I am not saying something strange happened or not. Just that Jim Penniston is an entirely unreliable witness because his story does not make sense on
a number of levels. Why that may be is open to various interpretations.
We've been through it all in those threads (and one's before).His statements just don't make sense and those co-ordinates almost certainly point to a
human being making an error, using Google Earth and a binary converter on the web, to point to Woodbridge England.
I think the inconsistency of what he and the others have remembered could be accounted for by the 'debriefing'/brainwashing they received under the
influence of mind-altering drugs. And haven't they all remembered things differently under hypnosis? If I remember correctly, Halt has confirmed
that they were 'messed with' by security personnel. And of course the events they witnessed were destabilizing to begin with.
There is also the question of what the MOD and the US military were trying to cover up during Burroughs's long efforts to obtain release of his
medical records. If anyone did receive access to those records, they were not made public so far as I have seen and were more than likely released
only to Burroughs's physicians.
Edited to add last paragraph.
edit on 17-9-2015 by Constance because: (no reason given)
Also, judging by an article Nick Pope wrote last Winter, some of the last ufo-related incident reports to be released by the MOD -- sometime next year
at the soonest -- are relevant to the lingering health problems that have been experienced by Burroughs and Penniston (perhaps also by Larry
edited to add information
edit on 17-9-2015 by Constance because: (no reason given)
originally posted by: SecretKnowledge
Am i right in thinking that he only came out with the binary a few years later?
Even if he didnt, how could he possibly remember all those numbers in the correct order?
Yes but he wrote them down the next day,the note book he used stayed locked away for all those years.But yes it does seem impossible to remember a
whole string of number sequences (hundreds of them) that we don't normally need to remember in every day life,even an hour later.
edit on
18-9-2015 by Imagewerx because: (no reason given)
Take a coordinate, say 52.096885 N, 1.312378 E.
It has 6 digits behind the comma, i.e., the accuracy is 6 decimals.
The fourth decimal is about 20 m accurate
The fifth decimal is about 2 m accurate
The sixth decimal is about 20 cm accurate
Now imagine you are a digital map maker like Google or Tele atlas.
You must determine the coordinates of Woodbridge in 6 decimals accuracy.
What exact point would you choose? You would simply select a random point somewhere in the Woodbridge town centre.
This is why the Woodbridge coordinates differ in the last three digits for different digital map makers. If I give you some Woodbridge coordinates in
6 decimals, the last three decimals will identify the map maker where the coordinates came from – they are like a ‘map maker’s
The coordinates in Penniston’s binary code have an accuracy of not six, but seven decimals (so they probably come from a more accurate military
This is no coincidence: Someone took a digital map provided by tele atlas, maybe using a military digital map application with one extra digit
accuracy, and EXACTLY copied the Woodbridge coordinates. The only mistake was ‘W’ instead of ‘E’. A typical mistake for an American, since all
American coordinates are ‘W’, i.e., to the west of Greenwich.
Another typical mistake is to misspell ‘coordinate’, forgetting the ‘r’ because it is not pronounced. Note that the ‘r’ is 8 bits in a row
in binary ASCII code, so this is hardly due to some missing bits.
The binary code is a scam. The proof is in the code itself.
edit on 18-9-2015 by Guest101 because: (no reason given)
I have been over this in other threads (as have a few of us!).
However they are now fairly long threads to go through and I appreciate people just hearing about "Rendlesham", "Bentwaters" or the Binary Code for
the first time may be unaware of the ever expanding narrative Jim Penniston has applied to his experience in Rendlesham Forest in the early hours of
December 26th 1980.
Penniston was the senior officer accompanied by both John Burroughs and Ed Cabansag investigating the strange lights that were first thought to be an
air crash outside the joint bases of RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge in Suffolk England. It was leased to the USAFE at the time.
