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Happy Labor Day

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posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 04:51 PM
Do you wonder what Labor Day celebrates? Are you a member of the 'working' or 'labor' class then it celebrates you and those activists that have promoted the basic labor standards that we (used???) to take for granted. I would say even true small business people - those with just a handful of 'helpers' should be considered members of this class as many carry loans on their 'means of production' or to procure 'raw materials'.

Bernie Sanders has written a nice piece on the importance of a 'labor' movement - and the vital importance of Unions to the movement.

Labor Day is a time for honoring the working people of this country. It is also a time to celebrate the accomplishments of the activists and organizers who fought for the 40-hour work week, occupational safety, minimum wage law, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and affordable housing. These working people, and their unions, resisted the oligarchs of their day, fought for a more responsive democracy, and built the middle class.


The economic reality is that while our economy today is much stronger than when President George W. Bush left office 7 years ago, the middle class is continuing its 40-year decline.

Almost all new income and wealth is going to the people on top, while millions of Americans work longer hours for lower wages. In fact, wages actually fell for 90 percent of Americans between 2009 and 2012, even as they rose for the top 10 percent.

I've never held a union job nor will I. I've my own business and work as an employee as well. In neither case to I get any sick pay (that's slowing changing in California for all workers), nor have benefits of any sort. While I do own my 'tools' outright I owe Student Loans to acquire the skills I needed - so the bank (private I might add) owns my 'means of production' so I am in the Labor/Worker Class and I'll bet you all are as well.

Happy Labor Day.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd
I always wondered but was not too interested in it to look up what that day is for. Seems like a nice gesture towards the lower and middle class slaves.
The best thing for me as a non US citizen is that because of this we got double RP on GTA5 online this weekend. It´s nice that you took the time explaining this

It seems to be the equivalent to 1.May here in Germany. But here it´s "tradition" that kids can prank you and it´s half way accepted. Weird I know but even police is closing one eye to this.
edit on 7-9-2015 by verschickter because: GOT, not GET

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 06:20 PM
It's a National Holiday so we can all have a day off, drink beer and celebrate the end of Summer. No one actually cares about that other crap.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 06:51 PM
It's Labor Day and what am I doing (besides sneaking onto ATS)?

Cleaning. Deep cleaning. Cleaning like 'mother is coming over' cleaning. You know that kind of cleaning, it's not truly clean until it's "Mom-clean".

We're having carpet installed later in the week and I'd like the place to be presentable. Those purple scrubby Clorox wipes are awesome. One side is smooth, the other is scrubby. Look for the yellow and purple container in the area for disinfecting/cleaning wipes. I want to hug the person that invented those.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 06:54 PM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
It's Labor Day and what am I doing (besides sneaking onto ATS)?

Cleaning. Deep cleaning. Cleaning like 'mother is coming over' cleaning. You know that kind of cleaning, it's not truly clean until it's "Mom-clean".

We're having carpet installed later in the week and I'd like the place to be presentable. Those purple scrubby Clorox wipes are awesome. One side is smooth, the other is scrubby. Look for the yellow and purple container in the area for disinfecting/cleaning wipes. I want to hug the person that invented those.

Wow, thanks for the recommend. Gotta find those!
Happy Labor Day!

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 10:44 PM

originally posted by: verschickter
a reply to: FyreByrd
I always wondered but was not too interested in it to look up what that day is for. Seems like a nice gesture towards the lower and middle class slaves.
The best thing for me as a non US citizen is that because of this we got double RP on GTA5 online this weekend. It´s nice that you took the time explaining this

It seems to be the equivalent to 1.May here in Germany. But here it´s "tradition" that kids can prank you and it´s half way accepted. Weird I know but even police is closing one eye to this.

It is equivalent to May Day around the rest of the world - International Worker's Day - but, the US has to be different....

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 10:57 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd
Praise individuality and google for giving me confidence that I wrote this word the right way

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 12:51 AM

originally posted by: FyreByrd

originally posted by: verschickter
a reply to: FyreByrd
I always wondered but was not too interested in it to look up what that day is for. Seems like a nice gesture towards the lower and middle class slaves.
The best thing for me as a non US citizen is that because of this we got double RP on GTA5 online this weekend. It´s nice that you took the time explaining this

It seems to be the equivalent to 1.May here in Germany. But here it´s "tradition" that kids can prank you and it´s half way accepted. Weird I know but even police is closing one eye to this.

It is equivalent to May Day around the rest of the world - International Worker's Day - but, the US has to be different....

We celebrate May Day in Seattle.. Every year another march, protest, etc.

Because Cascadia.

Want to protest? Then do that on May Day.

As for Labor Day. I spent it like I spent the 4th. At my parents place at a cookout with my bf and family relaxing, catching up on things going on in our lives. That's really what Labor Day is for.
edit on 8-9-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 12:55 AM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
It's Labor Day and what am I doing (besides sneaking onto ATS)?

Cleaning. Deep cleaning. Cleaning like 'mother is coming over' cleaning. You know that kind of cleaning, it's not truly clean until it's "Mom-clean".

We're having carpet installed later in the week and I'd like the place to be presentable. Those purple scrubby Clorox wipes are awesome. One side is smooth, the other is scrubby. Look for the yellow and purple container in the area for disinfecting/cleaning wipes. I want to hug the person that invented those.

I bought a roomba on ebay a few weeks ago (daughter named it Fred). It lets me put off cleaning even longer than I already do. The dog fur doesn't form drifts anymore!

edit on 9/8/2015 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 01:08 AM
a reply to: Phage

Oh I had the Roomba doing the kitchen floor after I got down and scrubbed the corners and rubber molding ...

I''m amazed they aren't more popular.

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 01:16 AM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

Have you noticed that the time you spend watching it could just as well been spent running the vacuum yourself, and more efficiently.

Or does that go away after a while?


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