posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 08:07 PM
If man were still as ignorant today as they were 2500 years ago, this quake and tsunami may have been recorded as a smiting by the God of Asians'
enemy, and probably much believed today as being the case. Unfortunately some are still as ignorant, and the muslem proselytizers are not alone, for
so too are Christians making their own claim, one among them is a Bill Koenig, White House news correspondent.
Koenig includes in his doomsday epistle how Christians Survived Disaster, as if to suggest he managed to survey all the dead and discovered there were
no Christians among them. He is such a good Christian that he finds it necessary to charge a buck to read his interpretation of this event. I have
not searched through his site for anything further as I learned of his by reading a rant, but somehow I doubt he sings praises to Allah�s wrath for
the California earthquakes, the particularly destructive SF fire; 9/11;or even the three devastating hurricanes to hit Florida last year. But another
stands out on his page where he speaks of 4 disasters striking on Catholic holidays. Imagine that! Of all of the disasters to strike, he salivates
over 4 beginning in the year 1755.
My how the Gods must be battling for power in the heavens! If we were to believe all of these false prophets and heretics, we would have to conclude
the Gods are having fun at our expense, as they giggle with delight every time the other moves his chess piece.
[edit on 1/1/05 by SomewhereinBetween]