posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 01:09 PM
We live in a world that gives more acceptance to labeling yourself than anything else. Woman, man, gay, straight, religious, and the non. But if you
have internet connection, and a search engine, why is it that we still are so close minded to others views? You can easily look up ANYTHING on the
internet, so threads, posts, comments, and opinions are far and wide, yet we disagree as if OUR opinions are the only ones we can see.
When we had no such technology, and were forced to only be in our own bubbles, sure, being close minded was easy, and of course expected. If you only
knew YOUR town, YOUR neighbors, YOUR area, of course your world view would be very secluded. That is NO longer the case. You can search anything you
ever wanted to know, and of course you have to look at it all with a grain of salt, but its not for belief, but for information.
If you have never been to church, but you see movies with church goers, this is NOT a real world view. If you dont live in a poor neighborhood, but
see them on television, then NO this is not a real world view, yet we spread screen plays, and hollywood writing as truth, and actors and actresses,
directors and producers are more of what we write, and we dont really notice.
The internal struggle of the internet, and forums like this as a whole is not necessarily accidental, but made in a studio, whether it be a
independent film, blockbuster hit, or news studio. We need to start being accountable, not just to the message we spread, but to start asking those
writers, and the loudest people to show some proof of what they know.
I dont mean a resume, or degree, but to start being accountable to the strife that they cause, and start asking people what THEIR real world view is,
AND how they got it. This will and can change the dynamic, of how we share, and who we listen to. Our world doesnt and is not based on our opinions on
subjects, but on our experience. The same way you go to a job interview and have to show HOW you got your experience, it should apply at least
partially to what you share and HOW you share it.
No one, (and I include myself of course) should only share half a** information, this is what is causing us to miss the bigger picture. To be
distracted, because of course sensationalism, and the nonsense that we have come to know and accept, is keeping us stagnant, and confused.