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Are we headed for a new Genocide?

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posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: Hyperia

You're asking for a philosophical approach;who is more right? your question could be boiled down to. When it comes to loss of life objectively,I would have to say no one is more right.

However we are products of societal influence and culture with some genetics involved as well, so it's very subjective. Is there such thing as true freedom? Well I don't know the question has been argued for thousands of years since the ancient Greeks and before, I would like to believe freedom exists and that determinism isn't the be all,however I understand that with a large enough sample set any action and every action that has or will take place can be predicted.

I do not believe there is a perfect reality of forms, I think we have such ideas to press us forward a goal to achieve but one that is unattainable( think of the guy sentenced by Zeus to always push a boulder up a hill for eternity only to have it roll back down).

I say all that to say this, I stand here with the west and our culture, I recognize that I do so because of external factors and not just because I would always stand with the west; forinstice,if I had been born in the Middle East I probably would be a diehard defender of the Middle East and its culture.

So I don't engage in the objective thought process because it becomes circular, everyone believes they are right just as fervently as eachother, but because I am here I stand here. I hope progression leads to a more peaceful world but sometimes I doubt it and fall into nihilism.
edit on 1-10-2015 by TechniXcality because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport
That is an AMAZING amount. The cruelty that we can show to other humans seems to be never-ending. Sometimes it can be so disheartening. What does your group do?

posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to: TechniXcality

I agree with you on this. First I think that everyone must go through all the background checks. I know this holds things up but we must protect our citizens first! Then they must understand that they have to obey and live by our laws. I think they should have to learn the language and laws of the country they are allowed to enter and they pay taxes just like everyone else. This is what is feeding into the hate. The unknown of millions of uncontrolled people. Bring it under control and end the suffering and put a stop to the freeloaders & soon-to-be terrorist.

posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: Martin75

Ahh it isn't my group, but know what you mean. Genocide Watch monitor countries at risk and rate them according to the likelihood of genocide occurring. The information is then passed along to the Alliance who petition the UN amongst others for action. At the moment Afrikaaners are at stage 5 with stage 6 being all out genocide. Genocide Watch and the Alliance are there to put pressure on the relevant people and to alert them basically. What action they take is down to them unfortunately

posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: Martin75

It was a Dutch communist who set The Reichstag on fire.

posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

Fact is we don't know how many Afrikaaners have been killed because the government refuses to keep track. Most have moved rather than face being butchered in the night. Nearly all are farmers and once they're gone the situation will very closely resemble that of former Zaire (now Congo) with no one left to manage the farmlands effectively creating food scarcity and famine.

The horrific nature of the rapes and murders of Afrikaaners almost defies description - as if the Manson gang were still alive and looking for victims. Yet no one will pressure the government of South Africa over it due to their monopoly on diamonds and certain rare elements. No will argue that Apartheid was bad but for all but a very fortunate few blacks things have gotten worse for most of all races there. The body count of Afrikaaners is in the tens of thousands, one household at a time. Indians and Asians of all nationalities face increasing racism from the native population as well. It may just be a matter of time before the machetes come out en masse against them as well.

posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

The Reichstag Fire is commonly believed to have been a false flag operation by the Nazis in order to implicate the communists and to rush through the Decree for the Protection of the People & the State which gave the Reich authority to arrest without charge,suspended the right to assemble and the right of free speech

posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

According to Genocide watch, back in 2012 South Africa was raised to stage 6 which is preparation for Genocide which includes the dehumanizaton and displacement stage, after available figures confirmed our worst fears of approx 50 Afrikaaner farmers and others were murdered per day mainly by the ANC Youth Movement with the co-operation and knowledge of the Police.

Information and particularly statistics on these murders is hard to come by but not impossible, but is made more difficult by the now all black police force who insist that the murder,rape and torture or the Afrikaaners is just robbery gone wrong. ANC Government Officals publicly encite racial hatred towards the Afrikaaner whilst denying their genocidal agenda. South Africa's Communist party however have no qualms in stating outright that

Whites are unwelcome “settler colonialists” with no role to play in South Africa’s future.

In our analysis, the current ANC leadership also publicly uses incitement to genocide with the long-term goal of forcibly driving out or annihilating the White population from South Africa.

What the ANC fail to realise is, that these settle colonists, have been in the Transvaal now for over 350yrs and are now classed as indigenous Africans. They are not like the Whites of the Cape or Joberg who have moved there for work or emigrated in the last 20yrs. Those people have the luxury of being able to leave and go back to their home countries which almost all have been forced to do as a result of the No Whites Allowed to Work legislation. The Afrikaaner doesn't have that option. Their home country is Africa

Like Zimbawe, The Transvaal home to the Afrikaaner, is the bread basket of Africa and without those farmers and the food they produce which is distributed throughout Africa, starvation will again be a main feature of African life. The redistribution of white farmers land to blacks has not worked. Those blacks that did obtain land promptly sold it back to the Government at a profit. These vast acres of land now lie empty and uncultivated. It is sad to say but nevertheless true that the majority of the blacks do not want to farm and are only interested in obtaining the land for profit and so that it displaces the white farmers. Their view is myopic at best. The will not realise until the food has run out the scale of their actions and the knock on effects.

Internationally, this crisis is barely discussed despite Genocide Watch and the Alliance Against Genocide keeping the UN abreast of developments. It seems its just not pc to bother about the genocide of a people who fostered apartheid and as such they get no sympathy nor assistance. But murder is murder regardless and I have to say to those that whisper "karm's a bitch" so it might be, but do two wrongs make a right? Is it morally correct to turn your back on a people being annihilated? We were all so quick to defend Mandela his vision of a Rainbow Nation and forget about the atrocities of the ANC in the name of conquering racism.

The Rainbow Nation never happened and now South Africa is going down the pan very very fast back to the days before colonialism. Blacks have gone on record as saying things were actually better for them under apartheid than now but sadly again, that depends on which tribe you are from such is the way of life in Africa
Dr Stanton of Genocide Watch

Genocide Watch
Ethnic Cleansing of the Boer

posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

i understand that bit, but Nazis didn't start the fire.

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