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In Russia there comes the hope of the world

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posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 08:11 AM
I know many here would rather leave the "woo woo" out of things however I like woo woo so lets get to the juicy stuff already....

Edgar Cayce predicted many years ago "In Russia there comes the hope of the world"

Before we get to the infamous words posted above let me start out by quoting what is the first paragraph on his A.R.E (Association for Research and Enlightenment) site.

"One of the great ironies of human nature is the fact that the very structure intended to enrich our relationship with God is the one thing which divides us most as a human family. For countless eons, more wars have been fought on religious principles than for any other reason. Even to this day, wars, bloodshed, political battles, and countless examples of our inhumanity to one another are commonplace as one group tries to instill (or enforce) its belief systems, its politics, or the supremacy of its God onto the lives of others."

Back to the prophecy/prediction about Russia...

He says...

Q. What should be the attitude of so-called capitalist nations toward Russia?
A. The greater hope of the world will come through Russia’s religious development. The one nation or group which is closed in relationship with Russia may fare best during the gradual changes and the final settlement of conditions, as to rule of the world (February 8, 1932) 3976-10

Please make sure you see where he says at the end ^^^ "as to rule the world". World leader may end up being.... yep...... Mr. Putin?

Honestly we do not know what the hell is really going on in the world today. We can say there are wars going on because of oil and greed but we don't know the true role and agenda.... are we still fighting "religious" wars?

How does a world reach a peaceful state with war? We don't!

In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallised, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world. (1944) No. 3976-29

This leads me to think there may be another prophet show up in Russia that will eventually lead many into a Revolution here in the US.

The below paragraph can be interpreted a few ways in my opinion... I will let you create your own.

When many of the isles of the sea and many of the land have come under the subjugation of those who fear neither man not the devil; who rather join themselves with that force by which they may proclaim might and power as right – as of a superman who is to be an ideal for generations to be established; then shall thy own land see the blood flow, as in those periods when brother fought against brother. (June,1940) 3976–25
The incredible Story. P. 80

Cayce on Earth changes...

As to the changes physical again: The earth will be broken up in the western portion of America. The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea. The upper portion of Europe will be changed as in the twinkling of an eye. Land will appear off the east coast of America. There will be the upheavals in the Arctic and in the Ant-arctic that will make for the eruption on volcanoes un the Torrid areas, and there will be the shifting then of the poles – so that where there have been frigid or semi-tropical lands there will become more tropical, and moss and fern will grow.
And these changes will begin in those periods in ’58 to ’98, when His Light will be seen again in the clouds. As to times, as to seasons, as to places, alone it is given to those who have named the Name – and who bear the Mark of those of His calling and His election in their bodies. To them it shall be given. (January 19, 1934) 3976-15

Now the above is interesting to note especially when you know Cayce's predictions ... 1997 "Jesus" is said ( according to him) to be born again around 1997!

What exactly did Cayce think about Jesus?

Although Edgar Cayce was a Sunday school teacher all of his life, as well as an elder in the Presbyterian church, for him the meaning of Jesus' life went beyond that described by Christians and non-Christians alike. For that reason, regardless of our upbringing or our religious affiliation, the Cayce material offers some insightful and challenging information about the life and work of this man Jesus, who became the Christ.

Essentially, the readings present Jesus as our "Elder Brother," a soul who came to show each one of us the way back to our spiritual Source by perfectly manifesting the laws of the Creator. Part of His mission was to fully demonstrate the living awareness of the Spirit in the earth-something each one of us will eventually have to do. Therefore, Jesus' life of service to others serves as an example for all of humankind.

To conclude I would like to leave a video if you haven't seen it already regarding the "Hope" that may come out of Russia.

I think... If they had prophets 2000 years ago why wouldn't there be ones in our past and present time like Mr. Cayce? He was a devout Baptist and taught Sunday School. He could sleep and have visions and even heal people which lead to his death.

edit on 1-10-2015 by MamaJ because: (no reason given)

+7 more 
posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: MamaJ

I hear you sister, you see, many here equate support for Russian foreign policy as automatically meaning a hatred of all things American - this is mostly incorrect but that generalized presumptuousness eats away at people, consuming them to the point that they blindly support that which is destroying the planet. This must stop.

