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EXPERTS in Astral projection

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posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 08:47 PM
For those who are well experienced and practice astral projection i hope you could explain to me what exactly is astral projection and how can i astral project as a total beginner?

P.S i tried to research about it and try it and the more i researched the more i could confused and failed doing it, so i thought what better than an experienced persons help

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: Joesepth

There is much debate about the mechanics of astral projection. Remote viewing, telepathy, and other psychokinetic abilities are included in the same category of astral projection.

Basically you can displace your "mind" spatially, and some can displace temporally. Aka time travel.

Some report displacing into other dimensions where beings of other channels are observed too.

Many require practice and total concentration, however some adepts can project at will.
edit on 12-9-2015 by OneGoal because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 09:04 PM
The Jesuits have the ability to astral travel...

So do many satanists.

That's all you need to know.

I started AP at about 14, and since then my 3rd eye has opened up, and I see demons everywhere. Now I cant even sleep at night, bcuz whenever I try, I end up in another AP, that i didn't even start. I feel tired all the time, and I black out during the day sometimes. How do I to get rid of these demons?

To Astral Projection Practitioners: You don't dance with the Devil and his demons (" negative entities" ) & not expect to have to pay a price for it. When the music finally stops ( & sometimes they do abruptly at the whims of the Devil), it is the price of your precious indestructible soul that is in the end demanded. It is like the same old but nevertheless true story of the contract with the devil. Fame, fortune, special powers in exchange for your priceless soul. Don't ever be deceived.

In the Brotherhood (Satanism) the most important attraction for witches and warlocks is the ability to learn how to astral project. Sex and power is what makes most people join Satanist covens. It is by far their biggest drawing card.


Originally posted by Optimisplanet
I am quite certain that when I astral project I am not doing it myself. Something did it for me. I no longer WANT to astral project but something I feel is forcing me and I want it too stop.

The Christian author Larry Huggins astral projected and he found his astral body in hell. If you read the book "Prepare for War" by Dr. Rebecca Brown, there is a special demon that facilitates astral projection. This is really getting in the realm of the spirit or occult illegally and there could be repercussions. This practice also accelerates the aging process and it is known by Lamas that astral chord could be severed. This is also a condemned occult practice (Deuteronomy 18:10).

Exposing Astral Projection

An ex-sorcerer from New Zealand named Ian Clayton is an authority on this subject because he is one of the few who have experienced astral travel from both sides of the fence.

He calls it transrelocation. (described in the below video)

He has traveled frequently both in the spirit and in his physical body to different locations.

Some people in the UK have nick named Ian the "Shredder" because of their encounters with him while astral projecting.

zechariah14v7 4 months ago
Bruce Allen gave an account of a similar type of portal, and even characterized it as a kind of escape portal. he was transrelocated to an Aussie city. he did not try to take anything back with him, but when he approached the door that opened to the city streets, he was told not to, then was told to go back.

RobotRaptor12 1 month ago
There is a book called 'Gazing Into Glory' by Bruce Allen and he teaches how to see into the realm of the spirit and how to translocate. Look him up on youtube with Sid Roth and type 'translation by faith' in google and you will find him teaching in crossworld or something

edit on 12-9-2015 by Murgatroid because: Felt like it..

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: Murgatroid

You are correct, from what ive seen and experienced its a deception and allows people to become vulnerable to negative influences. Ive had close people deal with this crap and i almost lost my life because of it.

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 11:00 PM
Treatise on Astral Projection- The author is know as an expert on OBEs.

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 11:11 PM
seems a bit dangerous i wonder if any of them astral project, get somewhere else and dont come back, that would be death here

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 11:21 PM

originally posted by: ElOmen
a reply to: Murgatroid

You are correct, from what ive seen and experienced its a deception and allows people to become vulnerable to negative influences. Ive had close people deal with this crap and i almost lost my life because of it.

Many of the posts here i can verify as accurate. AP is not a laughing matter, especially the things that one can encounter...
edit on 12-9-2015 by OneGoal because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 11:58 PM
First you must learn to control your dreams, the more you can control yourself and your actions in your dreams along with your surroundings and for as long as possible the better your chances will be detach...

This will will take a lot of practice...
strict routines for bedtime and waking up are also big factors in making sure you have as much lucid opportunity possible...

this will happen with more regularity as your skill at realizing and controlling your dreams occurs...