Although all 3 officers saw the lights only Jim Penniston claims to have spent 45 mins investigating a "craft of unknown origin". However within a few
days of the incident his witness statement clearly states he never got closer than 50 metres to a craft:
John Burroughs and Ed Cabansag have no memories of Penniston getting within such close proximity of a craft. Their witness statements also confirm
Penniston did not appear in the first English language documentary in 1985. CNN Special Assignment: UFO The Bentwaters Incident
Nor did he show up in Unsolved Mysteries in 1989/90 (unavailable on Youtube which is a pity)
He does appear in ITVs 'Strange But True' in the mid 1990s
(By the way, ignore radar operator Mal Scurrah's opening in that video. He is talking about an entirely separate incident earlier in 1980 not linked
to Rendlesham but sneakily edited to make it seem that way).
This is where Penniston (starts about 5 mins in) claims he saw a craft with an inscription on the side of it. But the object raised up and shot off
into the sky according to him in this documentary.
Fast forward to the early days of the new century.
Sci Fi's Invasion at Rendlesham
Ed Cabansag makes a rare appearance in this documentary. Here Penniston's conveniently loose leaf filofax notebook makes it's debut (22 minutes
Now he's really talking about getting up close to the craft. Except the date is wrong in the notebook!
Penniston was out in the early hours of Boxing Day (Dec 26th). But he's written 27th in his notebook. A date which strangely coincides with the date
on Colonel's Halt's memo. (Halt's date is wrong as well).
Penniston appears 6 minutes in. Now he's talking about snapping pictures with his camera (they didn't come out) and getting closer and closer to the
craft, making notes in his notebook (in a dark forest). Then he describes touching a glass like surface of the craft. Next he's sketching the symbols
on the side of the craft. None of which Cabansag or Burroughs recalled. Then the craft lifts off and vanished. Afterwards he describes a "chemical"
By Ancient Aliens in 2010/11 he's finally talking about binary codes that he didn't understand for 30 years, Never heard of them apparently (unless
you listen to his hypnosis session in the mid-1990s where he did mention binary code).
The mysterious message decoded from binary into English
Now that's really just the basics of Penniston's appearances in the past two decades.
There are numerous problems with his story
1) He is the only US serviceman to have given a detailed description of the craft on the first night. Others only reported seeing strange coloured
2) In his witness statement he was 50m away. In 1993/4 he says he saw symbols on the craft. By 2005 he'd touched it, drawn it and photographed it. And
by 2010 received a binary code download that was actually easily encoded into ASCII (the question is why?). What's going on here?
At that moment, I knew that this craft's technology was far, far above what we could ever engineer. When it took off, I felt alone, knowing now
what John and I knew. Suddenly, there was no doubt. I realized that it was 100 percent certain that we are part of a larger community beyond the
confines of our planet.
Is Penniston actually saying it was ET? Because not long after he claims it was time travellers (2010)?
4) The date is wrong on his notebook but matches a wrong date in Colonel Halt's memo.
5) His notebook does not look big enough to contain the binary codes in the documentary. Did he remove them?
6) He claims he did not write the binary codes at the time but later when he was at home. Was he allowed to take USAF issued stationary home with him?
If so why did he choose the USAF notebook to write the binary code in then hide or remove them?
7) In 2010 he claimed the binary code didn't mean anything to him so he kept quiet about it. So how does he explain revaealing the strange symbols on
the craft that he couldn't find any meaning to (despite being 50m away - or was he?) two decades before.
Penniston's retelling of his experience gets ever more colourful and expansive as the years go by. Some believe he is a liar or disinformation agent.
Others that he has been 'worked on' by people who want this story to remain confusing and contradictory. I can only say make your own mind up.
Of course the above is only a thumbnail and I am not saying it was all a lighthouse either. But Penniston's story is an ever expanding obstacle to
overcome and one which even he has problems with when questioned about it.
The well known rocker Sammy Hagar admits in his autobiography "Red: My Uncensored Life In Rock" that he was abducted by aliens and was given a binary
code download. But he can't seem to remember the sequence. Hagar is not computer linguistic savvy, he is straight-forward old time rock n' roller, He
doesn't have the skill training of paying attention to detail unlike Penniston is with his military background. Just because you get a binary message
doesn't mean you call recite it note for note. But, I'll give Penniston credit for memorizing the coded message to be decoded.
