Id recommend avoiding refined sugary food for starters, the human body can live without sugar and refined sugar messes with your hormones, and immune
system. The only sugar id say to ever eat is natural sugar that can be found in many fruits as these are all packed with essential vitamins and
A lot of peoples diets have far too much omega 6 fats which causes inflammation of the joins and organs and also messes with your central nervous
system, so try and take omega 3 supplements to get a good balance of omega 3 so its atleast equal in measure to your omega 6.
And talking about fats in general avoid eating any type of vegetable oil or cooking with it as at high temperatures the polyunsaturated fats turn into
trans fats which we all know is the worst fat u can EVER eat. The only oil id recommend using and cooking or having raw in your diet is olive oil as
its packed with monounsaturated fats which are very healthy for your entire body and immune function. Saturated fat believe it or not is very good for
you as a male because it increases testosterone, yes thats right your body needs saturated fat to make all your sex and growth hormones. So to recap
have a diet that has a healthy amount of saturated and monounsaturated fats, but limit the intake of polyunsaturated fats.
Have a diet with plenty of proteins as your body needs it for growth and cell repair, protein is essential. Id recommend eating the least fatty meats
like poultry chicken and turkey, and also plenty of fish for your omega 3s, but not too much tuna as its high in mercury and believe me ive first hand
experienced mercury poisoning as i ate tuna daily and it built up in my system after several months
and yes its ok to eat bacon for breakfast as
its packed with not just protein but saturated fat too. If you can have some protein powders too but avoid soya protein as its full of plant
As for carbohydrates id say eat brown rice and bread, avoid any refined white carbs like white rice and bread, but the one white carb id highly
recommend is potatos with the skins on as the skins are packed with all the essential minerals your body needs.
Drink plenty of water, water helps your skin keep looking younger for longer and for your body to work at full capacity you need to be well hydrated
all the time.
Lastly exercise atleast 3 times a week, cardio is good as long as your doing fast sprints etc, dont grind away on the bloody treadmill as this will
make your body lroduce cortisol which is a stress hormone that you really dont need. Please Do resistance training like weight training as this will
force your whole body to produce high amounts of testosterone and growth hormones which will make you feel great and you'll also look great after
several months
Ive been training on and off for 10 years, i know almost everything their is to know about training/diet and how this impacts the body so please
believe what im saying, and if you dont then a bit of research will prove the validity of all that im saying. Sorry if this is a long message but this
is something im very passionate about so am glad to pass on any of my 10 years of knowledge in this field to any that is interested.
P.s i know a lot of people say dont eat too many eggs as they are high in cholesterol, well while this is true your body needs dietary cholesterol to
make testosterone and their is a lot of evidence proving this, and dietary cholesterol is not bad for you and will NOT clogg your arteries up ok
i consider eggs a super food as they are packed with almost all vitamins, a specially vitamin D which to some is considered a steroid for
its testosterone boosting effects, just like the sunlight on your skin. Eggs have many minerals too and the added bonus of protein. I dont take
vitamin tablets as i consider the humble egg to be mine and i atleast it 2 a day. I wish you look friend and i hope you found my message to be