posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 10:26 AM
A parcel delivery service in the UK who are perhaps the most useless bunch of buffoons i have ever had the unfortunate experience of dealing with. As
a company they seen totally inept and doing their job and actually delivering packages.
First time these morons just didn't even bothering trying to deliver the parcel and lied saying they had been to the door, couple of things about
this didn't add up, firstly I was sat next to the door most of the day (actually on ATS) it was about 4 or 5 feet away from me and I would have
heard a knock or ring. So after going through their complaints department they finally admitted that actually the driver had not bothered delivering
the package, the offered up no excuse but granted they did arrange for it to be delivered with in a few hours which it was.
Now today, pretty much the same thing has happened only they have this stupid automated phone line that won't let me actually speak to a another
human all i can do is rearrange the package to be delivered on another date.
This seems to happen every time Yodel have to deliver something to my home, its not even like its hard to find, other package carriers manage just
Anyway need to let off a little steam before i start breaking things.