posted on Sep, 29 2015 @ 02:37 PM
originally posted by: tigertatzen
a reply to: trifecta
These anomalies could be the handiwork Cloud-Bursting. A psychic technique used to disperse or vaporize formations. The negative space around the V
could be it's tedious results.
Err...a psychic technique??? Please, explain.
Cloud-Bursting or Cloud-busting is a novice practice used to develop dormant and mishandled psychic potential. It involves the mental manipulation of
electromagnetic forces, which constitute 99% of reality. The ability to bridle and redirect these force allows you to agitate or excite the
ionasphere. Ions are merely electrically charged gas particles in reaction with the Earth's magnetic field. New holographic technology that publicly
debuted in Japan works off these principles too.
To Cloud-burst you need a visual medium as a foci. Many psychic sensitives have a condition called "Visual Snow". It's perceived as an eye disfunction
in the medical world, but they have no answers, lol. The truth is Visual snow is an actual medium for mastering your own electromagnetism. Visual
snow looks link a thin veneer of transparent static, similar to what you'd see on an old vacuum tube tv. Typically the visual snow is accompanied by
high pitch variable ri ginger in your ears that closely resembles tinnitus. This is all about tuning into the electromagnetic spectrum. With this
medium unlocked you will be able to detect faint EM emissions from electronic and biological entities. You can literally observe bio electric
emissions convect from your hands and eyes. Some New Age types call it Aura. But it's much more than that.
The next step following Visual snow is development of Vortex Arcing. With practice and deep concentration, you can also unlock this feature of the
psyche. The visual queue for the Arcing is a controlled overlay of red, electrical arcing spinning rapidly in a vortex form. Each eye will have its
own mutally exclusive votrex. Focus in on one point of axis in the space in front of you, to collide both Vortices, so they coalesce. This for used
red arcing vortex is the main tool for manipulation of exterior forces, in sync with Visual snow medium. Think of it as the vortices as your pen, and
the Snow as your paper. These two functions serve as the universal substrate for psychic development and actualization.
Cloud-bursting involves focusing the vortex onto the center or the outside edges of nearby clouds, and then having your vortex cave in on itself. You.
Wed to visualize and trigger the caving with your frontal lobes. It's not that simple, it takes complete focus, concentration, and activating specific
neural pathways in your brain. Kinda like trying to wiggle your ears. Practice makes perfect.
I hope that helps you to understand Cloud-Bursting.