posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 02:51 PM
originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
If Obama was actually going to go after someone on radio it wouldnt be thats a pretty narcissistic outlook.......
1.Micheal Savage (freaking headcase psychopath)
2. Rush Limbaugh (ego maniacal right wing pundent who thinks hes never wrong)
3. Glenn Beck (actually like beck, hes changed a lot over the last 4 years)
4. Mark Levin (smart, well spoken, dont really have anything bad to say)
But yeah, hed have to clear that list FIRST before even having to be worried about Obamas people
Yeh what Glenn did for the mexican children immigrants out of his own pocket showed that he is a good human being.
Mark Levin actually knows what he's talking about when it comes to law and the constitution and isn't an establishment rino a-- licker.
The establishment hates alex jones because he's starting his own TV channel(VERY expensive recurring costs and fcc regulatory costs). The
establishment is arrogant and thinks of middle class income(where alex came from) Texas people as dumb rednecks/hillbillies that can't do anything
without a government helping them.
TPsychopathsTB think they have a monopoly on reality and credibility. That is why they brought in on pierce morgan's show to "debunk" him and it blew
up in their faces. He just injected truth and got the audience to research thier reality. Win.
Love him or hate him. You have to respect that he is a normal person challenging the pro-corporate pro-globalist narrative and actually succeeding. He
is launching a standard satellite stream. After he gets that ready all they have to do is fill airspace(he has his own original programming all he
needs is to buy more content to fill timeslots) and advert spots and he has a normal television channel that could be picked up by time warner/comcast
or at&t or verizon fios or DirecTV or Chartered or Dish network etc.
I respect a person that worked hard for what they created and didn't lick the system's backside for bailout money.