM
there will always be spirituality. things happen too coincidentally in life in the name of growth and progress; those who are very aware of the things around them will always feel this, religion or not. beliefs shouldn't be thrust upon you at birth, they need to be grown into to be fully effective. this way there is no sense of doubt. belief with sense of doubt just doesn't work. your vision will shape the world around you. your insight and awareness will sharpen your belief and clear a path in life for you that just makes sense. i dont need to tell you this, you'll see if you don't already know

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: JackReyes

I'm having a weird Mandela effect thing going on because my previous research showed that the nephilim were referred to as the sons of man yet now all my searches are pulling up that they are the sons of God and daughters of man. It weird because i had a conversation that my friends remember about it and your post confused me on why the sign of the heavens would be the return of the nephilim who was hated by God.

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: mazamure
a reply to: JackReyes

I'm having a weird Mandela effect thing going on because my previous research showed that the nephilim were referred to as the sons of man yet now all my searches are pulling up that they are the sons of God and daughters of man. It weird because i had a conversation that my friends remember about it and your post confused me on why the sign of the heavens would be the return of the nephilim who was hated by God.

The nephilim were a hybrid breed of humans and angels. Angles descended from heaven and materialized human bodies and mated with the daughters of man, the nephilim were the outcome, they were giants and very evil in nature. Because of their influence in the antediluvian world, violence became widespread. Probably, not unlike today. But I really don't know. It could have even been worse.

Your confusion though is more in your misunderstanding of something. Nowhere does scripture state the nephilim are going to return. The sign of the son of man, refers to the appearance of Jesus Christ in his near future coming to judge mankind and execute sentence upon the present ungodly world.

Jesus is the son of God. He was the firstborn of all creation as a spirit, just like his Father is. And when he was resurrected and returned to heaven, he was raised up an immortal and indestructible life-giving spirit, not mere mortal as we are.

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: JackReyes

he was raised up an immortal and indestructible life-giving spirit, not mere mortal as we are.

If he was "God's" first born since the dawn of time, wasn't he, theoretically, always an immortal and indestructible life-giving spirit?

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: JackReyes

he was raised up an immortal and indestructible life-giving spirit, not mere mortal as we are.

If he was "God's" first born since the dawn of time, wasn't he, theoretically, always an immortal and indestructible life-giving spirit?

That is a good question. But in order to understand the answer you need to know the difference between forever and immortal.

All the angels were created as spirit sons of God with eternal life. But they can all die.

For example the bible foretells the coming destruction of Satan and all of his wicked angels that have fallen from heaven.

And the God's holy word of truth tells us that Jesus came to earth as a human and did indeed die. The whole of the Christian faith is based on the fact that he died, and was raised up back to life.

He was raised as an incorruptible and immortal spirit being in the image of Jehovah God himself.

Jehovah alone, before that time was the only one with immortality. Immortality is deathlessness, the impossibility of ever dying. God himself can never die, is reliant on no one, and is incorruptible.

Jesus was given that gift upon his resurrection. That is, he no longer depends on his Father or any one else for life, he has life within himself, and can never ever ever die. He is indestructible. Unlike any other angel in heaven. Obviously humans can never be immortal because we are mortal, and even when humanity achieves everlasting life still, if you throw yourself off a high cliff you can kill yourself. You are not immortal.

(1 Timothy 6:15, 16) . . .He is the King of those who rule as kings and Lord of those who rule as lords, 16 the one alone having immortality, who dwells in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see.. . .

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: JackReyes

So, Jesus was an angel before he came from a virgin?

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 02:12 PM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: JackReyes

So, Jesus was an angel before he came from a virgin?

Jesus himself stated that he lived long before Abraham existed:

(John 8:58) . . .Jesus said to them: “Most truly I say to you, before Abraham came into existence, I have been.”

And he helped them to reason thusly when he asked them how was it possible for David, when referring to the future Messiah, called him "my lord:"

(Matthew 22:43-46) . . .He asked them: “How is it, then, that David under inspiration calls him Lord, saying, 44 ‘Jehovah said to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies beneath your feet”’?  If, then, David calls him Lord, how is he his son?”  And nobody was able to say a word in reply to him, and from that day on, no one dared to question him any further.

