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Possible New World Order Scenario

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posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 10:59 AM
I don't know if anyone has talked about this before. The US's debt's interest is supposed to get so large by 2015 (estimate by economists) that it actually excedes the actual amount we can pay off. When this exact moment happens, the economy of the US crashes. Then, subsequently, the economy of the rest of the world follows and crashes as well. Given this scenario, could this mass worldwide chaos be the time when the NWO truly comes to power? 2015 seems too far away, I know, but still, today I was thinking about the economy crashing and I realized that this chaos would be the perfect chance for the NWO (or say... the anti-christ?) to come to power...

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by serenitynow
I don't know if anyone has talked about this before. The US's debt's interest is supposed to get so large by 2015 (estimate by economists) that it actually excedes the actual amount we can pay off. When this exact moment happens, the economy of the US crashes. Then, subsequently, the economy of the rest of the world follows and crashes as well. Given this scenario, could this mass worldwide chaos be the time when the NWO truly comes to power? 2015 seems too far away, I know, but still, today I was thinking about the economy crashing and I realized that this chaos would be the perfect chance for the NWO (or say... the anti-christ?) to come to power...

I believe if the world doesn't end or start a new age december 21, 2012, then this scenario is a very real posiblility, i would like to know other peoples peoples opions on this as this is a very real possibility IMO.


posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 12:28 PM
all this 2012, 2013,etc,etc is just trying to put a date to something we know notihng about. If the movement does come to past, it will be done without us knowing. They dont have an exact date for it, it will just happen.

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by infinite
all this 2012, 2013,etc,etc is just trying to put a date to something we know notihng about. If the movement does come to past, it will be done without us knowing. They dont have an exact date for it, it will just happen.

While i agree with you on most things, iam going to have to disagree here. I believe the year 2012 might not be the end of the world per say, but just the beginning of a new age, i think we may go from being in 3-d, to being in 4-d, or something like that. But enough of the off-topic stuff. I think the scenario you proposed is a possibility.


posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 12:36 PM
We are already in the "new age". Its the age of lies,corrupt governments and secrets. This is the age we live in. All are watched and monitored for our own "protection". This is what the future is like, 1984 style societies

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by infinite
We are already in the "new age". Its the age of lies,corrupt governments and secrets. This is the age we live in. All are watched and monitored for our own "protection". This is what the future is like, 1984 style societies

Yes that is the age we live in. Anyways i think the NWO would probably come to public and try to take over if the all the countries economies started failling.


[edit on 31-12-2004 by enlightened_smurf]

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by infinite
all this 2012, 2013,etc,etc is just trying to put a date to something we know notihng about. If the movement does come to past, it will be done without us knowing. They dont have an exact date for it, it will just happen.

Yes, this is true. But, the exact date of when the economy will crash IS known. Thus this scenario is one of the only ones which is not a prophecy or guess.

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by serenitynow
Yes, this is true. But, the exact date of when the economy will crash IS known. Thus this scenario is one of the only ones which is not a prophecy or guess.

Alot can happen between now and then,
i mean a lot. America might not even exists as a country by then.

Anyways i think the NWO would probably come to public and try to take over if the all the countries economies started failling.

if you study the New World Order theories correctly, you will see that the banks are already controlled.

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 10:25 AM
I see a One World Religion coming along with it--with the pope as the head.

Remember, the Vatican's been wanting to rule the world for centuries. The Illuminati is tied to it, as is Freemasonry. So is Zionism for that matter. They're smokescreens, so no one knows what they're up to.

They attempted it during WWII--the Third Reich. The Vatican hates Jews. This Zionism thing is pretty clever, because now people are blaming the Jews. There are Jews who are against Zionism.

Here's where you can get a lot of information on it:

I might also add that they tried to destroy America by instigating the Civil War. The Vatican wanted slavery because it was profitable. Also keep in mind, Catholicism believes in check your mind at the door, completely the opposite of the Constitution. So should it be any surprise that the elite want the Constitution destroyed?

Ku Klux Klan is also a Catholic organization, but they lie and say they're Protestant.

[edit on 1/2/2005 by Amethyst]

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by Amethyst
Ku Klux Klan is also a Catholic organization, but they lie and say they're Protestant.


even though the Klu Klux Klan is against catholism??

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 08:07 AM
the klu klax clan were never catholic, as i remember from school they hated catholics just as much as anyone.

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by space cowboy666
the klu klax clan were never catholic, as i remember from school they hated catholics just as much as anyone.

you are correct

i doubt they are secretly catholic anyways
somehow, i dont think the pope would approve

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 12:06 PM
quote "We are already in the "new age". Its the age of lies,corrupt governments and secrets. This is the age we live in. All are watched and monitored for our own "protection". This is what the future is like, 1984 style societies"

well in my opinion , that is the way its always been since the Roman Empire started around 50-100bc...

the pope wants to rule the world?
well he did for over a 1000yrs

the churchs' big days r behind them....

now McDonalds rules earth with a white glove and a big painted face
Ronald McDonald please dont enslave us

well i wont exactly mind being force-fed BigMacs for eternity so im not too upset
do we get a toy w/that?