After you have become a highly lucid dreamer practice opening your eyes without waking up...

it helps to have familiar things set up in a fashion you will easily remember when you start to see the things where you are sleeping as they should be you will be well on your way to astral projection...
do not be alarmed if you feel fuzzy or that you are unable to move or even breath let alone call out for help it will be a small miracle if you manage even a whisper should you try...
it is not uncommon to see shadow people in this state or feel like someone else is around you...
anyway that's more than enough to concern yourself with as far as learning goes Imagine...
I never even knew others did this sort of thing it was all a natural progression for me...

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 12:07 AM
so far I see alot of fear, disinformation, christian propaganda, and just general misunderstanding of OBE.

in plain terms, OBE'ing, is seperating the real you " pure perception " with the fake you " learned perception". I could have used other words there, but those felt right at this time.

I have obed while asleep, also while awake, i have also felt a different kind of enlightenment. a kind the amcients spoke of, which begins like the sound of a bee, or light. a vibration or frequency.

when obeing just remember, if you are affraid your mind will create it as a real scenario. it is your thoughts come ro life.
edit on 13-9-2015 by IntastellaBurst because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 12:21 AM
I almost forgot to give you the greatest trick for having an obe, besides practice and visualizations and such...

breaking your sleep pattern.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 12:27 AM
a reply to: Joesepth

Pay close attention, to the exact moment, when you are going to be asleep instead of awake, because there is space between those states, like a shooting star.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 01:51 AM
please do not listen to these people who say astral projection is bad. It is 100% safe and will change your life forever. It is healthy and you can literally heal your physical body from this knowledge.

I have been astral projecting for 12 years now. I am to the point where i can do it at will if I meditate everyday and eat a healthy raw food diet.

People who are afraid of astral projection are just ignorant or misinformed due to religious beliefs or just paranoia.

I've had very many OBE's, i've explored as far as my mind allows. I'v always come back completely healthy, if not healthier with a more expanded view of reality.

Your consciousness is not restrained to your physical body, everything you see is consciousness.

In fact every single night you astral travel. Dreams are almost the same thing. The difference between dreams and astral projection is you maintain consciousness as your body drifts asleep during an astral projection. During a dream you black out enter a dream unconsciously.

To astral project first thing is find a relaxation technique. What I do is tense and relax every muscle in my body, starting with my feet. Take a deep breath, during that breath tense your feet. On the exhale focus on relaxing your feet as much as possible. Then go the the calves, do the same thing. Work your way all the way up your body till you get to your face. Then restart at the feet and go all the way to the head one more time.

This should relax your body very much. At that point imagine breathing in colorful energy. Imagine it flowing in through every pour on your body and filling up the empty space between your atoms. Remember your body is 99.99% empty space. On the exhale relax as much as possible and imagine yourself falling down a well, as you breathe out you feel your self sinking deeper and deeper.

The point is to get the falling sensation. You know when your about to fall asleep and your kinda pre dreaming, and you trip or fall on something and it jolts you awake? You literally feel yourself falling and snap out of it cause your scared.

Well this is exactly the falling sensation you are looking for. This is why slowly falling down a bottomless well works for me. You don't hit the ground and you just keep falling and floating, don't be afraid. If you have an ounce of fear in you, you will just end up right back in your body.

So induce that falling sensation through visualization. Understand the what comes first is visualization then reality. This goes for physical reality as well. Visualize energy pouring into your body through every pour on your body. Induce the falling sensation on the out breath through visualization.

This puts your mind into the theta frequency. This is the gateway to having an OBE. Once your in the falling feeling you are out of body. It could feel like your on a roller coaster in pitch black, do not be afraid and kinda stabilize yourself and roll out of your body, or pop out, or flip out or something that it easy for you to visualize. You will literally feel your soul pop out of your body.

Another thing that happens sometimes is that you will get some very intense vibrations. Don't be afraid of these vibrations and allow them to completely engulf your body. Increase the high pitch noise that comes along with it and you will start to feel like you are violently shaking. When it gets really intense you will pop out of your body. You will end up somewhere around your physical body in your room, or you will end up in a completely different reality all together.

