Her Name is Alice, Jezebel, Lilith, ISIS, Our Melisandre
"The lord of light, said melisandre" "the night is dark and full of terrors" quote from the best example to Jezebel from Game of thrones.
Message to Mods: I am not sure if this is the correct forums, due to the nature of the topic, I felt it would be more fitting in this forum since it
does go a bit into the realm of philosophy. But feel free to move this thread to the correct forums and my deepest apologies.
This is a very long topic, I ask through kindness, please refrain from posting until I finish. It took me awhile to write it down, and it well over
4,000 words. So please bear with me.
Before I start this high controversial topic, I wish to make one thing clear, I am not religious, I do not believe in religion. To explain why, you
must first look at where the word comes from. Religare, which means to tie or to bind or to enslave.
I am however, in favor of church, which is about community, service to others, anarchy.
“But wait! Anarchy means chaos! How can it be compared to church? “
Well, anarchy does not mean chaos, Anarchy simply means without Rulers or Masters. It ultimately leads to something called Sovereignty, which by the
constitution of the United States, we as individuals are sovereign. In Fact, your/our constitution is an Anarchistic piece of Document which is very
similar to that of the church. They both have one thing in common, Natural Law.
But what is Natural Law?
They are the gospels, it is also the golden rule, the law of karma, the law of the universe, cosmic law, God’s law, the Ten Commandments. You can
call it whatever you wish. Every single religion, no matter big or small has a reference to this law. However, contrary to church, religion tends to
NOT mention this law, because certain people tend to use the power of the church, (we the people are the church in other words, so we are THE POWER,
so to say.) The same power that won the war for independence. It is our God Given right to be free from another man’s power. Sovereignty gives us
the same power as kings and queens. Not to rule, but rather be FREE of rulers. However, it is NOT without rules. The law applies, do not do unto
others what you do not like to be done to yourself.
The problem is that from this rule came Man’s Law, we just kept on piling up laws to the point where we obliterated our freedoms in the process.
Man’s prison is of his/her own creation, because he/she failed to apply common sense, in favor of fanaticism (idoltry). This fanaticism gave power
to those with ill intentions. Now do you understand why this was part of the commandments? We see it all today, false prophets, false teachings,
politicians, American idol, all of these things are transforming the public into having narcissistic and apathetic views. But where does it come from?
From the very Idols/Divas people worship. Celebrities, T.V, anything that has influence over our minds. And because people follow idol’s along with
the crowd, people automatically think it is okay to do.
Example. Miley Cyrus on stage doing the “DJ” (use your imagination, I’m keeping this pg-13) in front of thousands of children and parents alike.
Things like this embeds itself in the subconscious of the child, and they think it is okay to do, while parents blindly accepts the act as “okay”
because it’s the latest fashion to be extra sexual. (Though parents with common sense, would be appalled and think twice on what the child is
listening to. Problem with this however, is that the parents sometimes don’t have a choice because a child today can scream out “child abuse”
against the parent for simply not letting them watch M.T.V) Nothing suspicious about cornering the parent or child by those in power here nope *rolls
Then we have artists promoting homosexual tendencies, and you see these male “divas” dressed somewhat feministic.
So when you really go up against the church, you are going up against
we the people. But by all means, critique religion all you want, for
their purpose is the opposite to that of the church.
I hope I gave you a new/old perspective. Now we can get to the juicy part of this topic. Which is to expose your true enemy; the Jezebel Spirit,
Lilith or whichever her name is. (it goes by many, and while this spirit has a female face attached to it, in reality it has no gender. However, this
spirit if you are a non-believer, I humbly suggest you read on, because even if you don’t believe in spirits, the characteristics of it still
applies within people and it is extremely damaging not only to you, but also towards your loved ones. You can apply this metaphorically, as you would
apply that which is called the “spirit of competition” when you compete in sports or what not. Im going to try and address both atheists and
believers here in this thread. Because we all have to do our parts in destroying this spirit OR characteristics, metaphorically, spiritually, or
through psychology. Regardless how it is viewed, it is real, it exists, most presently within people. However, keep an open mind because It is not in
Kansas anymore.
So buckle your seat belts, as I expose your true enemy.
Continued in the next post....
edit on th2015000000Sundayth000000Sun, 13 Sep 2015 14:18:38 -0500fAmerica/ChicagoSun, 13 Sep 2015 14:18:38 -0500 by SoulSurfer because: (no
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