I've watched the vid, and despite it being from RT (which a source best served cold), the message and not the messenger is important.

The American Jewish owned media empires will not show this to the Kardashian crowd - mainly because they would not be able to equate what they were watching with candy-crush and Taylor Swift.

It's time the American people took out the trash, the propaganda is ramping rapidly towards 2016.

Have you see the choices for next POTUS? - we're screwed - all of us residing on this god-damn planet

Hands up who can tell me which country, today, are the kings of the war-pigs?

The US government, and her alphabet agencies of course. I call them "sexy fingers"...because everything they touch they F###.

posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 08:55 AM
hmm.. I find this sentence even more interesting ".. The one nation or group which is closed in relationship with Russia may fare best during the gradual changes and the final settlement of conditions,.."
does that mean that Russia will rule a ME country at some point? Which nation comes to mind that is 'closed' with Russia?

posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 09:10 AM
Good post, it's funny how things can be turned upside down or the other way, Russia was seen as pure evil some sixty years ago, and now they could indeed be a beakin of hope.

posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 09:14 AM
The hope for the world lays with Russia.

We're in for tough times if that's the case.

Cayce is flat out wrong, in my opinion.

First is the fallacy of most wars being 'religious' based. Let's do this backwards. Both Gulf wars? Nope, territorial and political based. Vietnam and Korea? Nope, not religious based. WWII or WWI....hmmm scratch those two. Spanish-American? 1812?

Get the idea? Good.

Well if one looks at the 'religious wars'. Isis the fighting between Shia and Sunni. It would be hard to argue Isis and back to the Crusades not being religious based. Although, it can be reasonably argued that religion was the excuse for those wars. The Ottoman crowd had been arrogantly trying to conquer Europe for centuries before the Crusades. The 'argument' justifying these wars was placing Islam into the heart of Christianity. Arrogant, territorial expansion seems more likely in partnership with the 'religious' seems more reasonable.

The Catholic expansion into the Americas also a seems a mutual partnership between religion and expansionists.

Ireland? That strikes me as a pure power struggle for political control using the religious groups as the means to gain that control.

Simply put, A religion is not responsible for the actions of those that 'claim' that religion as there own for their failings.

As religion provided a moral code that could be agreed upon sufficiently to allow civilization to develop, the lack thereof would have left 'culture' at the level of who could weld the biggest club the fastest in the caves of the world.

Back to Russia. They are the first to officially split the pact between religion and gov't. The pogroms against Jews and repression of the Russian Orthodox church is well documented.

Countries that kept the pact have not suffered the attack on religion as quickly. Germany and the Lutherans have worked in lock-step right through the Nazi era right to this day. Israel, also has had a slower split between religion and gov't as has England and the Anglican church.

That socialist premise, originating, at least officially, in Russia continues to spread as the Socialist doctrine continues it's growth in the west.

This attack is agenda driven as much as any co-operation between religion and state ever did. The current Pope has taken the astute step of 'rejoining' the political momentum by revising Catholicism as a left/socialist supporting organization.

The sad truth is the flaw is in humanity. That is what perverts both gov'ts and Religions. Any further rhetoric is agenda driven by TPTB and 'bought into' by the less analytical among us.....

posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: MamaJ

I am afraid I absolutely agree with everything Mr Putin had to say in that video but he also has started to flex Russian military muscle such as restarting cold war patrol's, maybe it is a reaction of the unbridled and ill thought out corporate driven military action's of the west, when business run's a country it will seek it's own short term financial benefit and note I did say short term as these sort of economics are totally unsustainable, as business is about share price and at the moment our nations are run not by patriots whom care about our people but by business men and front men whom are working on behalf of multi national conglomerate's.

We need some old style politicians back, men who actually care about our people and our national interests (not substituting corporate interests for national interests as they do now).

edit on 1-10-2015 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: MamaJ

I have absolutely no time for EC and his stupid false prophesies or any other hocus pocus trickster making a name and fame for himself just for being delusional, butttt....

