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Militants release chilling video, Iraq.

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posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by HeirToBokassa

Originally posted by Souljah
this news was posted on most news channels, so i do not think its a tabloid news source. all over europe there is the same news,

Oh hold on, I found a story on BBC about pedophilia, but it involves Muslim clerics, not U.S. soldiers. Somehow I'm not surprised.

Souljah, why are you on the side of the pedophiles?

Really going to throw that one at the Muslims? how many Catholic (my religion) priests where convicted of molesting children in the USA? The problem isnt with muslims, jews or christians, Its with small minded cowards who spread hatred like yourself simply because your to stupid to accept others cultures.

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by P Amaru
Really going to throw that one at the Muslims? how many Catholic (my religion) priests where convicted of molesting children in the USA? The problem isnt with muslims, jews or christians, Its with small minded cowards who spread hatred like yourself simply because your to stupid to accept others cultures.

Care to substantiate the claim about U.S. soldiers raping 12-year old children? Or is empty rhetoric more your game?

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by HeirToBokassa
Souljah, why are you on the side of the pedophiles?

why are you charging me of these false acusations?
i was simply trying to confirm the arab al-jazeera news source, because i have seen this news in most of the news channels, and for some, it is still a
tabloid news.

and dont get me wrong,
i am not on the side of pedophiles,
would more like to soak them in gasoline and burn them.

burn babylon!
burn pentagon!
burn buckingham!
burn politican!

capleton, jamaican artist

[edit on 2-1-2005 by Souljah]

[edit on 2-1-2005 by Souljah]

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Souljah
burn babylon!
burn pentagon!
burn buckingham!
burn politican!

You forgot to add "burn Muhammad" to your list. He was a pedophile who started an entire religion.

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 01:59 PM
HeirToBokassa... Give me any proof which said Muhhamed was a child molester.... I wonder what people like you gain from making up total lies? maybe you yourself have feelings for children and displace it by calling others pedophiles? i hope you can find mental health sometime on this planet

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by P Amaru
HeirToBokassa... Give me any proof which said Muhhamed was a child molester.... I wonder what people like you gain from making up total lies? maybe you yourself have feelings for children and displace it by calling others pedophiles? i hope you can find mental health sometime on this planet

Muhammad had intercourse with Aisha, a 9 year old girl. Look it up.

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 02:11 PM
The personal name calling and insults needs to stop

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Amuk
The personal name calling and insults needs to stop

Ahh Beat me to it

I second Amuk's call. This thread is for avid discussion about the Vote in Iraq. Please refer to u2u and keep it out of here. Warnings will be given out here on.

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 03:04 PM
So now that the mods have had their say, can any of those pushing the claim that U.S. soldiers raped 12-year old children offer any valid substantiation? Because it seems that your hurling of senseless personal insults in a feeble attempt to cloud the issue will no longer work...

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 03:32 PM
its been on al-jazeera and has been reported by others in iraq. not my fault you dont open your eyes to whats infront of you. And your posts about Muhammed are complete lies

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by P Amaru
its been on al-jazeera and has been reported by others in iraq.

And your posts about Muhammed are complete lies

Are you aware that it says in the Quran that Muhammad had intercourse with a nine-year-old girl? Or is that a complete lie?

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 03:51 PM
Ok people

Looks to me that this thread has disintergrated somewhat.
How about we get to the topic in question?

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 03:54 PM
not read that myself no... how about giving us a bit of proof instead of "it ssays here"

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by P Amaru
not read that myself no... how about giving us a bit of proof instead of "it ssays here"

The proof is in the Quran, as I have indicated. Unfortunately for some books are not considered valid sources; for them only the web suffices. While that attitude is ignorant, I will humour it here. There are a plethora of websites that contain information on Muhammad's intercourse with 9-year-old Aisha,

I will focus on those that are clearly pro-Islamic but admit the same thing (however they wish to sugar-coat the horrific truth):

There are many more if you choose to look for them rather than burying your head in the sand of the arabian desert.

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 04:25 PM
It has been made clear that this thread has been taken off topic.

So far off topic there is no need in having it continue.

Sorry, thread closed.

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