posted on Sep, 22 2015 @ 12:43 PM
"According to General Wesley Clark, the master plan for the "dollarification" of the world's oil nations included seven targets, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon,
Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran (Venezuela, which dared to sell their oil to China for the Yuan, is a late addition). What is notable about the
original seven nations originally targeted by the US is that none of them are members of the Bank for International Settlements, the private central
bankers privatecentral bank, located in Switzerland. This meant that these nations were deciding for themselves how to run their nations' economies,
rather than submit to the international private banks."
Looks like the list of countries with no debt to our western bankers days are numbered. These oil producing countries also do not follow the
international standard of selling and buying oil in US dollars set in motion by Nixon. USA promised in turn to defend / invade whoever attacks Saudi,
Kuwait, etc. as long as they prop the dollar through oil. Iraq and Lybia where debt free but they both began to sell oil in other denominations. This
devalues the oil based dollar and they were taken out . Libya / Iraq have now been liberated from a tyrant .
"Libya 2011: If the ruler of a country refuses to become the servant of the New World Order people, he is subjected to character assassination and
physically attacked with troops. I don’t for a moment suggest that Col. Gaddafi was a saint, but as the Bible so aptly remarks, you can tell a
man’s character by the things which he does, so what did Col. Gaddafi do? Well, here is some information passed to me and I leave you to decide for
1. In Libya, electricity is free for all of it’s citizens.
2. There is no interest on loans, banks in Libya are state-owned and loans are given to all its citizens at 0% interest which is requirement of Libyan
3. Owning a home is considered a human right in Libya – Gaddafi vowed that his parents would not get a house until everyone else in Libya had a
home. Gaddafi’s father has died while he, his wife and his mother were still living in a tent.
4. All newlyweds in Libya receive $60,000 Dinar (US$50,000 ) from the government, to buy their first apartment to help them start a family.
5. Education and medical treatments are free in Libya. Before Gaddafi only 25% of Libyans were literate. Today the figure is 83%.
6. If any Libyan wants to take up farming, he receives farming land, a farm house, equipment, seeds and livestock to kick- start their farms – all
for free.
7. If Libyans cannot find the education or medical facilities they need in Libya, the government funds them to go abroad for it – not just free, but
they get US$2, 300 per month for accommodation and running a car.
8. If a Libyan buys a car, the government pays 50% of the price.
9. The price of petrol in Libya is US$0.14 per litre (in the UK, it is $2.17 per litre at this time, which is more than 15 times as much).
10. Libya has no external debt and its reserves amount to US$150 billion – now frozen globally.
11. If a Libyan is unable to get employment after graduation, the state pays the average salary of the profession as if he or she is employed, until
employment is found.
12. A portion of Libyan oil sale revenues is credited directly to the bank accounts of all Libyan citizens.
13. A mother who gives birth to a child receives US$5 ,000.
14. 40 loaves of bread in Libya costs just US$ 0.15 (in the UK, it is 200 times more expensive).
15. 25% of Libyans have a university degree, while in the UK, Sir Clive Woodhead, former Chief Inspector of Schools, has recently recommended that
children should leave school at age 14 and become apprentices.
16. Col. Gaddafi carried out the world’s largest irrigation project, known as the Great Man-Made River project, to make water readily available
throughout his desert country.
So, I will leave it up to you to decide if the attacks on Libya and the killing of Col. Gaddafi was an honest action designed to make the world a
safer and better place, or if those actions were motivated by some other agenda."
Now Libya is war torn and in debt. Pointless to comment on Iraq but im sure Saddam killed less than we did.
Im going to guess that Lebanon is next with Isis showing up there too. Dont forget all those Somali pirates whose only livelyhood of costal fishing
has been destroyed by illegal dumping of oil byproduct waste from the middle east tankers. Does anyone belive for one moment that an oil tanker can
be boarded by an inflatable and no I will not watch that tom hanks movie.
This Syrian conflict is all about oil and banking and Russia has never backed down from the bankers in Europe. Russian overseas assets have been
frozen and there is a trade embargo on them. If this was done to the USA it would be considered an act of war. Russia has responded by selling oil in
whatever currency it likes. We responded by making a barrel of oil too cheap for the Russians to make a profit from. It also shutdown Canadas oil
production and many others. Russia has been an ally of Syria for decades even duringthe USSR days and has a Southern fleet stationed there. It almost
lost this port when it looked like Syrians Assad would fall. Russia responded by getting the USSRs old Crimean port back from Ukraine. Crimeans are 95
% ethnic Russians and voted to join Russia without a shot fired. It was given away to Ukraine during the soviet years as a present and has been
russian speaking for longer than the USA has been a country.
The west caused this mess and we need to fix it by backing down.