I am going to attempt to explain the psychological and physiological reasons virginity and monogamous marriage is better than multiple partners.
Falling in Love as a drug
"The euphoric “high” that accompanies the passion-filled, early days of romantic love is a common pop music theme, but is it just a metaphor or is
love really like a drug?
When researchers examined the question, they found that intense feelings of romantic love affect the brain in the same way drugs like coc aine or
powerful pain relievers do."
Sex as a drug
Dopamine - A release of dopamine is associated with craving and dependency in addiction,
Norepinephrine - This chemical generates exhilaration and increased energy by giving the body a shot of natural adrenaline.
Testosterone - the key hormone of desire, triggering feelings of positive energy and well-being.
Oxytocin - The flood of oxytocin at climax acts as a natural tranquilizer.
Serotonin - This natural chemical is released right after climax, bringing on a deep feeling of calmness, satisfaction and release from stress.
Love and Sex the addiction
Since it scientifically proven that falling in Love and Sex share similar chemical release to taking drugs I am going to use a drug addict as a
metaphor. To keep with T&C I am simply going to say Drug L and Drug S for Love and Sex.
The first time our user uses Drug L is similar to the first time we fall in love. The first time he uses Drug S is similar to the first sexual
experience. Sometimes he uses both Drug L and Drug S at the same time. We will refer to this as Drug LS. This will represent having sex with someone
we are in love with.
The first time he uses drug L he believed that he was flying high, everyday he became more and more addicted to Drug L. Afte a time he decides to add
Drug S to the mix and the feeling was euphoria.
This chemical addiction to Drug LS is so strong it is an addiction that is almost impossible to break. Once he takes Drug LS he will do just about
anything to keep Drug LS in his possession so he never has to come down.
Afte one year he notices the effects of Drug LS are diminishing. Drug L is weakening while he needs more and more of Drug S to achieve the same
However he only knows about Drug L and Drug S and his addiction is so strong even with the diminished results he will do almost anything to keep Drug
LS in his possession.
This is the state of a virgin who has fallen in Love and had Sex for the first time. Addicted to his partner, willing to do almost anything to keep
his partner because it is the only source of Drug LS that he knows.
Assume that our addict moves to a new town. In this town they have Drug L2 and Drug S2. Almost identical but when he first takes them he considers
them better than Drug LS. However after only 6 months he realizes the Drug LS2 actually is having lessor effects than Drug LS had before he moved to
the new city.
This is the state of the person who has fallen in love and had sex with his second partner.
Again he is forced to move and in his new city he finds that they only have Drug L3 and Drug S3. The first time he takes Drug LS3 it reminds him of
the high from Drug LS.
However after only 3 months Drug LS3 has less effect than either Drug LS or Drug LS2.
This is similar to the state of the person who has fallen in love and had sex for the third time.
The effects of having many sexual partners
Can we know for certain that the more partners we have the effects of the Drugs of Love and Sex diminish?
Porn Addiction leads to ED.
60% of compulsive porn users in this brain scan study reported erectile dysfunction
Porn allows us to simulate a sexual experience with hundreds or even thousands of different partners.
Our drug user now has access to Drugs S4 to S1000 but he has disassociated Drug S from Drug L.
A similar dissociation will hapen in the minds of those who are promiscuous or who frequent prostitutes.
Now that Drug S no longer is accompanied by Drug L, the effects are weeker and the user needs to take many different combinations of the various Drug
S to achieve a high.
The promiscuous person becomes like our drug user. He seeks more and more combinations of Drug S. Chasing after his high he becomes more likely to
experiment in the world of taboos just to get high.
What does this have to do with the bible
Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. And if she divorces her husband and marries another man,
she commits adultery.”
I believe that Jesus is expressing a psychological and physiological truth.
The person who remains a virgin until marriage only knows of one place to get high. To this person their relationship is like a extreme drug
addiction. This addiction can be so strong that it binds a couple together, even when the relationship is rocky.
For the person who divorces and remarrys they will become like the drug addicts above. They will form a strong addiction but something is different
the second time. Now they have realized that the drugs associated with Love and Sex are not exclusive to one person. This knowledge actually weakens
the bond formed by the drugs.
A second divorce leading to a third marriage will weaken the chemical bonds even more and so on.
The teaching of Jesus is trying to return us to the nost beneficial state for our soul. There can be no greater bond of Love and Sex than between two
people who have known no other intimately.
When this bond is broken it is like becoming an adulterer, someone that knows the drug can be found in multiple sources, but who's effects have been
Is divorce still allowed
1st we must understand that physical abuse and adultery are not permitted. In both situations the abused has a right to leave as the partner has
violated the terms of marriage.
Colossians 3:19
Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.
What if 2 people simply don't want to be married anymore?
Anyone who wants to be perfect in the Lord will seek counciling and do everything humanly possible to stay together, but if one party no longer has
faith in the union of marriage here is what the bible says about a marriage absent of faith.
1 Corinthians 7
A husband must not divorce his wife...But if the unbeliever leaves, let it be so. The brother or the sister is not bound in such circumstances; God
has called us to live in peace.
If one person is set on leaving and can find no faith in their heart to remain married God would prefer you to live in peace. The one who's faith is
pure will be exalted and the one whose faith is weak will be forgiven.
I understand that I have simplified Love and Sex, and that their are many other factors involved, but for the sake of this thread I would like to
assume that each relationship was similar in both Love and physical compatibility. Hopefully this will keep us from getting off topic.
edit on
28-9-2015 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)