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originally posted by: Revolution9
a reply to: StoutBroux
Yes, it is in UK and Europe, too. Not in Israel and the middle east anymore though, lol. Israel through various nefarious means have crated so much # there that they have all either died or run away.
Well we can look forward to lots of limb amputations, heads rockin' and rollin' and women being stoned at a mall near you. Ohhh, don't forget the in fighting and civil disturbance, too. They like that. Got to have the constant killing each other. The future is so bright I think an atom bomb just went off.
originally posted by: Krazysh0t
originally posted by: grandmakdw
originally posted by: Krazysh0t
originally posted by: grandmakdw
originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: grandmakdw
Whelp, I guess I was right. No sources for your claim.
Then I will say you are right and I am wrong.
HA! That'll be the day. I can't remember EVER seeing you conceding a point to me. You always turn around and distort what I say or distort your own argument so you don't have to do it. Heck, you did it with your response to me. I asked you a simple question about if you have a source to back up your claim and you give me the runaround instead. So even if I DID provide answers to those questions that made you wrong, I doubt that you would be honest with what you said about saying you are wrong.
Where are the sources for your claim?
Which claim would that be?
Go back and answer my challenge before you make fun of me.
Why should I do that when you didn't answer the ONE question I asked you in this thread? A question which I asked BEFORE you came back with this red herring about Muslim Theocracies.
You can make fun of me for not giving you sources,
but only after you supply your own, then you can
make fun of me all you want.
Hmmm... I supplied sources for the claims I have made in this thread. Though if there is one that I have forgotten and you'd like a source for, you are free to actually point it out instead of being vague and accusing me of not sourcing any of them.
Did you read the rest of my post?
Meet the challenge and I will publicly recant
and apologize to you.
Ahh I see, you are just saying whatever you want and seeing what will stick. You didn't actually have a claim in mind when you accused me of not sourcing one.
PS: I could care less about an apology from you, because I know that no matter what I say or do, you won't provide one.
There are many good and holy Muslims,
but the militant ones overcome historically in every instance so far as history has shown.
◾"We must not have a Denmark where Danish traditions disappear as soon as there is a Muslim majority." — Tom Behnke, Spokesman, Danish Conservative Party
Muslim immigrants in a town near Copenhagen have forced the cancellation of traditional Christmas displays this year even while spending lavishly on the Islamic Eid celebration marking the end of Ramadan
The latest dust-up involves the Egedalsvænget housing complex in Kokkedal, a town situated some 30 kilometers (20 miles) north of Copenhagen where Arab and Turkish immigrants now comprise more than half the total population.
Obviously, this involves getting every member of the American Muslim community to register to vote and making sure that in the primary election the registered members vote, that every registered Muslim has transportation to the polls and, if necessary, a wake up call on primary-election day. Then doing exactly the same thing in the general election. Fortuitously, American Muslims are heavily concentrated in the key electoral states. There is a huge number of registered Muslim voters in California. There also are large numbers, well-organized, in New Jersey, somewhat organized in New York and in Ohio, Michigan and Illinois. It would be impossible in a close presidential election for a candidate of either party to win without the electoral votes of those states, particularly California. And it may well turn out that it would be impossible for any candidate to win in those other states without the support of the Muslim community.unity.
Hinduism and Budhism don't believe in killing non believers do they?
Because now I'm confused.......NOT
originally posted by: StoutBroux
originally posted by: buster2010
originally posted by: StoutBroux
a reply to: StoutBroux
I don't see a whole lot of conversation on this topic because of it's sensitive nature. But I feel it must be stated.....just for the record.
The reason why there isn't much conversation on this subject is because is nothing more than Islamophobia meant to put fear in the simple minded. So just because one religion reaches 3% they are going to take over the nation? Christians are the majority here and this nation isn't a Christian theocracy so how stupid does a person have be to think 3% will do what 78% hasn't been able to do.
Christianity 2.2 billion[3] 31.50%
Islam 1.6 billion[4] 22.32%
However, according to others, including the 2003 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records, Islam is the world’s fastest-growing religion by number of conversions each year
originally posted by: Sublimecraft
a reply to: StoutBroux
We are not heading for a Muslim world, what we are witnessing is Islam having it's veil lifted and morphing into a modern Islam in keeping with the rest of the world.....largely due as a consequence of being criticized and having to reflect upon it's own culture......we are the generation who will witness and record this awakening that Islam will either adapt to modern society or die a very painful death - globally.
The most ardent extremist radical Muslims who are against any change and cannot handle the criticism that they are not compatible with the modern world are proponents of Wahhabism - the ultraconservative Sunni version whose nest is in Saudi Arabia. These are where the extremist ideologies have been born from, and it is they who are to blame for the violence perpetrated in the name of Islam and exporting that to the modern forward moving peace-loving world.
I say embrace the moderates and let them join the modern world with us because it is them who we will need to best fight the "6th-century kill the women and behead the rest because I cannot read or think laterally" extremists who hide among them.
We all need to unite to root out the radical Islamic extremists (and all extremists who wish to force their ideals on peace loving folks) because 99.9% of humans just want to live in peace but the propaganda behemoth who whips up division at every opportunity keeps convincing non-Mulsims that all Muslims are bad and out to rape our women and children and behead the men and this same propaganda machine tells the Muslims that all non-Muslims are deviant God haters who want to destroy their faith.
originally posted by: StoutBroux
originally posted by: buster2010
originally posted by: StoutBroux
a reply to: StoutBroux
I don't see a whole lot of conversation on this topic because of it's sensitive nature. But I feel it must be stated.....just for the record.
The reason why there isn't much conversation on this subject is because is nothing more than Islamophobia meant to put fear in the simple minded. So just because one religion reaches 3% they are going to take over the nation? Christians are the majority here and this nation isn't a Christian theocracy so how stupid does a person have be to think 3% will do what 78% hasn't been able to do.
Christianity 2.2 billion[3] 31.50%
Islam 1.6 billion[4] 22.32%
However, according to others, including the 2003 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records, Islam is the world’s fastest-growing religion by number of conversions each year
Muslims are anti-abortion. I wonder how that's going to go over.
Don't forget to check under the bed.
originally posted by: InhaleExhale
Whats next, Shia's hiding the closet with the monsters?