posted on Oct, 5 2015 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to:
TechniXcalityLet the insults flow I'm bigger enough and old enough to take it. I haven't said anything racist, just
stated facts. The label "racist" has no meaning anymore. It is used and has been used, for way too long to shout down any debate and has made people
of this country frightened to put forward their true feelings. In fact, because this label has been used for so long now to shout down any debate it
has actually made people more "racist" because things have been allowed to carry on in this Country for way too long which should have been nipped in
the bud a long time ago. If British people's real worries and concerns had been taken into account many years ago then we would never have ended up
in a situation where we have allowed hate preachers to shout their hatred on our streets and burn our flag. We would never have ended up with no go
areas in London, Birmingham. From the start people migrating to this country should have been told of our values and laws and been fully integrated
into our society and told if they didn't like it then Britain wasn't the place for them. I don't know any other country in the world where one of
their soldiers is beheaded on a street and yet there are hardly any repercussions from the public. So to call everyone racist as soon as they say
they are worried and concerned is ridiculous and just adds to the resentment, frustration and anger that a lot of people feel. Sooner or later all
those pent up emotions are going to turn nasty.
I am not heartless either. My heart does go out to the families and children and I do believe David Cameron has done the right thing by taking the
most vulnerable from the camps. My heart doesn't go out to the 80% fit, young, men. Whether some of the lefties/liberals agree or not they obviously
pose a threat. A lot are very demanding and turn violent when things don't go their way. There are reports all over the internet about problems in
camps in Germany where fights have broke out and where some women and children have been raped! There has also been in fighting between different
religions. Do they seem the type of people who are going to adapt to the Country's value and customs? My heart goes out to all the homeless people
we have in this country, to the families who are living in bed and breakfasts and terrible conditions, who have been on a waiting list for years and
now are supposed to go to the back of the queue to let some of the refugees in.
I am not an idiot either! The idiots in my opinion are the people who don't seem able to see things as they really are. Fact we have thousands of
vulnerable people in this country who are homeless. They are not all drugs addicts etc. Many are young people who are escaping abuse, many are
adults with serious mental health problems who haven't got the help they need because there isn't the support there. Yet there will be counselling
support for refugees who are coming here escaping abuse and horrific things. We already have hundreds of thousands coming here every year just from
within Europe. The people who say these numbers don't have an effect on school places, NHS, GP's, housing, sewerage, roads are the idiots. If
someone lived in a two bedroomed house and opened their doors to let anyone live there sooner or later there would be no room. The structure in that
house wouldn't cope. One toilet/bath soon wouldn't be enough for all the extra people. One bin wouldn't be enough to cope with all the rubbish
accumulated. There would be no room to move. We are a small island and can't keep taking these huge amounts of people. The lefties/liberals will
shout but we have all the countryside. Do they realise that a lot of our countryside is farmland which is used to feed and clothe the residents of
this island?
Being a racist to me would be if I was upset if my son who is only 8 years old came home when he was older with a partner of a different culture or
religion and I was upset by this. I wouldn't be upset as long as my son was happy. Two of my son's closest friends from school are from Somalia and
Poland. He goes to their houses and they come to ours and have days out etc. The difference is these friends are allowed to come to our house.
Their parents are integrated and although his friend who is muslim doesn't celebrate Christmas etc in every other way he throws himself into British
life and is encouraged by his mother and father.
Finally, I would like to the lefties/liberals if the tables were turned and my child and I had to escape this island because of some atrocity. How do
you think the middle eastern countries would react to 1.5 million white Christians walking into their lands? I've noticed if you question any of the
lefties/liberalists their convictions crumble away when it becomes personal. I asked someone just last week had he offered his home to support a
refugee seeing as he thought we should just let everyone in? He answered no, but he would, but he only had a one bedroom flat. Say no more
If 30,000 of these people in Europe walked in with an ISIS flag flying and dressed in black I wonder how people would react to that? If I tried to
walk into any of the European countries I would be stopped straight away and have to show my passport and yet for some reason there is nothing being
done to stop this. What are Europe so afraid of?