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very terrifying old woman

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posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 12:41 PM
You need to go visit the Elderly Lady. I suggest an unhurried visit with nothing more on your mind to talk about other than the fact that you wanted to visit and wish her a happy new year.
If you feel strange to go to her door with an unannounced visit - don't. She'll be happy to recieve you. Be quiet inside, don't go having already judged her. Just sit, visit, watch and learn her. You will have more peice afterwards.

posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by MankoW
This is a sequence of real events and dreams, which were with same old woman which lives near my home, opposite side of the street some 15 numbers far.
First I remember is a weird (very weird) dream with that lady in my kitchen and black cat attacks me. I woke up and really frightened thought there is some spellcraft, whichcraft here.

When my father's sister were ill, we moved her to our house since she was paralised after heaving a stroke.
She just started to move a little bit, well stroke she had was a hard one, she survived by a miracle.

I remember it like it was today this same old woman coming and giving me some plant in a plastic or paper bag. As soon as I planted it, my aunt died.
How could this be? Is it "just a concidence", what is less probable or is it something else.
I am not sure if it was for the bad or for the good, knowing how hard is living paralised at that age, not to mention wounds which open being in the bed all the time. But I am sure it was connected with that plant.

Later I had a dream how my brother took a hammer and nail and hammered the nail on the ground in the spot where I planted that strange flower.

Help, I am not sure if it was somehow connected with me. Also this old woman never in any occasion were guest in our house, that was the only day I had any contact with her. So was very unlikely to this be normal thing plant event.

ever met the mother inlaw???

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 04:23 PM
Things began to complicate, there is obviously some background story, I will try to talk to people in my neighbourhood about the old lady.

Couple of months ago I was going to the house where I live but on the opposite side of the street, wide street in the part where I live, and I saw that old lady in black, I maybe did not mention but she is always wearing black, I heard once if that is the same woman, it was tragic death in her family why she wears black since.

Another thing was strange she stopped, by my house and was looking in the yard. I was shocked so I stopped and waited for her to go away. She couldn't see me, and after minute or two she went away. She is living on the side of the street where I was but down the street from the spot where I stood.

When I came into the front yard, woman who rent our old house, house where the aunt died; more precisely, was talking to me and told how strange and terrifying old woman was talking to her and asked if my mother is alive (my mother is old but not that old), and of course she knew name of my mother, so I guess she was aquaintance of my grandma, grandpa, even my late father, but I think she knew my grandma.

Also she asked my renter if she is my wife. All of this pretty normal but two things were strange.
1-She was looking inside like she was searching for the plant to see if it is still there
2-Why she was asking if my mother is alive?

I still don't know what to think, if it is for the good or not?
Asking directly is least improbable to bring the answer, and of course I doubt she knows me.
This old lady is freightening me, so I can no really speak to her, she has so weird look on her face. Not like she is out of her mind, but very scary. Piercing eyes she has.

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 04:48 PM
This is very strange indeed. Particularly because there are two ways to interpret this:

1. She is nosy because she doesn't have much going on in her life. She gave you a plant and wants to see if it is flourishing - although it has been 4 years you said?

2. She is really as you suspect and wants to cause pain and suffering to others as she herself has suffered.

I would not suggest you go and 'confront fear' face to face, as you are already feeling afraid of this woman. Her demeaner and her presence are things that don't seem to affect you positively, so I think you are going to have to think of another way to figure out what is going on.

Do you still have the plant? Can you possibly ask other people in the neighbourhood about her? How about your mother?

One more thing... trust your instincts.

[edit on 24-8-2005 by nikelbee]

posted on Aug, 26 2005 @ 11:33 PM
Dude, most old people are scary. I felt the same fear towards some of my past teachers, lol. I really don't know what to tell you. Don't worry about it too much. You said she is nosy right? Ha! Mt freakin grandma is nosy to the point were she eavesdrops on the people who rent the downstairs portion of her house. Some old people are just weird is all. I think it's strange that you think that she cursed you. She probably doesn't even know what witchcraft is.
Whatever, there seems to be way to many opinions here. Oh, one more thing...........Try wearing some garlic around your neck, she might be a vampire!

[edit on 808/26/0505 by Acekwak]

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 11:36 AM
My first instict was that the plant is a good thing. I don't really know what to believe, but maybe she knew of what was going on, and just wanted to stop your aunts suffering? Or maybe she just wanted to give a gift of life? Either way, I think its really sad how old people are thought of, you have to get past the way they look and realise that they are very deep people who have been through and seen alot. I guarentee there is NO reason to fear her.

