posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 05:33 AM
a reply to:
What people do in the privacy of their own home, and in their bedroom; with the caveat that no one is being harmed or having things done against their
will, then it is--
No One Else's damn business!
Why do people feel they must influence one way or another, what goes on in the privacy of someone's home?
I mean seriously, people need to get over this ridiculous notion, that people should only love or want to have carnal knowledge of certain types. Be
it heterosexual /non-heterosexual / robo-sexual / or multi-sexual. It really is no one's damn business.
And seriously, if you wanna boink an A.I. robot, be my guest. It'll probably be safer, more convenient, and without the added issue of people having
headaches, or not liking what your doing.. You don't have to worry about "If the robot likes it".. (At least until the singularity occurs, but alas, I
This woman, and others like her, have control issues. They do not like change. Two things in the world are constant, Change and chaos. People will
do their damnedest to keep them from happening too.
Great Post, Boymonkey. S&F! Sorry for the Rant, but.. that is my $0.02.