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CERN 'pre-dicts' 2015 as when they 'confirmed' SYMMETRY: Matter & Antimatter MIRROR Each Other

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posted on Sep, 23 2015 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: Bedlam

I believe if the government and or whoever operates off their teet so to speak would stop hiding all the ship technology, off world mineral mining used to build a fund for everyone on the planet similar to Alaska's Dividend system could be implemented with humane conditions attached of course. Lets face it we dont want to keep running all the combustion engines and development for alternatives is ongoing coupled with the fact that the human holders of high technology are likely to keep it mostly hidden and rightly so.

However that does not change the fact that they could at least take the time to find and implement some universal income scheme and a generous donation to folks like Aubrey Degrey who are at least optimistic about reducing human suffering. Instead of nay-saying and coddling the status quo of suffering and misery that is the backbone of the establishment and the military industrial complexes of the world. All the extra precious metals could obviously be used to build medical devices and other goodies so it is a win for the market and a win for the poor we don't have to keep neglecting. I say unless you all want to live in a technological prison without equality of much of anything we just keep on down this path of destruction, war, disease and tacit government approval to this state of affairs it might be time to warm up to the idea of at least making sure everyone is fat, happy, and part of the future that does not resemble the god damned Mad Max Thunderdome.
edit on 23-9-2015 by stabstab because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-9-2015 by stabstab because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-9-2015 by stabstab because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2015 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: stormbringer1701

There is 0 shame in making sure people are well fed rich or poor. I think humanity has come through one hell of a # storm throughout history and our ancestors fought tooth and nail to get us all here the least we can do is lift one another up as they did with what we are good at and the tools on our belt.

posted on Sep, 23 2015 @ 11:17 PM

originally posted by: stabstab
a reply to: stormbringer1701

There is 0 shame in making sure people are well fed rich or poor. I think humanity has come through one hell of a # storm throughout history and our ancestors fought tooth and nail to get us all here the least we can do is lift one another up as they did with what we are good at and the tools on our belt.
The issue isn't charity it's theft and suppression.

of course one should help others when one is able but it should always be a personal does not arise from the force of law. feed the poor and they are hungry again the next day or week or month. teach them how to be rich and they are rich forever. one cannot make the poor rich by making the rich poor. The process of becoming well off isn't served by being dependent on others for every crumb in perpetuity.

there is always something even the below average in natural gifts and talents can do. you have to know it first and then do it and keep trying if you fail.

go buy seeds for plants that the local greenhouses and home stores do not sell. start them off get 'em to 4 to 6 inches tall and sell them as rare cultivars. do something weird like sprouting store brought coconuts and selling them as indoor plants. sell cocoa plants, mango trees, russian tomato cultivars, japanese white strawberries, blue fleshed and skinned potatoes. since no local store sells them you can have a satisfying mark up for most and a fantastic mark up on true exotics. no degree needed. few resources needed. eventually you could even sell to the nurseries and big boxes around your area. how much education and connections does that take? really it only takes the idea and preserverance.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 12:54 AM
a reply to: Milah

Supersymmetry (or SUSY for short) has existed as a theoretical concept since 1966. We are still working towards an understanding.

Symmetry (or the absence therof) between matter and antimatter is a very specific thing. To assume that it is speaking about every dichotomy (black/white, dark/light, good/evil; as the OP does) is poorly reasoned.

The woman in the video made a mistake and corrected it immediately. She didn't time travel to the past to give a TED talk as is implied by the person who posted the video on YouTube.

Sometimes I think that the purpose of some peoples brains is only to keep their ears apart!

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 02:13 AM

originally posted by: bottleslingguy
How does it get us off fossil fuels and nukes? How does it get clean drinking water to people all around the world? How is it going to improve the lives of the greatest number of people? We can do without most B.S. modern conveniences and wasting our tax dollars on stupid things. I say it's a distraction from the electric universe theory. That's where the really substantial science is found.

a reply to: 3danimator2014

Except Philae disproved EU theory and every prediction is wrong.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 03:26 AM
a reply to: Isurrender73

There will never be free sustainable energy in our lifetime probably never. Due to the fact our planet is run by psychopaths and a monetary system that enslaves the masses.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 03:48 AM
a reply to: texasyeti

Or the fact it's not possible. Explain how it can be "free and sustainable".

