posted on Sep, 27 2015 @ 12:35 PM
Here's a theoretical physicist who has provided overwhelming, hard, mathematical evidence for the existence of a universal pattern or blueprint
embedded in sacred geometries of the world's religions that reproduces in analogous form the group mathematics of the two symmetry groups proved in
superstring theory to be free of quantum anomalies:
In pioneering research, he shows that the Tantric Sri Yantra, the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, the first four Platonic solids and the disdyakis
triacontahedron embody exactly the same numbers in their geometries as the number of vertices and edges of the Gosset polytope, which mathematicians
know is the polytope representation of the 240 roots of the rank-8 exceptional Lie group E8 at the heart of superstring theory. In other words, he has
shown that a scientific theory of the forces of nature is expressed in the mathematics of the sacred geometries of certain religions - a true
conjunction of science and religion!
O.K. You may never have heard of him. But study his research. It speaks for itself. He does not need to pontificate about whether God exists or not.
He has quietly settled the age-long issue beyond reasonable doubt through rigorous mathematical research that demonstrates the existence of
astounding, hitherto unknown connections between religions and discoveries in particle physics and molecular biology that can be explained only in
terms of an intelligent, cosmic design that underpins matter and self-replicating systems - one that is
mathematically perfect.