posted on Sep, 29 2015 @ 06:20 AM
The Anti Christ movement will grow, pretty obviously, from ANTI CHRISTIANITY.
What is that I hear you ask?
The American Chistian Right and the political agenda which is driving it, is not the faith which Jesus taught. It is an abhoration based on political
(Rothchilds) Zionism, British Israelism, and the Patriarchist movement.
It's goals are pretty simply to promote disharmony in the "Holy Land" in order to bring about the "Second Coming" of their Christ - the false Christ,
Anti Christ or "Jihadi Jesus".
They use not only the right wing Christian media to do this, but also the Zionist controlled media such as Fox (Sky BSB) which has vested interests in
Israel and regularly donates to Israeli interests ( as does Simon Cowell and other pro Zion celebrities) they use their spokesmen to promote an ideal
fairytale "land of Milk and Honey" to the masses. Who of course are made up of white, middle class "Christians".
I'm always going to put "Christians" in the bunny ears, becuse of course these are highly politisised anti Christsns, not followers of Yeshuah. The
big names are the likes of Pat Robertson (700 Club misogynist and homophobe, former GOP hopefull and diamond smuggler) John Hagee (Blood Moon hoax),
Mick Huckabee ( defender of sex pest Josh Duggar) Michelle Bachmann (abolish the constitution and enforce Theocracy) and big church zealots like Jerry
Falwell and long time sock puppet Billy Graham (who possibly died and was replaced)
Trump, despite being a long time Democrat, knows exactly where his breads butters and what strings to pull, so now, guess what? He's a "Christian