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I can see the matrix - Visual Snow Patterns

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posted on Mar, 14 2019 @ 06:11 PM
Cool thread, I just wanted to say that “floaters” are a biological thing, seeing tiny cells etc. in our eyes, which I’ve mostly seen when looking at the bright blue sky.

Now the “static” or “flowers of air” is something different. I see it best in pitch black rooms, or even dimly-lit rooms. So it’s not seeing biological stuff, it seems like “static,” like it’s bits of energy.

It could be dismissed as some side-effect of our eye’s processes... except that it can be manipulated with our focus, which may suggest it’s more of an energy field that we’re seeing and manipulating.

I bet everyone probably sees it in the dark but most might not pay any attention to it.

Static and splotches of different colors that can be manipulated.

This thread takes me back to being a small kid in a lovely pitch black room.

I could encourage different colored static and splotches of color. Like I could focus and bring up orange splotches, or blue, green etc.

I remember RED dots was the hardest thing to create but with enough time and focus, I could make the best effect of all: a giant ring of red dots rotating around my room!

I’ve barely focused on this since a young kid... most houses are not pitch black dark, which might be why people don’t notice it.

posted on Mar, 17 2019 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: peacefulpete

I see the world differently. Light upon Light. By day its a golden yellow colour,by night its a green indigo colour. It's a part of the visible spectrum that alot of people cant see. Its a world where beings like Angels exist. Sometimes its a blessing at others its a curse.
In my existance folk that you would name Lucifer,Azazeal, Samael, Lilith, Gabriel, Uriel Michael etc exist. They may not be there real names but you should be able to relate to whom I talk about
You want to know the secret to this creation the The Buzzcocks - Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn't've)

Its a love story

edit on 17-3-2019 by DpatC because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-3-2019 by DpatC because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-3-2019 by DpatC because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 08:22 AM

originally posted by: DpatC
a reply to: peacefulpete

I see the world differently. Light upon Light. By day its a golden yellow colour,by night its a green indigo colour. It's a part of the visible spectrum that alot of people cant see. Its a world where beings like Angels exist. Sometimes its a blessing at others its a curse.
In my existance folk that you would name Lucifer,Azazeal, Samael, Lilith, Gabriel, Uriel Michael etc exist. They may not be there real names but you should be able to relate to whom I talk about
You want to know the secret to this creation the The Buzzcocks - Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn't've)

Its a love story

I want to understand your post but I don't understand the song reference.

posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: peacefulpete

pp you do know that concentration on nothing and seeing patterns and shapes are mental exercises that yogi and adepts and the likes do along the path to Gnosis or Samadhi, clearing the mind and concentrating and imagining things into being, when we are younger we are more capable because we are less conditioned in our "realities"

i see my three year old laughing like crazy some nights before sleep and some mornings before wakefulness, where he is half asleep or half awake, and these are the the conscious states we are trying to achieve when connecting with higher consciousness or whatever you want to label it.

posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: peacefulpete

originally posted by: DpatC
a reply to: peacefulpete

I see the world differently. Light upon Light. By day its a golden yellow colour,by night its a green indigo colour. It's a part of the visible spectrum that alot of people cant see. Its a world where beings like Angels exist. Sometimes its a blessing at others its a curse.
In my existance folk that you would name Lucifer,Azazeal, Samael, Lilith, Gabriel, Uriel Michael etc exist. They may not be there real names but you should be able to relate to whom I talk about
You want to know the secret to this creation the The Buzzcocks - Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn't've)

Its a love story

I want to understand your post but I don't understand the song reference.

