The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,
Ronald Reagan devoted his entire political life to fight against any kind of totalitarianism, he rejected from the most inside of his person any form
of abuse of power, any kind of tyranny and he worked exhaustively to remove from the world ideologies that were based on the use of the State to slave
Ronald Reagan launched the most ambitious migratory reform of the last quarter of the XX century, he understood that there is a lot of valuable human
resources in the force that only immigrants can give to a society, that they represent a key ingredient of what has been called the America Dream.
Ronald Reagan understood that it is not with Xenophobic attitudes, neither with racist crusades that the borders can regain safeness, but by
integrating fully who has already arrived to the country , a nation that he used to define as an oasis of freedom in the world, to come out to the
light and not continue living hidden.
We have seen in just one single week any kind of xenophobic remarks coming from the same side of the Politics in this country, from
the same bold, rude and not really very intelligent mouth of a pre-candidate that use to self proclaim his giant talent to create wealth:
Mr. Donald Trump, sadly is far to be the genius of economy that he pretend to be , who in fact became millionaire by developing extremely
aggressive invest strategies to profit of the disgrace of others, to buy real state at extremely low rates during economic crisis, like the great
recession, making fortune of the ruin of others, in other words performing in the business world as a genuine vulture, and also investing in casinos,
where he also profited a lot of a well known and devastating vice that instead to create wealth destroys it: gambling.
Of course it is not surprising the so high rates of 'popular support' that Trump exhibits in the polls, since his third favorite sector of investment
is precisely the media, that he rules as a tycoon, intimidating any journalist that defy his power, and arranging a huge advertising machinery which
only goal is to create his public image, one that of course is absolutely artificial.
Mr Trump has insulted, with his typical arrogance, in less than 2 weeks different segments of the population that are important to characterize the
diversity of America:
- He insulted the look of the only woman precandidate Carly Fiorina with the clear intention to try to show that somebody of that gender is perfectly
unqualified to have the necessary image of respect that pertain to a President. This is the last of very long list of insults against women of Mr
Trump along his rendezvous in politics since many years ago.
In contrast, President Ronald Reagan used to express always a deep respect to the feminine contribution to civilization:
Ronald Reagan: women are the single most civilizing influence in the world.
- He continue systematically insulting the Hispanic community of the country, not only blaming them of all the problems America has, but also lying
with his very peculiar cynicism that he had solid evidence that the Mexican government is sending criminals to this country. When he was asked openly
by the media to show his "evidences" of course he only had his great mouth to discredit the professionalism and patriotism of the border patrol
- He insulted President George W Bush, during the TV debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential library, blaming him of the arrival of President
Barak Obama to Power, who by the way today received his own personal prescription of Trumpmania by being called falsely as Muslim and also as non
- Trump went even beyond the point of personal attacks to the two former Presidents, but declared today a kind of crusade against the Muslims in
Again it is interesting to remember that once Ronald Reagan supported his points of view about the need to reduce public expenses and cut taxes to
bring prosperity in the thoughts of a very wise man that was product of the Muslim world: The Egyptian thinker Ibn Khaldun who lived 12 centuries
before him.
Ibn Khaldun, quoted by Ronald Reagan: In the beginning of the empire the rates were low but the revenue is great, In the end of the empire,
when it is collapsing, the rates were great but the revenue was low.
I ask myself the following question:
Until what moment the American people is going to understand that there is something terrible wrong in the campaign of who right now leads the
polls in the republican side of the politics, until when are we going to continue tolerating the advance toward the white house of a person that is
very evident is absolutely insane and that is using the coverage of the media to spread the most irresponsible fundamentalist prejudgments that are
dividing so much a country that needs more than never before of union and so projecting a terrible image of mediocrity of the politics of the country
to the world?.
It is sad to see a so unqualified person for the role of leader keeping the attention of the media, taking time that can be perfectly assigned to
really professional statesmen, that have worked along many years developing brilliant careers in the public service to try to offer the best of their
abilities for progress of the nation.
It was remarkable the great level of ideas and important interesting points of view of people like Governors John Kadish, Jeb Bush or Christ
Christie, or the very original propositions of how to move ahead this country of Senators Ron Paul, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, as well as from truly
professionals of the private sector Dr Ben Carson, or Mrs Carly Fiorina.
In contrast we watched along three hours an entertainer that was in the center of the debate just only talking about his unique talent, offering
the most egocentric presentation ever of any candidate, giving us the idea that if he would win the white house we can expect sure something from his
eventual Presidency: The arrival to America of the Cult to his personality, like in the best years of Juan D Peron, Francisco Franco, Benito
Mussolini or Joseph Stalin.
Besides that, we watched Mr Trump every certain time making ugly gestures or attacking other candidates in an attempt to boycott their presentations
and trying unsuccessfully to reduce the debate in to an argument around his narcissism or a nasty exchange of personal attacks, that is the only
level of discussion in which he definitively is King.
The thread is open to the free discussion of the topic, as always under the rules of mutual respect and decorum in the replies.
The Angel of Lightness
edit on 9/18/2015 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)