And he himself stated that no one on earth has returned to heaven, except one, the one that descended from heaven, the son of man:

(John 3:13) 13 Moreover, no man has ascended into heaven but the one who descended from heaven, the Son of man.

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: JackReyes

That's not what I asked you.

You said: "he was raised up an immortal and indestructible life-giving spirit, not mere mortal as we are." But, he was created on the first day of creation as spirit.

So, was Jesus an angel before he was born of a virgin?

edit on 19-10-2015 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: JackReyes

That's not what I asked you.

You said: "he was raised up an immortal and indestructible life-giving spirit, not mere mortal as we are." But, he was created on the first day of creation as spirit.

So, was Jesus an angel before he was born of a virgin?

Of course he was a spirit son of God before he came to earth. Those scriptures I quoted to you were to help you to reason that through, so while stating the question wasn't answered, it was. But I apologize if I stated it through scriptures you were not able to grasp at this point. That is my fault.

Here is one perhaps that is easier to understand, talking of Jesus:

(Colossians 1:15-17) . . .He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; 16 because by means of him all other things were created in the heavens and on the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All other things have been created through him and for him. 17 Also, he is before all other things, and by means of him all other things were made to exist,

Jesus was indeed created in the image of the invisible God as the firstborn of all creation. And as the beginning of all things Jehovah made, he was then used by God to make all other things, both heavenly and earthly, visible and invisible.

Jesus was the first and only direct creation by Jehovah God, and was created a spirit, not like humans who are flesh and blood.

edit on 19-10-2015 by JackReyes because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: JackReyes

Of course he was a spirit son of God before he came to earth.

Does that mean he was an angel? It's really not a hard question. Yes or no will do.

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: JackReyes

Of course he was a spirit son of God before he came to earth.

Does that mean he was an angel? It's really not a hard question. Yes or no will do.

They are one and the same windword. All angels are sons of God, and they are all spirits. To state that he was created as an invisible spirit, as a son of God, it is very apparent that he was created an angel. In fact scripture states that when he returns he comes with an archangel's voice. So he is not just any angel, but the chief among all the angels of the heavens:

(1 Thessalonians 4:16) . . .because the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel’s voice and with God’s trumpet. . .

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: JackReyes

They are one and the same windword. All angels are sons of God, and they are all spirits.

Okay, thank you. Do you think that Jesus was the "Angel of the Lord" of the Old Testament?

Joshua 5:13
And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries?

14 And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the Lord am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my Lord unto his servant?

15 And the captain of the Lord's host said unto Joshua, Loose thy shoe from off thy foot; for the place whereon thou standest is holy.

Or here

And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him.

2 And the Lord said unto Satan, The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan; even the Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee: is not this a brand plucked out of the fire?

3 Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and stood before the angel.

4 And he answered and spake unto those that stood before him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him. And unto him he said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment.

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 03:12 PM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: JackReyes

They are one and the same windword. All angels are sons of God, and they are all spirits.

Okay, thank you. Do you think that Jesus was the "Angel of the Lord" of the Old Testament?

Joshua 5:13
And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries?

14 And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the Lord am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my Lord unto his servant?

15 And the captain of the Lord's host said unto Joshua, Loose thy shoe from off thy foot; for the place whereon thou standest is holy.

Or here

And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him.

2 And the Lord said unto Satan, The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan; even the Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee: is not this a brand plucked out of the fire?

3 Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and stood before the angel.

4 And he answered and spake unto those that stood before him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him. And unto him he said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment.

Yes indeed. It would be reasonable to conclude that that angel that Joshua saw was Jesus Christ. He himself said he was the chief angel of God's army. And Jesus has always been very fond of humans, and the outworking of God's purpose for mankind.

And yes, he was also the angel that was resisting Satan. In fact in Jude we are shown a feud between Jesus and Satan as well, over Moses' body. And Jehovah himself intervened and disappeared the body. It appears that Jesus did not want the body used as some sort of idol worship which Satan was trying to use it for (humans love to venerate idols, especially anything dead of a holy person).
edit on 19-10-2015 by JackReyes because: (no reason given)

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