It is wired that alcohol and cigarettes are the only drugs which were legalized but none of the psychedelics are legal. This can propose a question if
somebody in power wanted to close this doors for all of us. Because I got the felling that somebody does not want us to experience such things and to
expand our conciousness since looong time ago.
All psychedelic drugs in nature are good in some ways and bad in others. But the bad side is usually just a minor thing, compared to the good side.
Which can potentially expand your mind and question the reality and real nature of our mind - it can give you new focus in life, it can change your
priorities and you know what is important to you and what needs to be done. Especially if you mix psychedelic with meditation and not just for
curiosity or fun as most do. Then the real fun starts, once you get under the ego into subconsciousness.
These things are non addictive and have almost no bad effect on the body, to my knowledge. On the contrary, there are more and more scientific
research available on the net which proofs that this drugs can be very beneficial in many ways on the mind.
Then there are more and more doctors coming foreword with a therapy for a patient who is facing imminent death. They tested mushrooms and Lysergic
acid diethylamide with some terminals ill patents. And the results were mind blowing. The patients describe how this experience changed their
prospective on life, pain, death in general and that they are now prepared for death and are not or less afraid of it.
So why are they still illegal? Non addictive, benefits the body and brain, benefits for psychology and other medical uses, can be used to explore your
mind, very fun ... what is the point of prohibition? Why is that still in effect?
We should sell this stuff in the pharmaceutical stores, under age restriction limit!
But the dmt experience still eludes me. I have read a lot about it and it is most fascinating. Once someone got a heigh Tibetan monk the dmt, and
guess what he said?
This world which unveils in trance is the bardo or in our terms, the world of the dead. He said that this is the heights stage one can get while alive
with meditation or drugs and only the dead can go further.
On the other hand. It is obvious why it is illegal, the way things are in our society. Almost anything which can get you of the fear propaganda is
shunned. But soon the medical benefits will be clear to to many people and they will have to change things. I hope!
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