The song ref is in relation to,well no on second thoughts don;t worry, it's just a great song. WHat do you need help in understanding.At the end of the day all it means is that I can just see more of the visable spectrum and the life that resides within it. Imagine another layer of Light ontop top of natural light Make sence. It's a world where beings like Angels exist. Tp the best of my knowledge only 7 people that currently walk on earth have this ability there may be more from Angelic Bloodline families,Im not sure about those Lines as my line isn't Angelic. To be compleatly honest I don't really associate in angelic family circles. Working directly with Angels is enough. Personally I haven't got the time for bull# like Bohemian Groove and the like. I suppose one day I will have to make an effort with Angelic Family lines as at the end of the day they are etended family. But to be honest currently I couldn't be arsed Got to much else to concern myself with

edit on 23-3-2019 by DpatC because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-3-2019 by DpatC because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-3-2019 by DpatC because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-3-2019 by DpatC because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 02:17 PM

originally posted by: DpatC

originally posted by: peacefulpete

originally posted by: DpatC
a reply to: peacefulpete

I see the world differently. Light upon Light. By day its a golden yellow colour,by night its a green indigo colour. It's a part of the visible spectrum that alot of people cant see. Its a world where beings like Angels exist. Sometimes its a blessing at others its a curse.
In my existance folk that you would name Lucifer,Azazeal, Samael, Lilith, Gabriel, Uriel Michael etc exist. They may not be there real names but you should be able to relate to whom I talk about
You want to know the secret to this creation the The Buzzcocks - Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn't've)

Its a love story

I want to understand your post but I don't understand the song reference.

The song ref is in relation to,well no on second thoughts don;t worry, it's just a great song. WHat do you need help in understanding.At the end of the day all it means is that I can just see more of the visable spectrum and the life that resides within it. Imagine another layer of Light ontop top of natural light Make sence. It's a world where beings like Angels exist. Tp the best of my knowledge only 7 people that currently walk on earth have this ability there may be more from Angelic Bloodline families,Im not sure about those Lines as my line isn't Angelic. To be compleatly honest I don't really associate in angelic family circles. Working directly with Angels is enough. Personally I haven't got the time for bull# like Bohemian Groove and the like. I suppose one day I will have to make an effort with Angelic Family lines as at the end of the day they are etended family. But to be honest currently I couldn't be arsed Got to much else to concern myself with

draconian.. 120% dragon. A golden yellow yang fire dragon -Funk D'void Diabla just saying

Oh btw im not the devil,
edit on 23-3-2019 by DpatC because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 01:07 PM
For those still interested please research phosphenes and biophotons.

With focus you can truly go on a journey into your visual cortex.

The visual snow and auras are just the beginning. With practice you can control these effects so as not to interfere with your day to day vision.

posted on Jul, 6 2019 @ 11:55 AM
I never really told anyone this only a few ppl in my life but ever since I was 4 or 5 years old as long as I can remember, every night in bed when I closed my eyes & meditated I could see through my 3rd eye in my mind & I would roll my eye balls up and sideways & down & I could see a very bright golden light within me..I think I was seeing my soul or Inner Being or Higher Self.

Also I could meditate & have my eyes closed & at same time see these Matrix looking little red dots streaming downward but much slower. And the crazy thing is the first Matrix movie came out in 1997! I was seeing these red dot Matrix patterns since age 4 or even younger & that was in the mid-late 80s!
So that's the 1st pattern then the 2nd pattern I would see those static squiggly patterns from like when a TV cable goes out. Like from the beginning intro to the 1995 series The Outer Limits.

Then the last pattern is
a heavenly looking bright white light with purple stained glassed windows like from a Cathedral. They look like geometric triangular shapes but more abstract...

So it's like 3 patterns I can always see whenever I close my eyes in the dark. It's so strange..ever since I was 4 or 5 I could see this. Idk what it is exactly maybe my 3rd eye chakra or something phenomenal or supernatural...It is def extraordinary & a mystery... A gift of inner-vision I had ever since..I wish I could decipher what these patterns mean. Is it my Higher Self seeing my Universal Consciousness radiating within me?

edit on 6-7-2019 by StarseedEmpress because: Had to correct the order of my sentences

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 10:08 PM
I have an RH- blood type and have had visual snow my entire life I recently have researched a bunch of the RH- theories and became curious if visual snow was at all related to negative blood types I have not found anything other than this thread that says so and I’m curious if you or anyone can provide me further details please and thank you in advance!
a reply to: trifecta

