posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 08:23 PM
Hello Ats members! I am here with one simply question.
What is the most profound thing you've stumbled upon lately?
No judgement zone here, this isn't a debate thread, it isn't about right or wrong or good or bad or conventional or crazy -Just share your
experiences from spiritual/religious awakenings or, in contrast, any rude awakenings you may have had - Or anything in between!
My latest experiences are the spiritual ones. Realizing that we are all connected somehow - Whether this simply means we were made from the same
cosmic dust, or that we actually have impacts on each others lives in ways we couldn't image, things unseen - I do not know. This is a topic I wish
to further study, the connected-ness of everything, how everything has it's place, including myself. It's opened up a part of my brain that I do not
understand yet. I've always been one to "try to change the world" or to shout loudly when something doesn't go my way... But thinking more deeply,
realizing others views, opinions, and ways of life- I realize I should learn to be more relaxed.
Anyways! Share away, members! I look forward to seeing what others have experienced.