posted on Sep, 22 2015 @ 01:29 AM
It's not just the shmita, it's not just the blood moon tetrad, it's not just the market cycles, is not just the pope at the UN, it's not just the
pope at congress, it's not just that the date has been depicted in numerous movies and tv shows, its not just the trends of ads depicting giants
coming out of smoking abysses, it's not just CERN, it's not just. ...
Every generation of illuminati/occultists/elitists tries to bring about the achievement of their goals and the manifestation of their Christ.
Napoleon had a good shot at it, Hitler, was a pretty good contender too. This week is the best shot they have this generation, so much of their
numerology, astrology, mass rituals and predictive progranming is coverging this week.
But, it is not God's timing, it's theirs. So Christ is not returning this week, but maybe the antichrist is. Maybe this week will see the start of
thier big push to create the mayhem that will induce people to eventually accept the solution that they offer. God will say yes or no to their
efforts in accord with His timing. But the wise person sees the calamity coming and prepares (that's in the bible btw), and the good Christian
discerns the times. I believe we will see the start of the great tribulation this week, but I hope and am praying (really) that it does not. I
believe God's middle finger is bigger than all their occult rituals and He can easily flip the bird at them if he doesn't want them to start yet.
There are still a few things that are not in place yet so I hope it is not time: genetic engineering is not advanced enough to create chimeras yet and
some think that will happen before Christ's return, same wuth transhumanism which is Satan's answerto God's offer of eternal life. Also there is a
lot of the world's population that is not under electronic surveillance or electronically advanced enough to enforce not being allowed to buy or sell
without the mark of the beast. So I hope it is yet another generation away, in which case I am going to devote myself to growing my business and using
the excess money to educate the world. But I don't think so, both me and my wife have had heavy hearts for a few weeks now as the reality of the
millions who will soon die sinks in. It was all fun and interesting the last few years debating this stuff on ATS, but the reality is sickening.