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Rand Paul: The only logical choice

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posted on Sep, 17 2015 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: 8675309jenny

Totally agree with you, the guy is sound in not only his voting history but his actions...

hes made a few mistakes that he has actually owned up to.....

But his background, and his actions speak louder than ANY of the BS diatribe from the other candidates that cant back up their talk

posted on Sep, 17 2015 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: coastlinekid
Rand Paul is NOT Ron Paul...

Ron Paul represents the path our country should be on...and if he wasn't forced out by the system, our country would be on a path to greatness...

If Rand Paul was even NEAR his father in thinking his father would be out there promoting him..

Rand Paul's father is NOT out there promoting his son...

Think about it...

Ron Paul isnt out promoting his son because he doesnt want to take away from his sons run, This presidential run is about Rand , not Ron and Ron has said as much

If you actually knew anything about Ron youd know his stance on that........

posted on Sep, 17 2015 @ 12:14 PM
I can normally find at least a few issues in which I agree with a candidate, regardless of party. With Ted Cruz and Rand Paul I've got nothing. I can't find one redeeming idea or solution. They scare the ever living crap out of me.

posted on Sep, 17 2015 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: Wookiep

Well it was posted at 1am pacific time so give it some time to catch up.

I think there is plenty of support for rand here.

I thought he did great last night, don't agree with everything he wants but still thought it was good.

posted on Sep, 17 2015 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Agree with you , but I don't see it happening. The GOP will give him the Ron Paul treatment and throw him to the wolves. Nothing is more upsetting to the GOP than a conservative with a conservation leaning voting record.

posted on Sep, 17 2015 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea

originally posted by: 8675309jenny
I had to come here to try and talk some basic sense...

If you have an ounce of critical thinking ability and are willing to consider the whole picture of any issue, Rand Paul's views are the only ones that actually make sense....

...the fact the vast majority of the world are either idiots or just don't care at all.

...the American psyche [has] apparently descended to this level... and the guy leading the polls currently is the most high-school-drama-bitchy, obnoxious douchebag... this man is an immature, disgusting narcissist. I'm glad in fact that he made it easy to dislike him because I have always thought he reeked of obnoxious smarm. So how can so many people be rooting for this guy? Have we really become that much of a sad, angry, spiteful society that we cheer on the guy who hurls childish insults so freely?

...people just want to watch bitch-fests these days, or actually watch people get really hurt, and that says a lot about where we are headed. It probably explains the problems our society is having with extreme random violence and shootings too....

Where did it all go so wrong? The celebration of stupidity? The ridicule of intelligence and nerdiness??

Oh no! I don't want to be THAT ^^^ person! You convinced me... I'm voting for Rand!!! 'Cause then I'll be just as wise and insightful and enlightened as you and I can look down on the stupid people from my gilded pedastal and insult everyone too, right?

Wrong. There are plenty of reasons NOT to support Rand that are very logical and practical. But you've already made it pretty clear that you are not interested in understanding that so I guess I have nothing more to say...

Wow, way to take it out of context. It was written after watching the republican debate, in which none of the other candidates used logic on the topics of foreign policy, immigration or wealth creation in the US.

Seems pretty clear to me though that you're an angry partisan voter who just wants to scream RAH RAH RAH for your team though.

Personally I have voted Democratic, Republican, Libertarian and independent in the last 15years alone, and I stay very open minded. My comments about stupidity were aimed at the people who support Trump just because is his pathetic BULLY persona. We have become weak of character and virtue in the US, and so now many resort to vicariously enjoying someone elses childish ego-indulgence.

I will be watching all the debates with great interest, and my mind is absolutely not made up yet (how could it be with over a year to go?!?). I'm not even dedicated to voting for a certain party yet. We've endured 15years of total clusterfukkery from both of the major parties, so I'd love to hear from someone who has some fresh ideas and common sense. Particularly ideas that don't involve throwing us further down the debt pit.

I eagerly await Sanders vs Clinton vs whoever else (Biden?).

posted on Sep, 17 2015 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: 8675309jenny

Seems pretty clear to me though that you're an angry partisan voter who just wants to scream RAH RAH RAH for your team though.

Oh my... Pretty clear huh? Just like all the Trump supporters you insulted? That's your second mistake.