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 05:08 PM
Thank you for the nice words Pink4Flower when you put it this way it looks like a gift of life, but if only there is not but, why for any reason would she give me that flower; I really was thinking it was bad, I was wrong then I even tried to remove it from garden but it kind of spread over.
Now I think I DID something wrong I was to nurture it not destroy it, my quick reaction.
It still is in my garden not same one but flowers which grew from the seed of that one I think I should take a picture of it and post it.
Maybe then some ideas can be made up.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 02:00 AM
At first I was just going to say that the old lady and the plant was a sign of your aunts death rather then the cause of it.. However, after reading that she was asking if your mother was still alive could lead to something different.Also, perhaps she is just worried that your mother doesn't pass away too and cause grief in your faimily the way she has. I have a feeling somebody may have already of said this and if they have I am truly sorry.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 11:07 AM
I will try to remain calm and give you latest news.
First she is not nosy, because I rarely see her around.
This is what happened today, she came to my house again with a plants to give to me and my brother took them, and due to ambivalent answers from this site I suggested him to plant them in circle, but as there were five plants it simply formed pentacle but he made six holes in the ground as she was talking there were six plants.
He is very freightened, but tried to find this plant did a search on the net and he told me what he found, but i am a little confused at the moment which plant it is.

Later, same day i.e. today I found out today is the all hallows eve real date!!!
It is then surely some kind of magic involved, what to do now?

I am willing to get rid of the plants, but what if it some kind of protection magic is it good to have it planted in the back yard,
please help give me some answers, what is it all about??

I will add what I found on this soon.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by MankoW
I will try to remain calm and give you latest news.
First she is not nosy, because I rarely see her around.
This is what happened today, she came to my house again with a plants to give to me and my brother took them, and due to ambivalent answers from this site I suggested him to plant them in circle, but as there were five plants it simply formed pentacle but he made six holes in the ground as she was talking there were six plants.
He is very freightened, but tried to find this plant did a search on the net and he told me what he found, but i am a little confused at the moment which plant it is.

Later, same day i.e. today I found out today is the all hallows eve real date!!!
It is then surely some kind of magic involved, what to do now?

I am willing to get rid of the plants, but what if it some kind of protection magic is it good to have it planted in the back yard,
please help give me some answers, what is it all about??

I will add what I found on this soon.

Sounds very interesting. Haven't you thouht of speaking to the lady or trying to find out more about the plants or suss her out at all? What plant do you suspect they could be?

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 01:04 PM
I was ther and found out the plant is in fact

original name is "bujad" local name, and i searched the net

it is Pteridium aquilinum, fern some kind of fern, and it really is.
SO what do you think.
Then some new info is she said to my brouther to watch which one will grow over the snow first or sometinhgl like that, i am kind of shocked.

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 01:36 PM
Well apparently this plant wards against witchcraft and is used as an antiseptic. Pteridium Aquilinum is more commonly known as Bracken over here and is actually very common near where I live. I found some info which might be of interest.

Ferns are considered to have magic properties and to keep witches at bay.

Fern, bracken (Pteridium Aquilinum)
Root tonic used as antiseptic

46) FERNS: Especially Male Fern (Dryopteris filixmas), Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum pedatum), Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum), Lady Fern, Polypody, or Oak Fern (Polypodium vulgare). The Druids classified ferns as sacred trees. Uncurled fronds of Male fern were gathered at Midsummer, dried and carried for good luck. The mysterious regeneration of ferns led to the ancient belief that their seed could confer invisibility. The root was added to love potions and the fronds eaten by those embarking on love quests. Male Fern: The fall gathered root is a remedy for tapeworm. A few hours after it has been ingested, a purgative is given. Begin the vermifuge process by eating fresh garlic. Take one to four teaspoons of the liquid extract of the root, or of the powdered root, on an empty stomach and follow several hours later with castor oil. Caution: do not ingest alcohol while taking this herb. Overdose can result in blindness and death. The roots are added to healing salves for wounds and rubbed into the limbs of children with rickets.
a) Parts Used: Leaf and root
b) Magical Use: Fern "seeds" are said to render on invisible if gathered on Midsummer's Eve. Ferns are also said to be an herb of immortality. Moonwort (Botrychium lunaria) is especially effective if gathered by moonlight. This fern aids in opening locks and breaking charms, is used in love spells and has the alchemical reputation of being an herb to convert quicksilver into silver. Use it to conjure money. Burned indoors, dried male fern fronds produce a very strong wall of protection. Burned outdoors they produce rain. Use for: Luck, Love, Banishing, Releasing, Exorcism, Defense.

