posted on Sep, 16 2015 @ 10:36 PM
There is a discourse in an ancient text, that I happened to read. The discourse happens between 2 enlightened persons.
It says, God is Nirguna, god does not judge, god is never jealous, god does not punish. God just grants prayers.
The system is built in a way, that prayers which are prayed by many gets granted.
If you believe god punishes, and judges, you start to see events in such a way. If you think god wants retribution and killing of non believers, you
start justifying that thought process. In the end, we are our Gods, our thoughts and actions and answerable to us alone.
In such a case, how easy is peace and prosperity.
This is the prayer, that we were taught, when we were young.
Om Sarve Sukhinah Bhavantu ( Let everyone be happy and feel good)
Sarve Santu Niramayaah ( Let everyone be healthy free from illness)
Sarve Bhadraanni Pashyantu (Let everyone be prosperous)
Maa Kashcid-Duhkha-Bhaag-Bhavet ( Let unhappiness, toughness, sickness, not effect anyone)
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih (Let there be peace)
Utopia is just one step away, from where ever we are.
In and ideal system, there cannot be extremes, there cannot be a place where people are subjected to poverty, famine and war. When their neighbours
enjoy life. Everything tries to balance out, and thus the migration.
Everyone wants to live peacefully and happily, but some of us does not want that peace to be with our neighbours.
Its like the body saying, the harsh weather is only harming the skin, I dont care. Once the skin goes, the harsh weather starts affecting the organs.
And thus the whole body fails. The society has to always care for those in first line of attack.
Wiser would be to pray that no accidents occur, than smile at the plight of others. The choice is yours to be wise or not. If you think, your thought
process really makes you happy, then you must continue with your negative thoughts.