Angry? Damn right! Partisan voter? Haha! Not even close. I've been voting third party since Perot. My team? That would be we the people. I haven't yet decided yet who I will vote for... but I know it won't be Paul no matter how many insults you sling. It will only reaffirm the divide-and-conquer tactics we call "politics."

posted on Sep, 17 2015 @ 06:26 PM
Rand lost me when he supported Mitt Romney over Ron. This apple fell far from the tree.

posted on Sep, 17 2015 @ 06:30 PM
Every politician with the exception of Rand would say they were pro life... then turn around and want to bomb syria. The militaristic nature of the candidates scares me and people are buying into it. We have learned nothing and all the other candidates have forgotten everything that happened before Obama.

posted on Sep, 17 2015 @ 08:16 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: 8675309jenny

Seems pretty clear to me though that you're an angry partisan voter who just wants to scream RAH RAH RAH for your team though.

Oh my... Pretty clear huh? Just like all the Trump supporters you insulted? That's your second mistake.

Angry? Damn right! Partisan voter? Haha! Not even close. I've been voting third party since Perot. My team? That would be we the people. I haven't yet decided yet who I will vote for... but I know it won't be Paul no matter how many insults you sling. It will only reaffirm the divide-and-conquer tactics we call "politics."

Haha, well either way, supporting partisan politics is stupid and supporting trump is stupid. I will stand by that statement all the way to 2016, when we can come back here and see, because he is playing a very clever, yet very simple game. The psychological research was carried out DECADES ago by many governments, and of all agencies Mossad and the CIA play it best.

If you can't figure out his game and who he's targeting, oh well. You'll see.

posted on Sep, 17 2015 @ 08:44 PM

originally posted by: introvert

originally posted by: Wookiep
Pay close attention to the fact that no-one gives a crap about this thread as well. There is a HUGE difference between now and 2012, right here on ATS. Everythng has been shifted to the extreme leftist socialist "liberal" views, lately. It's been hard to watch. :/

Quite the opposite. The site actually has a large population of Right-Wing supporters. That's quite easy to see.

Those of us on the Left have become more vocal lately. We're tired of being beaten down by the vast Right-wing machine just for speaking our mind and many have become emboldened by people like Sanders that are willing to say things the Right cannot stomach.

On topic: I believe Rand is a good person and that he believes in what he says. Although I disagree with him on a few points, I would not fear his presidency as I would the presidency of any other Republican.

Nope, not "quite the opposite" lol. ATS was largely indepenent, not letf OR right during the last elections. I've been watching the political threads for years, and I have definately observed a huge pro leftist socialist shift lately.

War-mongering right-wingers were bashed just as much as the ignorant liberals were. There used to be a sense of unity here, not people bowing down so easily to EITHER party. Now, we se a huge leftist influx. It's weird, but it's true.
edit on 17-9-2015 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2015 @ 11:28 PM

originally posted by: 8675309jenny

Haha, well either way, supporting partisan politics is stupid and supporting trump is stupid. I will stand by that statement all the way to 2016, when we can come back here and see, because he is playing a very clever, yet very simple game. The psychological research was carried out DECADES ago by many governments, and of all agencies Mossad and the CIA play it best.

If you can't figure out his game and who he's targeting, oh well. You'll see.

I just noticed this last bit here was a bit cryptic, so I'd like to clarify:

The subversion tactic of winning battles has long been known, especially since the 60's with the application of a lot of psychoogical studies into how people react to various social stimuli and pressures. We might be seeing one of the first applications of it in a presidential primary. The way it works is simple, you get a guy inside who stirs up a sh!tstorm and get's everyone infighting and arguing with his strawman arguments, and the whole things implodes while the opposing side WINS. It's the exact same tactic we and Russia use to destabilize other governments.

Did anyone not see Ben Carson arguing with Trump's BS strawman about raising taxes on the rich. As if Trump really wants raise taxes massively on him and his billionaire buddies.... LOLOL! But Carson took the bait, arguing himself out of more votes and pushing people to the Sanders camp.

It would be hilarious if it weren't a matter of national interest for ALL OF US.

Trump isn't there to get votes, he's there to get the other Republican hopefuls to make themselves look stupid and run them out of money in the process!!!!
edit on 17-9-2015 by 8675309jenny because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 01:36 PM
Ron and Rand Paul have correctly predicted what would happen in the Middle East if we intervene there. They have correctly predicted what we would find out about the NSA. They have correctly predicted the financial crash.