[edit on 12-11-2006 by Xeros]

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 01:55 PM
Burn Thee Witch!

No! Seriously, don't burn her, I do have a song for you though that pretty much sums it all up. Scroll down and check the title on number 8.

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 02:04 PM
Ferns will bring you sorrow and misery. If you still have that plant, get rid of it

now. She was trying to bring death and misery to your home. She's sick. Most

evil people operate under the umbrella of "goodness"- You have to go with your

gut instinct, and the above is mine.

posted on Nov, 14 2006 @ 06:35 AM
My humble opinion:

The old lady had a feeling that someone else was trying to harm a lady in your house. She thought the lady was your mother which was actually your aunt.

She gave you the plant as a protection for your family. When your family moved out from that house, she assumed your mother has passed away. Then she asked your house renter about your mother, she just wanted to make sure if the plant she gave you was actually effective in protecting your mother from someone else.

Talking about "nailing footprint", I remembered a story of a friend whose father is a witch.

When he was young he used to stay with his family in a small village where they kept some chicken. One early morning his father found out several of their chicken were stolen, then his father told them not to walk around the house to stop them making any footprints. His father then start searching for thief's footprint and nailed it down. He later explained to his family the reason he asked them not to walk around was because he did not want to nail down wrong footprint. He said the thief would feel the pain exactly like a real nail on his foot, it would bleed and get infection.

I believe until today there are still few people who knows how to do that witchcraft.

posted on Nov, 14 2006 @ 07:01 AM

The plant is carcinogenic, and communities (mainly in Japan) where the young stems are used as a vegetable have some of the highest stomach cancer rates in the world [1]. The spores have also been implicated as a carcinogen.


edit - Emphasis

[edit on 14/11/06 by Strodyn]

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 09:13 PM
Here is the answer to your dilema.
You need to determine if she is a witch.
There is a simple and logical way to determine this.
First of all; what was the common punishment for witches?
Burning of course.
What else burns? Wood of course.
So why do witches burn? Obviously because they are made of wood.
So how can you tell if she is made of wood?

Reason with me here. Does wood sink in water? No, it floats.
Now what else floats? Thats right a Duck floats.
So according to the Holy Grail of logic;
If she ... weighs the same as a duck ... she's made of wood.

And therefore?

A witch! ... A duck! A duck! Fetch a duck.

Discaimer; This is a blatant rip off of the Monty Pythons Holy Grail. Any resemblance to actual witches is purely coincidental.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by MankoW
I was thinking to remove the plant, but it had seeds and there are few more plants there through the years. Now I am not sure if it would be dangerous to kill the plant.

Later I had a dream how my brother took a hammer and nail and hammered the nail on the ground in the spot where I planted that strange flower.

Was the nail pierced thru the flower, or just the spot?

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 10:41 PM
I think the problem is that people today do not really know their neighbors. So they are suspicious of even simple acts of kindness.
When I was a kid growing up in Illinois we knew every family on the block, where they worked, their kids names....ect.

In the winter time after a heavy snow my dad would get me and my brother up at the crack of dawn and we would start shoveling the snow out of our neighbors driveways and sidewalks.
He would never let us kids accept any money but the little old ladies always gave us a hot chocolate or cocoa. Back then I could never understand why he wouldn't let us accept any money, He would just say, "You shouldn't expect to get paid for doing what's right." I understand the wisdom of his words now.

Maybe you should stop being so suspicious and superstitious and invite the little old lady over for dinner. Send her a thank you card and some flowers. You might find out that she is just a lonely old lady.

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 12:17 PM
lmao, the Monty Python quote was too funny.

Ok, I practice many types of magick. Have for about 15 years. To be honest, this woman does seem a wee bit... off. Alas I believe thats it. I know a few elderly women like her, a couple seem evil to the bone (not saying they really are), heck one actually does give me goosebumps. That one has given me things, nothing odd about them nessicarily and no bad mojo involved. Alto I'd love to swear they were cursed, that would only be my mind. Creepy and strange timing alike, there's nothing witchey about it imho. Altho, if you would still like to be positive u2u me and I'll give you a simple thing you can do to send it back and some.


[edit on 11/18/2006 by Anesthesia]

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