posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 02:46 AM
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Fasting for too long is not a good option. I strongly suspect that the initial beneficial aspects of fasting come from the ketosis it may induce.
The human body have a carbs reserve of glycogen in the liver for about 2 days. When spent, body fat will be used to produce energy by making ketone
bodies. Then, depending of the status of your enzymes required to use ketone bodies, you may require an adaptation period to allow your body to use
this fuel. During that time you may feel like crap... With time, your brain will switch from glucose utilization to ketone bodies and you will become
immune to hypoglycemia. Your body will synthetize the glucose it need from gluconeogenesis, so don't listen to all the ignorants that tell you will
die if you don't eat carbs...
Cellular metabolism of ketone bodies is more direct and require properly functionning mitochondria, thus making such diet a cancer fighting one
(cancer require defective mitochondria). It has antibacterial activity, is neuroprotective and have many other advantages. In fact it is a protection
mechanism for the human body when hurt and not capable of feeding itself. Why do you think terminal phase patients, when they stop feeding them, just
before their death have a short improvement just before their final moment?
However you will need to acquire medical knowledge as such diet is not without danger. Knowledge is power, continue to depend on the medical
establisment or others to care for your health and you will remain a slave.
You seem to want to experiment in self control, ketogenic diet require a lot of self control, imagine refusing pizza, bread, sugar treat, doughnut,
cake, pie ...