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 10:09 PM
I have an RH- blood type and have had visual snow my entire life I recently have researched a bunch of the RH- theories and became curious if visual snow was at all related to negative blood types I have not found anything other than this thread that says so and I’m curious if you or anyone can provide me further details please and thank you in advance!
a reply to: trifecta

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 10:11 PM
I 100% percent agree it can feel like a curse much of the time however it’s also a gift
a reply to: ratsinacage

posted on Oct, 9 2019 @ 12:31 AM
I was having trouble sleeping last night. When I finally felt like I was dozing, I swear it seemed like I was looking through the back of a television screen.cannot say for certain if it was the start of REM sleep and dream state, but I immediately got up three times as I would see this effect. There was something on the screen on the outside. I unplug the bedroom TV at night though and actually sleep facing the wall, not the TV side.

No idea why it seemed like I was seeing through a TV screen. The pixelation effect is what got to me. Could it have anything T all to do with the metal bracket in my face I have had since an auto accident for eight years now?? I suspect it's more than just a fixation to set the fracture from then. Always have.

posted on Oct, 9 2019 @ 02:07 AM
Thank you for the update.
I once experienced synesthesia. It comes in many different forms.

My synesthesia showed music and noise as shapes and objects. Sound would morph from well, sound to an image in my vision. Some sounds were pleasant colors send shapes. Others not so much. This synesthesia left the same day it came.

However researching synesthesia any perception can be transferred to another different input. It can be confusing to understand.

One man Tacoma washington saw geometric Patterns Overlaid on everything he saw. He said it was beautiful. After a time he realized its significance. Not only was it beautiful color it was accurate which made him a wizard with math and geometry. He could solve complex equations without then paper or computer.

I know you figure you pretty much got yours under control unsolved. However for who have it I can come in many different shapes and forms. Any input visual audio touch taste smell and even in motion or numbers can be represented in various ways To a person.

Is it possible you may have an undocumented form of synesthesia? Perhaps you're seeing another sense presented to you in your vision in a different way. Let me see if I can find the article it explains much better than I. Take a look at the pictures. Even if it doesn't apply to you it is a great read. Hope it helps

Here synesthesia

originally posted by: Grenade
For those still interested please research phosphenes and biophotons.

With focus you can truly go on a journey into your visual cortex.

The visual snow and auras are just the beginning. With practice you can control these effects so as not to interfere with your day to day vision.

posted on Oct, 9 2019 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: Grenade

I sometimes see a green / purple flickering geometric grid , I also see RGB grids , spectral lines , vortices , or torus

these are enhanced by psychoactives

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 09:12 PM
I have never heard of this before, it is an interesting experience that you are having.

People do have various experiences of this kind, these kinds of experiences are hard to explain with conventional thinking.

I have had some experiences of seeing the matrix, they are different from what you describe though.

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: Grenade

i see the snow too but i always attributed it to signal to noise issues or the fall out from my younger years when exprimenting with hallucinogens

our eyes are just bio electrical sensors so that our brain that is trapped in our skull can see where it is.

that gets into the whole meat suit idea of ghosts in space suits

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 10:56 PM
I grew up thinking everyone could see it too but learned not to talk about it often. There is profound joy in seeing it, an understanding everything is alive. There is so much more than we can see, more layers.

You can ignore it and it fades. A few minutes of concentration and it renews. For me there is also a sound component- everything seems to go slow slow slow and a hush happens- even in the noisiest environment.

I cannot overemphasize the feeling of happiness. Besides this, I appear normal. A bit of an empath, but I have a healthy barrier when needed.

I was born with a caul. In my culture, this is interpreted as a potential seer and the person is revered as a healer/ psychic/ storyteller. In other cultures, they used to be stoned. I wonder if the others who can see were also born with a veil?
edit on 12-10-2019 by sayaangel because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2020 @ 06:31 AM
Hi. First post, woo.

OP: I know a couple of people with similar symptoms. In their case, it's permanent damage caused by a serotonin toxicity incident, likely caused by a drug interaction with an SSRI antidepressant.