After 100's and 100's of OBE's I'm still trying to figure out how everything works. But good luck out there. And seriously do not be afraid. Fear will hold you back. You will be fine. This is not satanic, this is not evil, it is an expanded awareness of reality. People are afraid of what they don't know is all.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 01:55 AM
It also helps to wake up before you normally would. Walk around for about 20 mins. Then go back to bed and try.

Also, practice lucid dreaming, It will help you understand that state of mind more.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 02:04 AM
When you do learn how to astral project you very well could find yourself in a hell realm. Again don't be afraid, you are more powerful than any being in hell as long as you realize that. Consciousness creates reality. You can literally think people, or demons, or other beings out of existence.

You may also find yourself in heaven realms. The possibilities are literally infinite.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 06:08 AM
You might get a ticket quicker if You de-calcify Your Pineal Gland. There is a reason "They" put fluoride in the water supply...

I'd also recommend a 'chakra clearing' prior to travel...

Have an enjoyable trip!

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 07:09 AM
get a text book and Record all your dreams.
do this as SOON as you can, then go back to sleep.
and do try to get a good nights sleep.
if you have any mental troubles DONT do any of this.

then do lucid dreaming, as you start to go to sleep
try to dream and then control it. dont try to hard at first.
breath meditation helps to.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: ElOmen

I can relate to that. Astral Projection , is an out of body experience. I was taken out of my body , as always when it used to happen . Unwillingly , I hated the binding up , and control these evil things had over me. I guess it was their mission to scare the sh8t out of me , wear me down , make me feel helpless , depressed , and be aware that 'those' types of things exist. I wouldn't suggest it to anyone , but it's your choice. I never wanted to leave my body , ever.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: seeknoevil

Did you ever get them to stop bothering you?

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 08:39 AM

originally posted by: Murgatroid
The Jesuits have the ability to astral travel...

So do many satanists.

That's all you need to know.

I started AP at about 14, and since then my 3rd eye has opened up, and I see demons everywhere. Now I cant even sleep at night, bcuz whenever I try, I end up in another AP, that i didn't even start. I feel tired all the time, and I black out during the day sometimes. How do I to get rid of these demons?

To Astral Projection Practitioners: You don't dance with the Devil and his demons (" negative entities" ) & not expect to have to pay a price for it. When the music finally stops ( & sometimes they do abruptly at the whims of the Devil), it is the price of your precious indestructible soul that is in the end demanded. It is like the same old but nevertheless true story of the contract with the devil. Fame, fortune, special powers in exchange for your priceless soul. Don't ever be deceived.

In the Brotherhood (Satanism) the most important attraction for witches and warlocks is the ability to learn how to astral project. Sex and power is what makes most people join Satanist covens. It is by far their biggest drawing card.


The Christian author Larry Huggins astral projected and he found his astral body in hell. If you read the book "Prepare for War" by Dr. Rebecca Brown, there is a special demon that facilitates astral projection. This is really getting in the realm of the spirit or occult illegally and there could be repercussions. This practice also accelerates the aging process and it is known by Lamas that astral chord could be severed. This is also a condemned occult practice (Deuteronomy 18:10).

Exposing Astral Projection

An ex-sorcerer from New Zealand named Ian Clayton is an authority on this subject because he is one of the few who have experienced astral travel from both sides of the fence.

He calls it transrelocation. (described in the below video)

He has traveled frequently both in the spirit and in his physical body to different locations.

Some people in the UK have nick named Ian the "Shredder" because of their encounters with him while astral projecting.

zechariah14v7 4 months ago
Bruce Allen gave an account of a similar type of portal, and even characterized it as a kind of escape portal. he was transrelocated to an Aussie city. he did not try to take anything back with him, but when he approached the door that opened to the city streets, he was told not to, then was told to go back.

RobotRaptor12 1 month ago
There is a book called 'Gazing Into Glory' by Bruce Allen and he teaches how to see into the realm of the spirit and how to translocate. Look him up on youtube with Sid Roth and type 'translation by faith' in google and you will find him teaching in crossworld or something

There are different levels of heaven and hell. There's a paradise. Say that I knew of a place where upper dimensional beings dwell, that the inhabitants there are servants and lovers of God just as we are. You can do anything you want, just don't piss God off when He knows what's best for you. When all our Creator does is try to help us. He loves us, that's why He gave us freedom.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: Joesepth
Maybe start off with basic meditation as a good foundation? If you haven't done so already.

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