The West has turned to a lot of slush mush. It has too much played the whore to Saudi Arabia for oil. Obama even bowed to the Saudi King. That is pretty low. They appease Saudi Arabia and let it do any # it wants no matter how humanely depraved. The West has dumbed down its own populaces into a mush of brainlessness, who suck on the tits of crap trash media. Yes, certainly Russia is looking like iron in comparison for its people and its political astuteness.

Just have to watch as we decay because those who led us were such whores and appeased any old brute who would play their game with them.

posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 09:53 AM
I usually don't believe on prophesies but something in "In Russia there comes the hope of the world" resonates on me, ummm

He may be onto something...

posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: MamaJ

IF Edgar says it, it must be true.

I guess Atlantis forgot to rise, I mean hey it was the 60's Atlantis fell in with the wrong crowd I guess.

posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: MamaJ

Many have to agree after watching the video, there are a lot of things Putin said I would have to agree with. I never thought I would even be saying that last line. I grew up during the cold war. So my perspective on Putin, having been part of the KGB at one time, was his desire to bring Russia back to the old Soviet Union era.

I totally agree the U.S. is responsible for destabilizing the middle east and the rise of ISIS. In fact I kind of like the idea Russia is bombing ISIS in Syria. The Syrian rebels are no angels and we're supporting them? Both sides are evil, let them fight it out, we don't need to lose American lives to the Syrian conflict.

Putin made some valid points I think resonated with the audience. The U.S. has to stop dominating and influencing another countries affairs. It's not all about U.S. interests in the region.

Remember the U.S. missile crisis when Russia wanted missiles in Cuba? We felt we were being threatened. Now we want to build a missile defense system near Russia's border. How would we feel if Russia built one in Canada? It's different when the shoe is on the other foot.

However, actions speak louder than words. I'll have to watch how this plays out.

posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: MamaJ

What a fresh idea this morning! Perfect for my morning coffee. I too, am warming up to Putin, and I took his thoughts in the vid to heart.

But tell me, am I misreading this?

Q. What should be the attitude of so-called capitalist nations toward Russia?
A. The greater hope of the world will come through Russia’s religious development. The one nation or group which is closed in relationship with Russia may fare best during the gradual changes and the final settlement of conditions, as to rule of the world (February 8, 1932)

Does it not indicate that it is the nation who is "closed" as in "closed off, from a relationship with Russia? ( Not "close to") that will "fare best" and rule the world? Am I misinterpreting this statement?

Good thread. S&F

edit on 10/1/2015 by ladyinwaiting because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

Hey Sublime!

Great points!

We are definitely screwed..... and didn't even get a kiss.

The more I think about the different scenarios that can take place in the coming months and or years it makes me wonder WHO would be the world leader with a world government. Who? How would they be determined? Power? Money? Religion? WTH?

Seems like to me Putin is saying we have given you chance after chance and you keep screwing up so let us take over and see how it plays out. He is so right... we have done nothing but destabilize other countries all the while broke and how in the world do we think we can help others when we cant help our self.

Why do people in the US still not get whats going on? I mean... it's like they dont want to see the truth!

I tell ya why I think.... other than the obvious dumbing down. We throw judgements around about illegals like we are all natives to the land and its our land. We act like fighting is a good thing. Lets kick some butt and who cares how many people die. The internet socializing for the most part is on FB and we can get an idea how people feel and think. My fb friends here in the US are absolutely brain washed by their reality of TV and radio. They are throwing opinions as if they are watching a movie. Talk is cheap until you are the one experiencing.

In regards to Cayce...

With a visionary who happens to get a glimpse of the future we have to keep in mind that with each choice made we can always alter any prediction.

Cayce, may in fact get a lot right when it's all said and done. He has gotten some right so far. The Russian bit is most certainly something to keep an eye on.

posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: Starcrossd

The one nation or group which is closed in relationship with Russia may fare best during the gradual changes and the final settlement of conditions,.."
does that mean that Russia will rule a ME country at some point?