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 07:33 PM
More like "Impossible NWO Scenario." Really, people taking over the world because the U.S. is in debt? Did you know that over 3 trillion is owed by other nations to the U.S.? Read that again. That's right, 3 trillion. That's $3,000,000,000,000. How much does the U.S. owe? And I doubt that such a scenario would lead to a takeover, if for no other reason than the Illuminati, if it truly exists, which I highly doubt, has no capability to take over much of anything, and would be affected by the disaster as well. Nobody took over the world during the Great Depression; the closest we got was Hitler.

I see a One World Religion coming along with it--with the pope as the head.

Right, Vatican City, approximately one sq. mi. in area, is the perfect place to launch a global takeover.

They attempted it during WWII--the Third Reich. The Vatican hates Jews.

You probably don't know it, but Hitler killed many Catholics, other denomonationalists, and Christians as well. Over a million, in fact. Facts have a way of getting in the way when you don't know history, don't they?

I might also add that they tried to destroy America by instigating the Civil War. The Vatican wanted slavery because it was profitable.

This is laughable. So I suppose the Civil War had nothing to do with hatred of Lincoln, Southern secessionism, in the making since 1830, anti-abolitionists, the Bleeding Kansas War, and all those other factors? Please. Yeah, the Pope decides one day, "Hmm, I profit from slave trading, so I'll get these Americans to fight a Civil War." and so began the American Civil War. You obviously know nothing of history.

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by Shadowtrooper90
More like "Impossible NWO Scenario." Really, people taking over the world because the U.S. is in debt? Did you know that over 3 trillion is owed by other nations to the U.S.? Read that again. That's right, 3 trillion. That's $3,000,000,000,000. How much does the U.S. owe?

How much does the U.S. owe? ....Well over $8.2 trillion by now. Welcome to Bush America.

POLITICS: US: Debt to hit $8.2 trillion on Monday

The senate voted along party lines today to increase the debt ceiling and passage is anticipated in the House by the end of the day. This was an anticipated post-election development. The debt ceiling will be raised by over $800 billion to $8.18 trillion dollars.


posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 02:23 AM
lol. to answer your question on the anti-christ. if the anti-christ wanted to come into power, he or she or whatever, can do it anytime it wishes. but why would the entire worlds economy crash with the united states? i would appreciate an answer.

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 09:56 AM
If an economic collapse were to be engineered, "They" would definitely know the date because it would be made to coincide with other events as part of the larger plan. Popular conspiracy theory states that the banking system and the financial system of the entire globe is controlled. Picking the date for the crash could be done arbitrarily.

Also, if you believe the occult-practising nature of "Them", then they would make the crash occur on a numerically auspicious or a satanically sacred date, just like 9-11.

Economic collapse on a scale greater than the Great Depression, especially when combined with large-scale terrorist attacks, would be the perfect environment for the institution of martial law and a police state. Society would virtually collapse in the face of sudden, extreme poverty and hysterical fear. Race riots are mere bar brawls when compared to the anarchy this would create. People, especially the middle-classes, would be begging for martial law and some semblence of order to save their families and themselves.

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 10:09 AM
the world we live in today is getting worse and worse by the day, if not the hour, the way we have been running things has got to change, and some one needs to step up and take the riens, if i was old enough, i would try, but all i can do is suggest this for those of you who can, to do it.
Someone needs to get into the white house with a college degree for once, someone who knows what he's/she's* doing, and hasn't been riding on there daddy's coat tails** and can understand the big picture, and ether start the worl peace prosess, or start to crush down the power houses of evil in the world, instead of this whole nonscence, 'axes of evil' that only pertains to bush and the iraqes, we need to move on as soon as posible, and leave them to determain their own destainy.

*i'm not a female, i'm just adding that to make everybody happy
**i'm not pro Kerry,Gore, or Bush, they all suck(compaired to other, more quliyfied people who didn't run)

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by infinite
all this 2012, 2013,etc,etc is just trying to put a date to something we know notihng about. If the movement does come to past, it will be done without us knowing. They dont have an exact date for it, it will just happen.

I'm sure that they have a few possible dates. "They" are obssesed with numerology.

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by Halfofone
I'm sure that they have a few possible dates. "They" are obssesed with numerology.

Hmmm...i see where you are going with this and i do agree. But for years, everyone has been saying "this year is the year the NWO comes". We all thought after Sept.11th.

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