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Can you help? Invading someone's mind

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posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 01:29 PM
Hi ; I understand that you have had these things happen to you .. Please understand that I know this from Shaman . Take Sage , dried sage , start it smoldering on a plate. Walk around the house , from her bedroom to the fron door. As you are moving from the bedroom to her front door , while the sage is smodering on plate , keep moving the plate of smoldering sage in a circlar motion like you are collecting the smoke. When you get to the front door , reverse the motion of the plate to bring in the good energy. This is called smudging. It works to clean the area of spirits and of controlling ones , who like to suck the life out of us. This method is what they do at Pow Wows around our nation. It is used all the time. , White technique works well too , but this is a proven method used by all tribes. Many Blessings ..

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by NetStorm
Wait I don't get it. Here on 1-4-05 you make the same post

but here on this thread, 2-1-2005 you say she went to the Dr.

Very very interesting!! Now how should we explain THIS?!!!

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by Vertu
I'm just checking on ATSers through the past weeks, and I can see an interesting pattern, how different ATSers are experiencing unbelievable alien/telepathic "invasion", those being watched, attacked, magic items disturbing their mind, etcetc....

Is there any reasonable explanation for this? Who the hell is playing this awful game here?! This questions a whole bunch of threads' credibility, and a fact is getting to surface, that some people are extremely bored !!!

I am not sure I follow. Here is my stance-- Anything is possible, but one must first rule out the most likely cause before jumping to the least likely. When someone hears voices and has no control over it, feeling as though their mind is attacked, it is more likely paranoia and delusion than it is a psychic invasion.
I have never doubted the existance of telepathy, as I have had personal proof that it exists, first hand. I also believe that this woman believes she is victim of a psychic attack. Ok it could be. So I dug up a few resources. But, is it more likely that it is medical than it is paranormal? I think so.

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by duh squared
I am not sure I follow. Here is my stance-- Anything is possible, but one must first rule out the most likely cause before jumping to the least likely. When someone hears voices and has no control over it, feeling as though their mind is attacked, it is more likely paranoia and delusion than it is a psychic invasion.

That's clear. But what can cause all this? Is there any person in your life, who IS capable to invade your mind? Is there anybody who has reason to do that? I heard many people with such a trouble and so many ended up in psychiatry , some for the rest of their life. Such people can endanger the community. Just imagine that you wake up from a horrible nightmare, and you kill your family members. Some of these psychos have done that already!!

You just start searching for that daemonic person, then later on you end up with a horrifying life. . . you may never know what comes out of you!!

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 01:58 PM
There may, or may not be. Fact of the matter is there isn't, because I decide that. Nor is it your business. Yes, people should have an understanding of human psychology, and take into account scientific, and paranormal cause and effect relationships. What the hell is your point?

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by duh squared
What the hell is your point?

The credibility of this thread has just been discussed above, and you keep up with that lady? Interesting, but I don't intend to be offensive.

Experienced telepathy at first hand? Very few people are so lucky to experience that in reality. Mostly only nutcases add up, that's all.

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 03:27 PM
A normal person would say schizophrenia and period.
Yet the Russian school of DEIR ( further energo-informational development ), part of MAIRVT, Russian academy of science, believe that among other energo-informational demage there is also a thing that people call a "curse".

A connection of an energo-informational being to a human and it "uploading" certain destructvie information.

Place her near the wall and tell her to shake slowly from side to side. Focus your eyes on the wall and your attention on her. You would notice an outline, at about 3-5 cm, around her body. This is her energy body, also know as aura. It should smoothly outline her.

Yet if you can't see it crearly above her head, if it is like going up and somewhere, like that...

...or if there are "bumps" on her shoulders, then we can assume we have found the problem.

This stuff is removable, yet I don't think that she, if she's not familiar with working with her energy, could do it at once on herself.

