posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 04:45 AM
Sigh,,,when will we ever have a stable government to get on with the job. Now we're back to square one regardless of who leads.
Can we have one leader regardless of the vote. It's "Backwards HO!" to the Whitlam v Fraser days. There's no sustainable plan in any of the parties.
All leads to "I wanna be boss hog" and the backstabbing propped up and twisted by media and the gullible.
I'm sure Turncoat "Turnbull" has done his homework like Shorty "Shorten" has and knows where the popularity lays. Will make promises and prop himself
up like a true leader for the modern and future peoples of "Stayla".
Lets get real and let a PM sort their policies after a full term regardless of what party. Then.. they get voted out by the people and not a class of
idiots who sook when their leader says "NO". Disloyalty sucks.
I am sure there is a class of people out there, who are most vocal, that stab at any leader. Regardless of what orginisation a person leads there is
always some numbnut who is dissatified. I see it here on ATS frequently.
Crikey, get a grip. Let plans pan out. Things don't happen overnight. Get used to people saying "no". Dismiss hype. If Abbott fails after his
term then vote in a better preference.
Now I'm going to chainsaw down a dangerous high tree that my wife just hugged because it might fall on my house during a westerly. My wife can vote
me out if she wants but I'll save the house and kids in the long term.
Kind regards,
edit on 14-9-2015 by bally001 because: (no reason given)