When politicians are spot on like this it means they are in touch with how the world works. No other candidates left or right would be more suitable for President than Rand Paul. The reason he won't become President is not because the establishment is "suppressing" him but because "we the people" do not yet have the intellectual capability to tell truth from lies.

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: Skyfloating
Ron and Rand Paul have correctly predicted what would happen in the Middle East if we intervene there. They have correctly predicted what we would find out about the NSA. They have correctly predicted the financial crash.

When politicians are spot on like this it means they are in touch with how the world works. No other candidates left or right would be more suitable for President than Rand Paul. The reason he won't become President is not because the establishment is "suppressing" him but because "we the people" do not yet have the intellectual capability to tell truth from lies.

Nah, it's because when you run as a republican and come out and saying "make all drugs and prostitution legal!" before you're even in the white house does not exactly resonate with those on the right.

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 07:37 PM
I'm not opposed to Paul, I just some clarity on some of his issues.

At heart, I love libertarian ideas, except he seems to be pandering to those who want increased military spending, he's said a few things, could have been taken wrong by me.

I do like his stance on the NSA.

posted on Sep, 19 2015 @ 04:16 AM

originally posted by: amazing
I'm not opposed to Paul, I just some clarity on some of his issues.

At heart, I love libertarian ideas, except he seems to be pandering to those who want increased military spending, he's said a few things, could have been taken wrong by me.

I do like his stance on the NSA.

Unfortunately tehre are certain things a candidate HAS to say in order to get the nomination. The military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us so storngly about, basically owns the republican party. That's why regardless of public polls, Trump will have a hard time getting the RNC nomination.

We'll see where the public opinion is next year, but if it's still where it is today, I expect that a lot of people will be pissed off at the GOP when he doesn't get the nomination, and again, it will fuel democratic votes.

Ultimately if he gets the GOP nomination and stays in the fight until the election, I think I will in fact vote for him just to kick back and watch the freakin circus. Right now I just can't imagine voting for anyone currently in the running as a Dem 2016.

posted on Sep, 19 2015 @ 04:24 AM
He is far from perfect......

But outbthe republican side at least he the best out a very bad bunch. Hell he may be better out the democrat side too!

posted on Sep, 19 2015 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: Blueracer
Rand lost me when he supported Mitt Romney over Ron. This apple fell far from the tree.

Well, at the very least, if he can bring up more points that the mainstream Repub types won't touch it will be nice. It's the challenge of getting those points into the spotlight during debates.

originally posted by: Wookiep

originally posted by: introvert

originally posted by: Wookiep
Pay close attention to the fact that no-one gives a crap about this thread as well. There is a HUGE difference between now and 2012, right here on ATS. Everythng has been shifted to the extreme leftist socialist "liberal" views, lately. It's been hard to watch. :/

Quite the opposite. The site actually has a large population of Right-Wing supporters. That's quite easy to see.

Those of us on the Left have become more vocal lately. We're tired of being beaten down by the vast Right-wing machine just for speaking our mind and many have become emboldened by people like Sanders that are willing to say things the Right cannot stomach.

On topic: I believe Rand is a good person and that he believes in what he says. Although I disagree with him on a few points, I would not fear his presidency as I would the presidency of any other Republican.

Nope, not "quite the opposite" lol. ATS was largely indepenent, not letf OR right during the last elections. I've been watching the political threads for years, and I have definately observed a huge pro leftist socialist shift lately.

War-mongering right-wingers were bashed just as much as the ignorant liberals were. There used to be a sense of unity here, not people bowing down so easily to EITHER party. Now, we se a huge leftist influx. It's weird, but it's true.

I agree. Wonder if the new influx is due to the suspicion on the net about conspiracy sites only being right wing.
edit on 19-9-2015 by dreamingawake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2015 @ 09:52 AM

originally posted by: Blueracer
Rand lost me when he supported Mitt Romney over Ron. This apple fell far from the tree.

Completely incorrect. The nominating process was over when he endorsed Mitt. Ron had already lost at that point. He did it to try to secure Ron a speaking spot at the national convention.

posted on Sep, 19 2015 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: WP4YT

What did I say that was "Completely incorrect"? Rand did support Mitt over his dad.It did not matter when. Ron was still running. Even if it was over Rand still should have supported his dad. Rand does not have much of a chance now but Ron has sent out e-mails asking people to support his son.

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