If you were on an SSRI when this started, I'd strongly suggest speaking to a doctor. Take care.

posted on Feb, 20 2020 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: wastedown

Bah -- fooled by a zombie thread bump.
edit on 20-2-2020 by 0zzymand0s because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2020 @ 11:34 AM
The experience of constantly "seeing" myriads of minute points of light filling the field of optical vision as a background to ordinary images of the everyday world was familiar to the clairvoyant Geoffrey Hodson, who remarked in experiments carried out with a New Zealand psychiatrist named Dr D. Lynness:

"I wonder if you or your colleagues would care to comment to me upon the commonest phenomenon that I see, all the time, unless I make an effort to shut it out, and now when I emerge from my clairvoyant investigation it fills the whole air, world and universe, and it consists of countless myriads of the smallest possible points you can imagine, the whole air is filled with it. It is all in extremely rapid movement. Sometimes it makes little lines of groups of them. Sometimes it is a kind of shimmer. But it is all granular. Whatever there is granular. Minutely granular, far inconceivably beyond anything, a pin's point would be enormously large in relationship to this, if one could see a pin's point. It's extremely minute. And they are everywhere. And they've always been, ever since etheric clairvoyance showed itself to me at all, always the world, the air, everything I look at is pervaded and surrounded by these countless myriads of minute points."††

†† From an unpublished transcript of investigations by Dr. D.D. Lyness M.B., Ch.B., D.P.M., M.A.N.Z.C.P. (available here). The passage quoted above comes from observations made on January 26, 1959, which are among a few pages of the transcript omitted from the linked web page. The original, complete transcript, entitled "Some recent clairvoyant research in New Zealand," is deposited in the National Library of Australia collection (see here).

The explanation of what Hodson was describing can be found in News item #9 here (scroll down the page). He was describing the Higgs boson condensate. This is a superfluid of Higgs bosons that permates the vacuum of the universe and is responsible for: 1. endowing mass to subatomic particles through their coupling to these spinless particles; 2. holding together quarks in hadrons through the Nielsen-Olesen vortices that form in the superfuid and squeeze together the colour flux emanating from coloured quarks. It is known in particle physics as the QCD/string model of quark confinement. These vortices are composed of supercurrents of Higgs particles in the superfluid and are analogous to the Abrikosov vortices found in Type 2 superconductors and generated by pairs of electrons circulating tubes of magnetic flux squeezed together through the Meissner Effect. This circulation was actually noticed by Hodson. On January 26, 1959, during an experimental session, he remarked:

"The sight I have of these objects is, I think, improved from the earlier observations. They're surrounded by a field of spinning particles going round them. The one I've got hold of is like a spinning top — the old-fashioned spinning top, but imagine that with (spinning rapidly) a mist or field round it of at least half its own dimension, of particles spinning in the same direction much smaller than itself. The Anu** is not only the heart-shaped corrugated form that I have described, it is the centre of a great deal of energy and activity and within it. Outside it, as I have said, there's this rushing flood of particles, the corrugations themselves are alive with energy and some of it is escaping — not all of it, but some of it, and this gives it a tremendously dynamic look. Inside, it's almost like a furnace, it is like a furnace (I don't mean in heat) of boiling activity — organised by the bye, yes, in some form of spiral fashion admittedly, but there's a great deal of activity of free, minuter particles."*

* See transcript linked to above.
** The Anu is the basic subatomic particle that Hodson and others with this remote-viewing faculty claimed to detect. It has been shown to be the constituent of quarks. The proof of this is given here and here. See also News item #9 linked to above.

Why do some people experience these images superimposed on their visual field? Because they are temporarily (or in some cases like Hodson) permanently experiencing two kinds of vision simultaneously: optical vision due to their eyes and clairvoyant vision (not easily controlled) that is caused by their activated ajna chakra. One can dream up all kinds of hypothetical, pathological or neurological explanations. But ask the people who actually have these experiences and they will tell you it has nothing to do with their eyes. Indeed, it has nothing to do with their brains.....

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