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 03:57 AM

originally posted by: Milah

^oops! ROFL (notice the diabolical laugh @ 3 mins in)

Anyways, what they 'will discovered' later today:

The existence of a fundamental symmetry in nature has been confirmed by measuring particle mass and electric charge using the CERN Large Hadron Collider. Researchers say it will help determine which theory on the laws of the universe is most plausible.

Can we have good without evil? Darkness without Light? Anyways, not sure by what they mean 'IN NATURE'. Anybody knows? I mean, all other scientific theories I've seen involving physics, subatomic particles, etc usually have nature implied but here it is explicitly stated. Why?

Wouldn't call their experiment a 'natural' environment. Is it natural for any particle other than a photon to move at or beyond the speed of light? (Not that that's what they have accomplished, but been wondering what's their obsession with 'Symmetry' and 'Nature' in their experiments lately! Esp given the above sinister slip-up)

Can I use this knowledge to create my own brewery and bakery?

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 06:25 AM
sigh, the old "Waste of tax payers money" bull... pat

The LHC cost about 20 billion to build, and took 15 years-ish and is funded by over 100 nations in various splits (most of it from the EU) Looking at the wiki the cost of construction is said to be around 10 billion actually, but iv heard that if you trace the project back, it was likely closer (including manpower etc) to be 20 billion.

SOoooo 20 billion in 15 years is 1.33 billion per year

More than 100 counties... i think its 130, but each nation does donate a different amount so lets say its 100 to cleanly round it off

so 13 million per year, per country.

Basically this equates to... NOTHING, Did you know, in the good o' US of A the church gets a tax exemption that costs and estimated 70 billion dollars. And i am pretty sure they don't donate all that money they get (remember thats just tax, the income is much higher) on the homeless and destitute.

Hmmm what else, in the UK it is estimated that the annual tax loss due to tax deals and businesses not wanting to pay their tax because they are too powerful to fine or punish is about 52 billion a year. Hmmmm the phone company vodaphone, thanks to a interesting tax loop (basically being an international company, means they don't pay tax in the UK despite making profits there... or something) meant that they made huge profits in the UK and didn't pay a penny of tax. Depending on how you look at it, some numbers pulled out of someones bum said 6billion... reality is that they paid a lesser amount of tax than they would owe to the uk, elsewhere in the world. Soooo yeah, fact remains that the UK lost a lot of tax money, worth more than the yearly cost of the LHC by a couple orders of magnitude.

The amount of money the people of the USA spend on beer each year is estimated at 100billion... (do you really need to drink all that?)
Cost of the F35 project is orders of magnitude higher... before any got built...
Estimate from one company who sells lipstick in the us is that their profit per year is 70 million...

Soooo right, still trying to tell me that spending about (lets round it up) 20 million on LHC science is wasting money that could be spent better elsewhere? Stop talking absolute, total, complete dumb, ignorant nonsense.

That will be all

edit on 24-9-2015 by ErosA433 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: Milah

Old news. Yin and Yang.


posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 08:03 AM
Also there was no real prediction

The process that people on ATS don't seem to understand is how particle physics works

How many ATSers think :-

Man sits in a dark room, pile of data on a disk, and looks at it and says oh look something interesting WOW i just found the higgs, quick let me phone the pope and blow raspberries down the phone... then let me call some media outlet so i can get an interview.

How it really happens :-

Group of men and women (some sharing offices) around the world submit thousands of analysis tasks to a huge cluster of computers. These perform very basic analysis looking for specific events with certain energy constraints and geometry. The computers crunch numbers and return a new set of data files. The group of men and women spend a few weeks looking over this and figure out if they change some parameters they can maybe clean up the data. This process begins again with the original data set.

At some point someone spots something interesting, a small excess of particles created at a specific energy, they look at their background model, to make sure it is correct. They add bigger data sets to make sure it isn't a statistical fluctuation. If there isn't then it goes for review by the collaboration in the case of the LHC this is sometimes about 200-300 people out of a 1000 who look at it.

