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Health and slowing the age process

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posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: Mousygretchen

Hey please don't think I was being judgemental there!

Yeah, I'm not easy on myself, bit of a self defeatist/masochistic personality sorry!

edit on VpmMonday04pm930 by valiant because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: valiant

Yeah, I always thought oils were bad for the skin as well, but I started finding out that all the soaps we use really do a number on our skin. I still use soap, but when you put a bit of oil on it really helps the skin to move the way it is suppose to, instead of stretching when dried out. I looked into old Native practices and many work well. They also use to put bear grease/fat in their hair. Bear grease doesn't go rancid, bullets for guns also use to be coated in bear grease due to the fact it didn't go rancid and had a nice consistent slip. A super fine oil which comes from the moringa seed is good for you and your skin. They also used this oil from the moringa to oil watch gears because it was very thin. I also have to drink lots of water and it is good, it helps keep all your internal pipes clean, but don't ever make a habit of drinking distilled water. It is corrosive, triple distilled water can eat away glass. If you ever get that sick taste in the back of your nose you can boil and cool 2 cups of water and mix in one teaspoon of sea.salt and suck it up through you nose, as well as gargle. You can also use theixture if your eyes are irritated, my doctor told me to do this because my first born had clogged.tear ducts and it is the same saltyness as you tears, just don't use iodized salt, it has to be sea salt, and the water should be boiled for 5 min and then cooled then mixed with the level teaspoon of salt. I tried it on myself first cause I was scared to put it in my daughters eye. It worked like a charm, with 3/separate eye washes a day for a few days. I am very lucky because my doctor will try natural stuff when he sees fit, instead of chemical man made stuff.
P.s. the moringa oil for watch gears was called Ben Oil.
edit on 14-9-2015 by Fireflysky because: Forgot a part of info

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: Fireflysky

I never got on with soap, especially on my face! haven't used it in years. I use Lemon juice on my face, to even out skin tone, which definitely helps it look better, just have to make sure not to dry it out though, wet your face after and use a moisturizer.
I never drink distilled water, mineral or filtered tap water for me. at least 3 litres a day, always more in truth.

Thanks for the tips, you seem pretty knowledgable!

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 07:09 PM
For men, regular masterbation or sex slows the aging process. I'd say 3-5 times a week.

Increased levels of testosterone keep our skin and hair looking young as well as keeping our ability to retain muscle mass steady not to mention increasing energy levels.

Only way to trigger an increase of testosterone is to drain the sack and increase blood flow (work out). Keep a healthy diet and when you're 50 people will think you're in your late 20's early 30's

And as some others have said plenty of water! Have to flush the toxins thats what really makes us age bad. Think meth head.
edit on 14-9-2015 by AlongCamePaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: AlongCamePaul

I would also.suggest hunting and eating wild game as well to increase testosterone. All meat at grocery stores is either female meat or meat from animals who have gotten their nuts cut off as babies. No testosterone, this is be because it makes the males more docile and make the meat taste better. I personally think it is also to make the human population more docile. Every hunter I've met are tough manly types where as a lot of people who don't consume wild game are way more laid back.

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: valiant

It is probably better to not use the soap, you seem to have a good natural intuition about things. If you are willing, try to put the aloe juice on your face every once in a while, it is amazing how well it hydrates the skin. I remember reading some where that Cleopatra would use it on her face as well to help keep her youthful look. I did it after I was diagnosed and the aloe coupled with the olive oil really helped.rejuvenate my skin. Sometimes I would also puree the plantain leaves into olive oil, plantain is fenominal for the skin, you would be surprised.
Oh and bananas make me sick to, I like the taste, but they upset my stomach and make my mouth ulcerate. Some foods should really be avoided, probably due to sugar content and who knows what they may be treated with, same with most strawberries, they are heavily pesticides from what I have heard.

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 07:29 PM

edit on 14-9-2015 by Fireflysky because: Double post

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: AlongCamePaul

Yeah I work out, I got all that covered, apart from the sex
never knew testosterone slowed the age process though, I actually thought the opposite!

I should really get my testosterone levels checked, been meaning to do that.

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: Fireflysky

Ahh thank you, I read about the aloe juice before, completely forgot about it, thanks for reminding me
if it worked for Cleopatra lol she was known for her beauty, I hear.
I'll look into the plantain.

Yeah my food weirdness is both a blessing and a curse, I avoid a lot of things and my menu is very small, so that helps keep a few things in check, on the other hand it means I miss out so have to take vitamins etc to replace what I am missing out on.