Nice hypothesis, I don't think the land mass in the googlemaps correlates to Hy Brasil on maps personally. Though I agree the Bentwaters co-ords seem
linked to the Hy Brasil myth. Some maps have it a lot further south (aligned to tip of southern Ireland) and some even have it in double crescent
shape (split down the middle). It's not described as a gigantic Ireland sized land though... that's Hollow Earth It's a curious myth, and the
Bentwaters co-ordinates only make it more curious.
Sadly there just isn't enough to go on though, for a start the "myth" says it re-appears every 7 years or such but if you connect the apparent
sightings they don't happen in 7 year segments. Let alone no contemporary sightings. That and the fact, there are a very limited number of accounts of
it at all. Who's to say it's not a natural thing like that floating island in Life of Pi or perhaps a prehistoric "garbage" island moving around out
Of course, I'm all for a submerged island or USO. It's given me inspiration and ideas for various stories and things But ultimately sketchy island
myth backed up by mildly sketchy UFO encounter leads to nothing more than intrigue. That said, if anyone remembers the Ice breaker (ship) idea to the
North Pole to find Hollow Earth, perhaps a cheaper and better myth to explore would have been Hy Brasil. I've looked up charter boat companies in
South Ireland cos it's an "expedition" that interests me, did anyone ever go specifically to those co-ords? (Apart from the military and Mulder
probably) Would be interesting to see what IR cameras pick up around the co-ords (of supposed Hy Brasil) "learned" from Bentwaters.
edit on
19-9-2015 by markymint because: (no reason given)
HyBrasil would make sense actually. It is said to be somewhere in that sea & similar to the Atlantis legends. Could HyBrasil have some sort of
advanced cloaking tech hiding it from anyone looking for it? I remember on Stargate SG1 there was technology they found that rendered objects,
locations & even entire planets out of phase & invisible. Could HyBrasil have something like that? I think it might.
Newsflash: Stargate is fiction.
Yes I am fully aware it's fiction but it's loosely based on ancient history like Egypt, Camelot & Atlantis. There's a lot of theories out there that
say some ancient civilizations had advanced tech & may not even have been from earth. The Stargate idea of Atlantis makes sense because the reason it
might not have been found is because it was on another planet in another galaxy.
Let's just say if Stargate turned out to be fact it wouldn't really surprise me.
HyBrasil would make sense actually. It is said to be somewhere in that sea & similar to the Atlantis legends. Could HyBrasil have some sort of
advanced cloaking tech hiding it from anyone looking for it? I remember on Stargate SG1 there was technology they found that rendered objects,
locations & even entire planets out of phase & invisible. Could HyBrasil have something like that? I think it might.
Newsflash: Stargate is fiction.
Yes I am fully aware it's fiction but it's loosely based on ancient history like Egypt, Camelot & Atlantis.
Another newsflash: Camelot and Atlantis are also fiction, not ancient history.
(By the way, ignore radar operator Mal Scurrah's opening in that video. He is talking about an entirely separate incident earlier in 1980 not linked
to Rendlesham but sneakily edited to make it seem that way).
I did wonder about that - What incident was this one?
it seems to me they got a little to close to experimental craft with advanced ECM's and the 'aliens' they say were probably projections. or a way
for people to communicate with the pilots if they were at a remote location or psychological warfare being tested on these men.
its interesting they say a red glowing ball, in belgium when they say the bigger triangles the cops there said it would release a red ball that went
down to the water. so it is obviously a sensor of some kind, but a human built one.
if the story is as close to the truth as possible, why would the commanding officers go out to talk to the 'aliens'? it's almost like they were told
what to do if the craft showed up.
when this happened lasers were still new to unscientific people so a laser or maser type of projection would look very strange to them. and add in
ECM's that might alter perceptions could also explain the strange appearance of what they perceived to be aliens
its crazy that people leap right to E.T on allot of these cases, people don't give enough credit to human engineers. Don't get me wrong i believe in
E.T's 100% but i don't think the most of them fly in nuts and bot crafts.
i would have loved to been there i would have demanded them to pick me up and take me for a ride.