Ya know, I was thinking it could be the United States. As of today I think we would fare well if we get out of others countries and come on home.

Definitely up for any and all opinions as it's debatable who it could be, if the prediction is even on point.

In months to come we may see a lot more of Cayce's predictions come true.

Time will tell.....

posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Nail on the head!

We have become a corporation who doesn't give a flying rats @ss about peace and liberty.

We have become a joke to the entire world.

posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 10:28 PM

originally posted by: MamaJ

When many of the isles of the sea and many of the land have come under the subjugation of those who fear neither man not the devil; who rather join themselves with that force by which they may proclaim might and power as right – as of a superman who is to be an ideal for generations to be established; then shall thy own land see the blood flow, as in those periods when brother fought against brother. (June,1940) 3976–25
The incredible Story. P. 80

"that force by which they may proclaim might and power as right"

I see this force as political Zionism and those " who rather join themselves" I see as referring to those who took power after Kennedy in the USA.

As it stands today, US, UK, Australia, Africa, Egypt, parts of Europe have all given authority to this groups pogrom and I see the statement
" ideal for generations to be established" as referring to the Greater Israel agenda.

This goal has been expressed in the Knesset many many times on the past 5 years as Israel being " a beacon of light unto the world".

then shall thy own land see the blood flow, as in those periods when brother fought against brother.

I see this as referring to the USA. I rule out UK due to overwhelming internal distractions, Australia, Africa, Egypt and most opposition to Zionism in the EU are already considered 'pacified' aka subjugated...this leaves the US.

The last bit " as in those periods when brother fought against brother. " I see as referring to the 1800's US civil war...and a potential repeat.

edit on 1-10-2015 by Rosha because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 11:31 PM

originally posted by: WeRpeons
a reply to: MamaJ

Many have to agree after watching the video, there are a lot of things Putin said I would have to agree with. I never thought I would even be saying that last line. I grew up during the cold war. So my perspective on Putin, having been part of the KGB at one time, was his desire to bring Russia back to the old Soviet Union era.

I totally agree the U.S. is responsible for destabilizing the middle east and the rise of ISIS. In fact I kind of like the idea Russia is bombing ISIS in Syria. The Syrian rebels are no angels and we're supporting them? Both sides are evil, let them fight it out, we don't need to lose American lives to the Syrian conflict.

Putin made some valid points I think resonated with the audience. The U.S. has to stop dominating and influencing another countries affairs. It's not all about U.S. interests in the region.

Remember the U.S. missile crisis when Russia wanted missiles in Cuba? We felt we were being threatened. Now we want to build a missile defense system near Russia's border. How would we feel if Russia built one in Canada? It's different when the shoe is on the other foot.

However, actions speak louder than words. I'll have to watch how this plays out.

Russia is not bombing ISIS just other rebels. And irony is that the largest group of foreign volunteers in ISIS comes from Russia as Russia has been letting them leave and join in droves. Sure they may end up killing Assad but, they are out of Russia and causing problems for the US. Also note where the weapons ISIS carries comes from. Give you a hint the AK47 does not come from the West.
edit on 2-10-2015 by MrSpad because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2015 @ 05:51 AM

originally posted by: MrSpad
Russia is not bombing ISIS just other rebels. And irony is that the largest group of foreign volunteers in ISIS comes from Russia as Russia has been letting them leave and join in droves. Sure they may end up killing Assad but, they are out of Russia and causing problems for the US. Also note where the weapons ISIS carries comes from. Give you a hint the AK47 does not come from the West.

Yes they are. They are just not ONLY bombing Isis. US reports out today confirm this. There is also supporting video and satellite evidence that is unchallenged by the Pentagon. Link to vids here:

Russia is hitting Isis AND it is hitting other Syrian 'rebel' targets - targets included Jisr al-Shughour and Jabal al-Zawiya, Jaish al-Fatah, the Army of Conquest and Jabhat al-Nusra, which is aligned to al-Qaeda. The US backed alNursa ( those ones affiliated with Al-Qæda that have been getting US guns and Israeli bombs and money) are even whining about it on their pages and calling on the USA to stand up to Russia.

