a reply to:
Great post and thread.
It's great to see another person who sees things the way they are and isn't afraid to speak up.
There's too many people now who are too scared and ashamed to say what they really think and feel, because there's another group of people who are
pushing these agendas on everyone, and the moment you speak up you are attacked.
It's the height of hypocrisy. Demanding equality and rights, but then attacking those for exercising their rights just because you disagree with what
they are saying.
It's a very simple matter actually.
Our reproductive organs are just that, our reproductive organs. You do not need to look at scripture and God to know this. You do not need God to tell
you that homosexuality is not natural, is not normal.
My penis is not intended to be inserted into another mans backside. It is, besides for the release of waste ie urine, to reproduce with the female of
our species.
Our societies are so corrupt though, so morally bankrupt, that the compass isn't just pointing the wrong way, it's completely been destroyed.
One thing God does teach is, that Satan is cunning and will lead you astray.
Now..how cunning is it to lead people astray, by actually having them believe that they are doing the right thing?
Because, in reality, by treating people good, nice, etc, by being a good person, you are actually doing the right thing.
But you are doing it with the wrong intentions.
Of course there's those who don't believe in God, and that's fine, I'm not going to argue for or against that. That's their personal choice, and good
luck with that.
But I've seen enough, and know enough, to know that God exists. I don't need to discuss that point with pseudo wannabe intellectuals on the Internet.
I could give many examples from my own life, and the lives of family and friends around me..but I wont bother because in a forum like this, well, you
see the sort of responses you thread has got, so it's a waste of time and bandwidth typing that stuff for these types of people.
Their hypocrisy is amazing though. Almost laughable. And it does them a great disservice.
You can already see some of the responses in this thread before my post, trash talking religion and God.
Yet these same people will turn around in the same breath and condemn you and judge you for not accepting homosexuality as normal, and attack you for
apparently not agreeing that these people should have equal rights.
They want equal rights for a minority group, but then will attack others for exercising their rights.
And the saddest part, and biggest indication of just how far gone and lost and beyond repair our society and world is, is that this is what is
accepted as normal behavior and the majority do not challenge it.
Those that do are attacked and abused for having a different view or belief.
Then you have the wannabe intellectuals like the first guy to reply, whose response was to go out on a tangent and distract from what you are saying
by talking about other issues and trying to paint Christians as bad, basically trying to turn the tables on you.
This is just another sad pathetic tactic they use to bring you down.
So much for equality and equal rights and all that huh?
It's only for them, and for people who agree with them and their views.
With enough conditioning and a big enough push by the corporate media and Hollywood, these people will also be arguing for the legalization of
inter-species marriages(ie bestiality).
Because what's told them is normal, is what they will accept as being normal.
They are on ATS pretending to be, because they think they are free spirits, free open minded people.
But in reality they are sheep. Brainwashed indoctrinated fools who can't see the carrot being held in front of their faces leading them in whatever
direction their puppet masters want them to go in.
Our world is beyond repair.