If you see that stuff, a possible solution would be to find a DEIR office in your country and ask them for help. They can do what they call a "peretyazhka" - slicing off the top part of the energy body with the connection, and forming a new, clean one.

Or, possibly, turn to church people who can do exorcism or some other specialists.

Good Luck!

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Vertu
You know, after 911 a lot of people (including me) heard "voices" about interesting things.

I didn't hear any voices related to 9/11. How do you know other people did? What did the voices say to you regarding 9/11? Any links?

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by MemoryShock
I didn't hear any voices related to 9/11. How do you know other people did? What did the voices say to you regarding 9/11? Any links?

I was pointing to nightmares and paranoia. They were very hard times, not to bring them up.

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 04:57 PM
I'd suggest having her learn a decent banishing ritual, like the lesser banishing ritual of the pentegram (LBRP). This will remove ALL outside influences, and if it is something other than some sort of mental disorder, she will not be affected.

Do a search on google, there's all kinds of different sites that will give you steps and information

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 06:06 PM
It may sound odd however I have found that eating lots and lots of garlic will help this. It really works. Also I would want to ask if she suffers at all from depression and is she sleeping well ? If there are no other symptons i would really try garlic.

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 07:33 PM
It would be terribly irresponsible to not have this girl also, in addition to, along side of, any 'paranormal' treatment, get 'normal' treatment. There isn't going to be any way to distinguish between "paranormal psychic attack", whatever that means, and plain old schizophrenia. Whats more so, there is no cure for the first, but there are treatments and remedies for schizophrenia and other psychological disorders.

edit to add

agreed, this needs to be addressed. Also, I read more of the thread and saw that she had been to a doc who did nothing. I find this difficult to beleive. It sounds as if you are pranking/hoaxing everyone here, and trying to eliminate that 'rational' route because you want the prank to be about paranormal technniques.

Its also bizzare that you keep asking board members who at least think that they are experienced in this sort of thing contact you thru email. I hope no one has done that.

The people that have, if they did so in a way that is obviously linked to their accounts on this board, could perhaps post that they did so here? That way if anything 'interesting' starts happening there can be a record of information? Perhaps thats a little paranoid, but, hell, this is a conspiracy site anyway.

Anyway, this 'taps' poster needs to address this issue of why he started to threads, why he wants email contact specifically, and elaborate sufficiently on what doctor told her there's nothing wrong with hearing voices in your head, especially after a trip to africa.

[edit on 4-1-2005 by Nygdan]

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 12:16 AM
Sorry for reading this post so late,when i first saw the title..i thought u are asking for help in how to invade other people mind,that is why i didnt bother reading this thread.Came in here by accident.

Well regarding your sister case,what i can say is that i have notice more and more people experiencing it,and including me.I have been experiencing it for two years already.I did a lot of research on this subject but have yet to find any viable solution to stop it once and for all.But u can make your situation better.

1.Identify the emotion u experience during each attack or after each attack.learn to control your emotion and not allow them to cause u a nervous breakdown.

2.Pick up meditation or any course that will improve your mind power.Having a strong healthy mind will greatly reduce the impact they will have on u.

3.Change your eating habits,have a healthy diet and take good care of your body.

Once you have improve the strength in your mind,body and soul.Try to visualise an aura of pure whitelight surrounding your body and mentally program it to energised,strengthen you and serve as an psychic shield against any form of invasion.(u can do this even before u start strengthening your mind,body and soul,but the effects will be weaken and most often they can break through it)

my 2 cents

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 05:02 AM

Originally posted by Taps33
All, some one on this website must know the technic to stop that, please email it to me

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 08:36 AM
ok so i guess we can see that 'taps' is not being completely honest in this situation and certainly isn't being cooperative.

So far there are three different threads that he was started about this subject. this current one.

and this one

and this one

apparently this last one is the more up to date one

posted on Jan, 7 2005 @ 04:41 AM
This exact thread now exists in 3 different forums. Please do not post the same thread in different forums. The following thread on this subject will remain open here:


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