posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 04:31 PM
buy a couple of used mobile homes, once you have them on the land you can basically do whatever you want without having to deal with permits.
if you are the owner and doing the work yourself (not contracting the work out) you can do a lot of "improvements" without having to get permits.
you could replace the trailers one piece at a time by building "additions" or "improvements"
a guy around here did that, he started by moving the trailer and making a block foundation.he put the trailer on part of the block foundation and then
built a big 2 car garage attached to one end of the foundation. then he started building a house one piece at a time on the foundation while taking
the trailer apart one piece at a time as he went.
it wasn`t considered new construction it was considered improvements to the existing structure ( the mobile home).