They then decide, ok we need to change x y and z and prove that z and y are not related, and then also look at data from a different experiment at the LHC and see if the same happens there... we will have an announcement of the result later in the year... if its new physics, great, if its not, then we announce a confirmation.

It is a very complex process with things often going around in circles for a while... remember all the announcements about having announcements at the LHC? No because everyone forgot that there were about 3 different press conferences all saying they hadn't discovered Higgs but there might be signs of it, way before it was eventually finalized. What that is about is exactly the process i describe.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 09:01 AM
This is science?
2015 was declared International Year of Light

Frequently Asked Questions
Does CERN conduct secret research?

Symmetry is a dance-opera film, in which Cern scientist Lukas is thrown off balance, while working on the theory of everything and the smallest particle. Through Claron’s singing he rediscovers love, in an endless landscape. She takes him back to the moment before the big bang, when time didn’t exist; a love with no end...

edit on 24-9-2015 by Milah because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: Isurrender73
We will always have the poor, this is true. But do we always have to have the hungry and homeless?

Hungry just means bad hunter, I was homeless for 2 years, never hungry though, plenty of squirrels and rabbits, pigeons and the like, in the spring many plants and roots are edible.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: Milah

Boy they sure are trying hard to prove that Star Trek is real as are the mirror universes within it.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 01:34 PM
Essentially if the Higgs Boson is too heavy we are a fluke
and all conditions came together just so and by luck created us.
If Higgs is light it means symmetry and creation go hand in hand.
The weight ended up being exactly between the two points.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: Isurrender73
Maybe after their done with this experiment they can work on discovering a sustainable global food supply.

And the role for particle physicists in such a plan would be...??

What are you personally doing to alleviate the problem?

It's not an either/or.

Billions are spent on unnecessary science while many humans continue to live without the basics.

Billions globally is not even a rounding error in the global economy.

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 06:21 AM

originally posted by: Isurrender73

Maybe after their done with this experiment they can work on discovering a sustainable global food supply.

Will it provide free sustainable energy?

You'll be happy to know that we have already "solved" both of these. Regarding free energy we have the sun, and the biology that has evolved to feed off of it is not being fully integrated/taken advantage of in our current civilization's functioning.

Regarding the discovery of a sustainable food supply, the logjam in developed countries is that its citizens are still looking to the tip of the pyramid for the answers and the problem in undeveloped countries is the citizens don't have access to the following information en masse.

This solves both of those concerns (and many others) but it requires citizens to be active in their communities and to shift the inertia of our focus and time spent, however long a time it takes btw, away from the current system to one that thrives off of local investment and well-designed sustainable systems. The cubicle lifestyle will fortunately be a casualty of engaged, happy humans thriving off of systems designed in symbiosis with nature's laws of energy management.

edit on 25-9-2015 by SlickMcFavorite because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 06:46 AM
So she slipped up and almost stated it was discovered in 2015

well maybe other CERN discoveries include time travel and hence why she nearly slipped up
because she knew already due to a time traveller

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 06:49 AM
There is a lot of speculation about CERN, some of it coming from CERN. I think it's an interesting project and perhaps it will make things easier for our future generations but the money spent on such a speculative endeavor is not one I would personally invest (had I the choice) knowing what I know about the low-cost, sensible solutions (of which we already have many display models running) already available for solving the numerous concerns we have on this planet.

I can't say I particularly liked the video with the exception of the "Deus Ex: Human Revolution" music that they ran near the end. Definitely the best, in terms of production and evocation of mood, video game music I've ever heard.

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: sycomix

originally posted by: Isurrender73
We will always have the poor, this is true. But do we always have to have the hungry and homeless?

Hungry just means bad hunter, I was homeless for 2 years, never hungry though, plenty of squirrels and rabbits, pigeons and the like, in the spring many plants and roots are edible.

Not everyone is equipped to hunt
Not everyone lives somewhere where you can hunt

If you really were homeless then you should know how it feels and not put other homeless people down by calling them "bad hunters"

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