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: valiant

Aloe.vera is high in vitamin c, don't buy it in bottles though, that stuff is crap. Just keep 3 or 4 around the house, and break off a leaf?? Split it open and rub on, and eat the rest of the inside part, but don't eat the green outside part or you will get the #s. The vitamin c is good for the insides and outside, remember we are like a donut, but try it on your outside first, that's what I learned about how to test plants to see if you have allergies. Not that I have heard of anyone being allergic to aloe, but best to be safe and start small and go from there. Plus it's just a really handy plant to have around the house, I am always accidentally burning myself when I cook and it saves a lot of pain. In those cases, I'll split the leaf and wrap the burn with the juicy side down and use tape on the dry green side to hold it in place. Never let oxygen get on a burn, it will feel a thousand times worse. I have fixed burns that were so bad I probably should have went to the hospital. But I learned young from my mom, that it can actually heal over night if kept in ice water, taking the juice of the aloe and placing it in a baggie and putting your hand in the baggie of aloe and then submerging in ice water works even better. Although it is good to have a lot of ice cause it will melt throughout the night, so more needs to be added into the ice water every few hours. By morning your skin will be perfectly fine, no pain or scarring. Again I always get burns from the oven, I just really suck in the kitchen but I gotta eat so the aloe and ice water trick works like a charm.

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: Fireflysky

All the bottled stuff? is there no benefit at all?

Interesting about the burns, because they hurt like #, burnt my thumb on the oven just last weekend, nothing too big but it frigging hurt! anything to minimize that pain is worth a shot.

I'm good in the kitchen

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 10:05 PM
a reply to: valiant

The bottled stuff is soo gross, I bought some to eat once and it tasted like plastic, that's when I tried some off my plant at home and it was super compared to the bottled stuff. I only had one plant and I nearly finished it off over the summer so I got more and now I cycle through so I always have some
The plant survived though, they are very hearty. Just take the leaves fr the edges cause it sprouts new leaves from the middle. I like to think of it as a symbiotic relationship with vera

Oh, and a friendly note, if you have a cat, you might be competing for vera, I remember my cat would always chew ours when I was little. Come to think of it, she never got the squirts from eating the outside part, I just never tried the outside cause I read that it could give you the #s, maybe it doesn't, I don't really know from experience. Hmm, maybe I will give it a try for an experiment.
Any who, maybe you can give me some cooking ideas sometime, I generally cook alright, but I don't fair well cause I am always accidentally cutting or burning myself, sometimes several times for one meal and then I just end up getting pissed off at myself. I do have my good days though. I think I invented a dish once, I made cranberry mandarine chicken, it tasted good, but it didn't look all that pretty.
Nice sharing with you, but it's way past my bed time and I'm probably gonna pay the price tomorrow. Night

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: valiant

AIP can be super expensive, supposed to be all organic fruits and veggies; only grass fed, free range meat- and meat is a HUGE part of it. But I can't swing that, simply not feasible for my budget. But I did the best I could. It's totally doable. And if you decide to give it a shot, I have a great Pinterest board with a ton of recipes. Many I have made and they are very good.

I haven't forgotten about the video .... But we really ought to not talk about fried oreos in a health discussion! Lol!

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 11:05 PM
Id recommend avoiding refined sugary food for starters, the human body can live without sugar and refined sugar messes with your hormones, and immune system. The only sugar id say to ever eat is natural sugar that can be found in many fruits as these are all packed with essential vitamins and minerals.

A lot of peoples diets have far too much omega 6 fats which causes inflammation of the joins and organs and also messes with your central nervous system, so try and take omega 3 supplements to get a good balance of omega 3 so its atleast equal in measure to your omega 6.

And talking about fats in general avoid eating any type of vegetable oil or cooking with it as at high temperatures the polyunsaturated fats turn into trans fats which we all know is the worst fat u can EVER eat. The only oil id recommend using and cooking or having raw in your diet is olive oil as its packed with monounsaturated fats which are very healthy for your entire body and immune function. Saturated fat believe it or not is very good for you as a male because it increases testosterone, yes thats right your body needs saturated fat to make all your sex and growth hormones. So to recap have a diet that has a healthy amount of saturated and monounsaturated fats, but limit the intake of polyunsaturated fats.

