originally posted by: MrSpad
It is pathetic in a serious thread you have idiots trying to bring politics into it. It is sickening. The biggest problem with Vets are the Vets
themselves, getting help is seen a weakness. And being weak in the military culture is simply not acceptable. I can not count the amount of time
young Vets come talk to me because they know me and my back ground and the biggest worry they have about getting help is being seen a weak. It takes
some talking but, generally it takes a Vet to get another to seek help. How you change that culture I do not know. All I can say is if you have
served reach out to those who are coming out now.
I understand where you are coming from.
However as a person who spent well over 50 years
in the military as a "family member",
I can tell you this is a recent phenomenon.
In my opinion it IS directly related to the Commander in Chief
who sets the tone for the treatment of military personnel
and makes the final decisions regarding the military personnel.
The lack of support while demanding more and more
with less and less from already overworked
and overtired military is a definite causation
of the current suicide rate.
Yes, politics are directly, as far as I am concerned,
the root cause of the extremely low morale
and the overwork of the smallest force
since before the world wars who are forced to participate
with little money and little support from the Commander in Chief,
in His wars,
not theirs but His,
because he could have pulled the troops out.
Obama demoralized the Christian military community,
which was an extremely large part of the force,
and has been punishing them for even the slightest
open mention of their faith.
He has also encouraged gay soldiers to be militant
and make rampant EEO complaints against
those who are uncomfortable with the idea.
This political agenda has further demoralized the troops.
As such,
I would not recommend that any Christian these days even consider joining the US military.
For certain if anyone is even the slightest (teensy weensy)
bit squeamish or reluctant about sharing a shower or tent
with a gay person they should not join the US military.
Also, they must not be reluctant to share a tent
with a member of the opposite sex
as my husband was forced to do many times
because the person who worked directly with him
was a woman and their job descriptions
required they share a tent in the field.
My husband did not like this arrangement,
especially as a married man,
but was forced to do it anyway under the
early years of the Obama administration.
I say that anyone
who does not want to be forced to share a tent
with a member of the opposite sex,
even if they are married, should not join the military today.
Yes the suicide rate is directly tied to political decisions
made by Obama and supported by the Democratic party
in my opinion. I think you are wrong if you think otherwise.
The current force is demoralized,
exhausted and afraid to look at anyone "wrong"
for fear of a sexual harassment charge from the same or opposite sex.
Plus they know that in this political climate
they will be hung out to dry if they are injured
on duty by the VA.
Left to rot or die before receiving any treatment.
This is the US military of today:
with an administration who throws them away like broken toys;
who takes money and manpower away and expects more and more of them;
who refused to keep his promise to withdraw troops from what is now a 14 year war;
who is afraid to sneeze for fear of an EEO complaint, sexual or religious;
who is afraid of a sexual harassment charge while being forced to share a tent with members of the opposite sex and with gay persons, and are punished
severely if they object or in even the slightest way express discomfort at the situation
I do blame Obama directly and in my opinion the suicide rate is a result of these decisions he made regarding the military
edit on 5Sun, 20 Sep 2015 17:26:50 -0500pm92009pmk200 by grandmakdw because: addition format