It's insane.

What's going on this theatre of war at present would be hysterical ( to any seasoned geopolitical observer) if not for the deaths of so many at the hands of such idiots.

If I were in the US I'd more more concerned about substantial reports the Israelis have set up a new red phone - an exclusive Isr-Ru diplomatic back channel - effectively dumping the US in it alone.
edit on 2-10-2015 by Rosha because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2015 @ 06:27 AM
I know the prophecies of Russia, to be an empire and promote a global christianism and all this stuff.

But I can give you a different version of these prophecies.

1) A war escalates in Syria, expands in my country Hellas (by turks) and turks also close the Konstantinupolis (Istanbul seas) for Russia, Russia cannot pass through with their warships, that escalates a war with Turkey, Turkey erases from the map, then the OBAMA nations escalate a war in Istanbul (west vs east), also israel attacks Russian armies, then russia takes over israel too. But boom russia loses at the end, because china will betray Russia and by western armies officially will announce their idiotic inexistent 1 world order for a few months or years. They will use Istanbul as a the center of it and they use my country (jewish politicians) as the coordinators of it.

2) This will happen because they want to accuse my country at the end, as we are the country of Father, that is we are the cause of the upcoming "evil". China then will try to find a way to invade western countries and kill them all, at the end they will also kill jews and mongols, to fulfill their prophecies (also), that only the yellow race is the chosen for their god (dragon, YAH or Jade).

You should know that zionism is chinese, not jewish. Zion = SION or SINA in china. Jews promoting the Chinese dragon. Jews believe that they are chosen's, but also mongoloids have this prophecies that they are chosens with islam! (lol lol lol) And if you search, Chinese also have this prophecy that these are the chosens.... Thats why also they built ghosts towns in china, to fill them up with their prisoners, or those who will follow them, but they will be killed at the end, because their prophecy says, ONLY the yellow race remains. Basic goal is only the hybrid will remain (the humanoids these fallen abominations created after Atlantis), in order to extract all planetary resources and try to escape the solar system. Hybrids ofcourse are created for a reason, they will not survive or travel with them at the end. Even if they think they chosens, they are chosens to destroy only, not to survive at the end.

this is their basic plan, some tweaks may take place, but thats their goal. You should think your self's, why all industry move into china, why all these monetary bubble created and its Chinese. Why china buys bankrupted lands with bubble money... Who is the army of 200 million in their faked prophetic books. The only country who can achieve this number is china.

So keep that as a reference. The above is their plans, not fathers plan, fathers plan is not known to anybody. But as far as we know, they will all die, nobody escapes the solar system.
edit on 2-10-2015 by Ploutonas because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2015 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: Ploutonas

Interesting take....a couple of points;

Yes there are Hebrew altars in China, archaeologists published about 12 years ago if I remember...however Judaism/Yah etc has its roots in Africa not Asia.The word Israel itself is an Akan word (Ghana). This is documented on net, not widely but its there.
Also Zionism was formed in Europe 18oo's...a brain child of Theodor Hertzel; which is also well documented.



edit on 2-10-2015 by Rosha because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2015 @ 07:05 AM
And to understand it a bit better, pre-christianism was much more closer to gnostics, they genocide them all destroyed most of the knowledge and jews crafted books by adding their god combined with father. Holy father and father of all/heavens is not YAH/SEDAI (JADE), this jade is a convict in the moon, cannot control not even 1 sky, what about be a father of all heavens (skies)... Jade/yah is a wannabe. He is imprisoned in the moon and monitored since... All these aliens, people call, are locked for thousands of years inside the solar system. The solar system become a kind of jail... nobody escapes, especially those abominations and their creations, along with the stolen goods... Its like a bank under robbery and the police is outside the building, trying to find a way to get the criminals...

If you take the jews name of their god is SIN SION SEDAI YAH ANTONAI... its a name... in chinese is like Chin Chon JEDI Jade...

also you should know that the noumerology of Father is number 13, not 666 or 777 or 888....
edit on 2-10-2015 by Ploutonas because: (no reason given)

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