posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 08:00 PM
The next phase of the NWO is starting in about two days from now on the 28th of sep, a new God will be born on the Blood Moon, a new church is already
in place, a new philosophy inplanted. In theology this is just a repeating pattern, which actually works, a new matrix, Boson higgins quantum physics,
millions of paralell universes instead of one dogmatic. When you reach a insight of clarity, its almost insanity. But it has always worked the same
way, the same pattern, the same play field. This time its called Globalization, in the past it was under another name, its called feminism, the past
mentioned it under another name. The mythology story changes to a new king, which will be called a God and his descendents in the next millenia.
Everything is planted, just a few minor drawbacks, but its called human nature, or freedom of will.
Im embracing the future, its a new chapter of human progress and evolution, try to make it a peaceful one.