Have a diet with plenty of proteins as your body needs it for growth and cell repair, protein is essential. Id recommend eating the least fatty meats like poultry chicken and turkey, and also plenty of fish for your omega 3s, but not too much tuna as its high in mercury and believe me ive first hand experienced mercury poisoning as i ate tuna daily and it built up in my system after several months
and yes its ok to eat bacon for breakfast as its packed with not just protein but saturated fat too. If you can have some protein powders too but avoid soya protein as its full of plant estrogens.

As for carbohydrates id say eat brown rice and bread, avoid any refined white carbs like white rice and bread, but the one white carb id highly recommend is potatos with the skins on as the skins are packed with all the essential minerals your body needs.

Drink plenty of water, water helps your skin keep looking younger for longer and for your body to work at full capacity you need to be well hydrated all the time.

Lastly exercise atleast 3 times a week, cardio is good as long as your doing fast sprints etc, dont grind away on the bloody treadmill as this will make your body lroduce cortisol which is a stress hormone that you really dont need. Please Do resistance training like weight training as this will force your whole body to produce high amounts of testosterone and growth hormones which will make you feel great and you'll also look great after several months

Ive been training on and off for 10 years, i know almost everything their is to know about training/diet and how this impacts the body so please believe what im saying, and if you dont then a bit of research will prove the validity of all that im saying. Sorry if this is a long message but this is something im very passionate about so am glad to pass on any of my 10 years of knowledge in this field to any that is interested.

P.s i know a lot of people say dont eat too many eggs as they are high in cholesterol, well while this is true your body needs dietary cholesterol to make testosterone and their is a lot of evidence proving this, and dietary cholesterol is not bad for you and will NOT clogg your arteries up ok friend
i consider eggs a super food as they are packed with almost all vitamins, a specially vitamin D which to some is considered a steroid for its testosterone boosting effects, just like the sunlight on your skin. Eggs have many minerals too and the added bonus of protein. I dont take vitamin tablets as i consider the humble egg to be mine and i atleast it 2 a day. I wish you look friend and i hope you found my message to be informative

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 01:38 AM
Foods with vitamin c and vitamin e are good for the complexion. I have dry skin so over the years I have used different supplements like omega 3-6-9. Vitamin e helped me with dry red patches and in conjunction with vitamin c have kept wrinkles away. You don't need alot of vitamin e and should not over use it, that's why I recommend getting your vitamins from food. I try to have a smoothie everyday and often put English cucumbers in because the skin is naturally full of silica, which is good for the skin too. Sometimes I do an avocado and apple smoothie because the avocado has the good fats and vitamin e. Getting the right amount of exercise, rest and water are important too. Eating foods, like berries have antioxidants that are good for skin maintenance.

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 06:07 AM
From what i have learned is that you should retain the male seed as this holds untold amounts of energy and life force, your testes produce testosterone so why would you want to deplete your reserves? You can orgasme without spilling the seed, just research chi kung.

originally posted by: AlongCamePaul
For men, regular masterbation or sex slows the aging process. I'd say 3-5 times a week.

Increased levels of testosterone keep our skin and hair looking young as well as keeping our ability to retain muscle mass steady not to mention increasing energy levels.

Only way to trigger an increase of testosterone is to drain the sack and increase blood flow (work out). Keep a healthy diet and when you're 50 people will think you're in your late 20's early 30's

And as some others have said plenty of water! Have to flush the toxins thats what really makes us age bad. Think meth head.

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: Lompyt

Releasing the seed stimulates the production of more seeds, which by inherent nature triggers an increase in testosterone.

I don't know what quantifiable evidence you have for levels of life force.

But the levels of testosterone before and after party have been measured in the blood of healthy males and quantifialble evidence has been obtained.

Testosterone is also known to increase energy levels.

I hope I answered your question sufficiently.

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: chelsdh

The meat over here ain't too bad, our normal cows are grass fed anyway last time I checked, still the prices are not what you'd call cheap, so you have to stretch it out, budget has to be spot on and tight! like you say, it's doable! I'll definitely be interested in your recipes if I give that a shot, thanks!

I'm about to do crock pot Brisket tomorrow, been ages since I made that!

Haha yeah, i'll shhh on those Oreos for now!

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: ParanoidCovKid

Top reply, I've got most of that down! for anyone reading this is a great post, I'd star you again if I could!

On the eggs, I eat them every single day, packed with goodness, I consider them like a superfood!

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: peppycat

Thanks peppycat, great post, noted on the vitamins.

I love the idea of smoothies, but on my current diet, pretty hard to include them. I don't actually mind cucumber so that's one i'll remember for the skin.

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