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dead arrested

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posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 09:23 AM
light is an illusion
when shadows defy darkness
a storm is a shelter
cemented remains of a miracle
mistranslated fury
grazes the key
to an old photograph
of glorious ruins
lost in awe
tongue coated thick
with syllables of confusion

a near forgotten clock painted
sleep random strokes
a dripping impasto of images
where dog bites half a dream
asterisks scars on my fist
paralyzed suspenders sacrificed
for parallel noise therapy

blind crosschoices
squeezing wonders
on crumpled bits of paper
hoarding little incidents
from the monochrome years
undecided hope decided
to sit
in a corner of oblivion
and celebrate
the festival of silence

posted on Oct, 8 2015 @ 06:59 AM
I tried to post another half-baked poem about a week ago and was rejected because the title is already taken in the vast archive of ATS, so I thought it will be more appropriate to just troll my own thread and keep all my sh*t or contributions to this forum in one place... yeah, another drunken idea.

Without further ado, here's poems, lyrics in search of music, spoken words and other bullsh*ts.


heaven is below us
beside us
around us
within us
a hair's breadth to perfection
a stone's throw to oblivion
heaven is elusive
the obvious path to damnation

A Raffle Ticket

I don't know why
I bought a raffle ticket
It cost me dearly
An arm, a leg and my sanity
The Grand Prize
Is a front seat roller-coaster ride
To the end of the rainbow
What will I find there
I don't know
Perhaps at last I will find
Life in watercolor harmony
Uncharted dreams in living color
Primordial bliss
In an endless chain of epiphanies
But then again
I may be wrong
I might find
God's chamber pot
Full of malignant trivia
Instead of gold
A muck heap
Painted in human misery
The color of madness revealed
Through the prism of mediocrity
So what the hell
I don't care
There are still
Second and Third Prizes
Whatever they may be
And to tell you frankly
I'll be happy
Not to win any consolation.

posted on Oct, 15 2015 @ 05:18 PM
The Devil's Lantern

From the Devil's lantern unfolds
a blanket of nothingness, it breathes

the silence of silence- the fury
of absence pregnant with meaning:

till death becomes undying.

posted on Oct, 22 2015 @ 06:08 PM
under the stars

scared, divided
alone, undecided
couldn't help it
couldn't hide it

you inspire, you torment
you enchant, you evade
you perceive, you deny
you accede, you belie

to trust fear
when everything seems so clear
to will a tragedy
when there's no escaping destiny

under your spell
under the stars

Heart on My Thumb

This isn't easy, it's like
tightrope walking in the dark
phrasing, paraphrasing in less
than one hundred sixty characters.

Ever so discreetly, trying
to explain the obvious
like a terrible poet, trying
not to spill his guts out.

Message sent, waiting for
a reply, waiting, waiting.
Did I get her number right?
Life hanging on a single beep.

Should I be glad I told her
things that I shouldn't have?
Guess I know where I stand,
too bad I got my heart on my thumb.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 11:32 PM
Killing Time's Killing Me

the songs I wanted to forget
I sang myself a lie
I cried myself a song
I killed myself some time
Killing time's killing me.
things I ought to remember
I told myself to wait
I bought myself some hope
I knew myself it's late
Killing time's killing me.
It's late
too late
Killing time's killing me.

posted on Jan, 12 2016 @ 11:12 AM

There's no need to rush
a bullet.
In a blink of the eye,
it will follow its own path
till the end.

A Sixth

Let the dice
on a chewinggum
peppered pavement,
your life's enslavement
to frivolities.
The uncertain truths
& the certain lies,
your will to live
& your wish to die.

posted on Feb, 6 2016 @ 08:20 AM
The Year of the Dog

a seventy second minute
a twelve minute hour
an eight hour day
a three day month
a month and a half year
a year life

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 05:08 AM
an ad

it's all the same
from different perpectives
opposite extremes
death in the middle
life on the edge


Hanging by the skin of our balls
We crossed the road that's there no more
To pay the rent that help conceive
The fruit of joy of love of fear.

Selling plaster canes and plaster hearts
We pagans beg to starve
It rained alms last night that drowned all guilt
The unwilling Host we must forgive.

posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 02:29 PM
the buttered side-effect

the chicken lips twaddle
'round the ouija pool
of dancing centipedes
time's up time's up
a ship is burning inside my head
yesterday's cloud rattled
a rhapsody of headaches mailing
candied Molotov pixies
time's up time's up
wet pajamas inside the suitcase of my fears
eighty whory winds gobbled
the smiling jewels of the daughter of
space & time
'til her gum bleeds dragons
& shed tears of rubies
times up times up
wading through the cesspool of memories

Half a Dozen Poems From Nowhere

a picture
wide awake a song
rain... imagining
an itch cold
like you a bulb
maggots, reflections ripples
sink memory
a smile
a lie
to sleep for two

2 (To Jean)
The rain washed down the sweet smell of decay
Drop by drop they crystallized- a harmony of despair.
A thousand visions embalmed the night
When the sun blossoms, they fade into light.

Paper talking, talking paper
Dry ink staring
From the depths of nowhere
Herds are seeking
Seeking, grazing
A grayer pasture
Not of life, I'm sure.

Recycled conversations invaded my sleep
Like a litany of lies
Like a ritual that lost it's meaning
I woke up haunted by a dream
A dead dream
A dream murdered by the stealthy
daggers of indiscretion
A dream dreamt
A dream lost
A dream exhumed from the graveyards
of my memory
Resurrected by a god I know intimately.

Madness embrace
In the pink of the night
A slave of slaves
Beyond unreasonable doubt
The barking snake
With cunnilingual tongue
Slithers through
Her threadbare soul
All that remains
Of the broken halo
The living effigy
Of the Great Mistake
Inexorably deplorable
A mirror image
No one can own.

an inane light casts
shades of meaning
on synthetic illusions
old & new beginnings
blend into benign

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