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“Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.” Joseph Stalin
The synthetic Hegelian solution to all these conflicts can't be introduced unless we all take a side that will advance the agenda. ~ Niki Rapaana
In propaganda this called a false dilemma. As in reality you can be with both, against both, be neutral with one and with/against the other. All in all, there is many more choices. But people usually fall into the trap and choose one or the other.
Would-be global rulers cannot physically control six and a half billion humans. Therefore, they must use secrecy and deceit. Keep the human herd ignorant and fighting with each other. Divide and conquer – it’s the oldest tactic in the book. And it’s relatively easy if you control the major academic institutions, the political parties and the major mass media (a mere five multinational corporations with interlocking directorships today control everything we see and hear. ~ Jim Marrs
Do The Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens?
originally posted by: skunkape23
I know people on both sides of the fence that would vote for a cold turd on a platter as long as it was their side.
It's as bad as bad as the unwavering devotion of football fans to a particular team.
I do not understand it. I've given up trying.
originally posted by: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
It's extremely frustrating to see people so absorbed in the political bull#, it's all just a big scam and charade to keep us from talking about the real issues. Neither side has ANY of our interests in mind, only their own selfish interests.
Liberals and Conservatives who vilify the other side are so delusional that they can't see that they're being played so hard by those in power and their media lap dogs.
ETA: I see one has joined in.
originally posted by: caterpillage
I'm not sure where I want to go with this rant, but I know I've had about enough of this crap.
I'm so tired of the right versus left, republican versus democrat, my side is better than yours Bs.
I see that both sides of our political arena are so corrupted, and are so intricately intwined as to be ultimately indistinguishable from one another on any real tangible level that to say that we have any true choice as to who governs us is just ludicrous. Sure, there are some minor differences, abortions, gay marriage, etc, but they all serve the same corporate oligarchic master in the end result, this has been proven many times over the last hundred years or so.
Why are you people fighting so hard for democrats and republicans? Don't you see what you are playing into? Are you really that simple?
I just don't get why we as a people are just laying down and voting ourselves into oblivion every freaking election cycle in this country over talking points and lesser of two evils.
You liberals, YOU SUCK! You conservatives, YOU SUCK!
Get together people. Realize your choices all suck, or die alone.
So tired of this crap