Remember, these ADAs had no problem serving a state that has denied gun rights to "lesser people", i.e. residents with no financial or political
influence since the passage of the Sullivan Act of 1911.
And, there is nowhere to be found an interpretation of the 2nd Amendment that even hints that prosecutors are among the privileged who may be armed.
(according to some it only guarantees The National Guard's right to hunt ducks, or some such legal gibberish) Rather than be covered by the
constitution they'd rather think of themselves as immune to it.
And, what if an Ass't DA sues and wins; how can they then claim that the denial of handguns to the public at large is consistent with the equal
protection clauses of the federal and state constitutions? In other words, what would they cite as justification for their rights that don't apply to
all lawful residents (who aren't persons otherwise prohibited), unless of course all prosecutors attend the police academy and become sworn peace
So, any employee(s) who won such a lawsuit would be obligated to resign before Ms. Singas fired her, him or them. And the legal establishment would
back IL DOUCHE (the Greek spelling _javascript:icon('
') if she asserted that "rogue prosecutors loosed a scourge on the good people of Nassau
County, particularly those who need the guidance of strong govt to keep them on the path of goodness".
These ADAs signed on to systematically deny the rights of ordinary schmoes like SUBWAY SURVIVOR INITIATIVE Founder Bernhard Goetz who was repeatedly
denied a carry permit despite being beaten within an inch of his life) while celebs like former celebrity cokehead Don Imus and scatterbrained
comedienne Joan Rivers, who were shuttled around in limos received their carry permits with no resistance at all.
I predict that the boss will regret having opened this can of squirms.
When former San Fran Mayor Dianne Feinstein briefly banned handguns in the city a check of pubic records revealed that she had failed to surrender not
one but TWO S&W Mod. 36 "Chief Special" snub nosed revolvers. (for her and hubby.) When asked about it she said, "Oh, it's just a little thing!" Yeah,
Dianne, but the law applied to cheap, dangerous "Saturday Night Specials",
and big, powerful and dangerous guns too!
I'll bet five drachmas that Madeline Singas will be exposed for her hypocrisy when its revealed that perhaps her kids are driven to school by SWAT
officers, and once it sinks in that a public announcement to crims that she's unarmed she'll arrive for work under police escort with drooping
Until Ms. Sings shoots herself in the foot we should watch to see if other county DAs call this new rule, "A splendid idea!".