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New Poll: Trump Wins, Gets 30% of Hispanic Vote, 25% Blacks – I’m Serious

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posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: Blue_Jay33
So basically the legal Hispanics fully understand that the illegal Hispanics are diluting their earning power across the board. Of coarse the more intelligent ones will support Trump, self-interest, Trump knows this, he is may sound like a buffoon, but he is no dummy.

You are the first person to point this out on ATS.

Fact: Legal Hispanics don't want millions of illegals in the Country.

Fact: Hispanics are not Lemmings. They are very diverse. They don't fall in line.

Fact: Hispanics came here for one thing, Jobs. They know Trump means jobs.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 02:50 PM
I just felt the need to chime in and say how surprised I am at what I am hearing/reading. Maybe its because I am so cynical now, or burned out. Jaded or just don't trust ANYONE in authority any more, (I'll cop to that) BUT everything I'm hearing about Trump, I heard about Obama 7 years prior.


The US is already a Corporation, why NOT have a CEO as president? Just remove all the masks & illusions.

If Trump was REALLY a threat, you seriously think he'd be there?

Mock, laugh, hate all ya want, just how I feel about it.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Now we have another "poll" that puts Trump clearly in the lead.

Not only is Trump blistering Hillary, he seems to have enough votes from Blacks and Hispanics too !!

I have no idea how this poll got their data, but it sure makes some people nervous I imagine.

The article places the "reason" on voters who are fed up and have had it with the normal candidates.

New Poll: Trump Wins, Gets 30% of Hispanic Vote, 25% Blacks – I’m Serious

National polls have found that 71 percent of Americans feel we are going in the wrong direction. That fact seems to be showing up in the latest polls.

Forget everything you’ve ever known about polls and U.S. elections, and look at the latest Survey USA Election Poll.

In a direct match up, Trump beats Hillary 45 percent to 40 percent.

Even more fantastical, Trump gets 25% of the black vote and 30% of the Hispanic vote. Trump has said he will get the Hispanic vote.

If this is accurate, it might be safe to say that the wave of disgust towards politics as usual hits all races.

you know if lessig and sanders got as much media coverage as trump more people will support them too.

Trumps policies are a joke. He constantly gets caught in lies. He is a racist, a sexist, the only thing I like about him is that he couldn't name a favorite bible verse and when pushed on it he kept beating around the bush. Which shows he is not a Christian or religious. So props to him. I'm surprised more people didn't pick up on that lol

But I am not worried though. People are all over trump because of the debate. The democratic debate will happen soon and lessig and sanders will have their turn in the spot light. Then we will see the battle of money vs policies. People like trump because they do not know anything about the democratic runners other then hillary Clinton and she is swimming in controversy.

But I fully believe as soon as the Democrats (minus hillary) have their voices heard it will be a completely different story.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: Informer1958
Good for Trump. I believe Americans are waking up and are sick and tired of the change that Obama has given us.
The only people who benefited where the elite.

I am going to vote for Trump. At lease he is not bought and paid for by the lobbyist. If Trump wins the election the NWO agenda will be put on the back burner.

I think it's about time we had someone in office who is willing to serve the ( We The People )and not just the globalist. I just hope Trump beefs up his security detail because these globalist would want nothing better than to see him dead.

I couldn't agree more! Obama and the liberals are driving the USA car at 100 MPH down the hill toward a cliff. The republicans aren't helping. When what you have picked for years doesn't TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT. So not only can Trump have my vote and my wife's vote...I will be supporting him independently to make sure everyone who is interested knows why I will cast my vote for Trump.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 04:03 PM
I pray for a President Trump.

No more spinning the truth.

No more of the media making up lies.

Time to build a big beautiful wall.

I worked hard to get where I am.

I'm tired of supporting lazy drug addicted men.

I'm tired illegals having kids for our Government benefit.


posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: whyamIhere

originally posted by: neo96
New Poll: Trump Wins, Gets 30% of Hispanic Vote, 25% Blacks – I’m Serious


Thought them two demographics 'hated' Trump.

Execuse me a second while i go roll on the floor and laugh hysterically.

I am completely enjoying people freaking out over Trump.

All the America haters are losing their mind...🇺🇸

Yep, because they know the Age of Appeasement is rapidly coming to a close.

None too soon.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 05:36 PM

originally posted by: Blue_Jay33
So basically the legal Hispanics fully understand that the illegal Hispanics are diluting their earning power across the board. Of coarse the more intelligent ones will support Trump, self-interest, Trump knows this, he is may sound like a buffoon, but he is no dummy.

*slow clap

Well said! Think about how quickly the businesses in this country would ramp up wages once the free ride of illegals is over!

They'll have no choice. No more cheap labor.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 05:54 PM
you guys are a joke
and next year when trump isnt even in the primary election you will all pretend this never happened
you never learn

loud self serving deluded so and sos that will latch on to anything.... and i mean ANYTHING... that allows you to continue living your life the way you have been for decades (and destroying the economy in the process)

if trump wins the presidency anyone here can feel free to dig up this thread to remind me and i will eat a horse turd
no joke

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 06:12 PM

originally posted by: fartlordsupreme
you guys are a joke
and next year when trump isnt even in the primary election you will all pretend this never happened
you never learn

loud self serving deluded so and sos that will latch on to anything.... and i mean ANYTHING... that allows you to continue living your life the way you have been for decades (and destroying the economy in the process)

if trump wins the presidency anyone here can feel free to dig up this thread to remind me and i will eat a horse turd
no joke

Funny how no good, do nothing career politicians will make you crave ANYONE other than them.

Strange thing, that.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 07:40 PM

originally posted by: whyamIhere
I pray for a President Trump.

No more spinning the truth.

No more of the media making up lies.

Time to build a big beautiful wall.

I worked hard to get where I am.

I'm tired of supporting lazy drug addicted men.

I'm tired illegals having kids for our Government benefit.


At the least how can these people talk about history and record regarding Trump and FORGET the
history and record of QUEEN HILLARY... GET A GRIP.... BUSH? CLINTON? and they want to talk #
about trumps history???
Your voting for hillary?? HOLY F' ARE YOU KIDDING??? Voting for ANOTHER BUSH ARE YOU CRAZY??
Hands down alone it is TRUMP ALL THE WAY
Hispanics dislike illegals AND RUBIO who is freaking cuban... !
They do not want their LEGAL landscaping company ran over by illegals who
have just showed up and said here give me give me give me, when they have spent decades working
for what they have LEGALLY@

Make America Great Again

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: poncho1982

and people like trump made them and the system the way they are

strange thing that

dont like corruption?
just elect those causing it definitely wont have a corruption issue anymore
what they used to achieve with cash they now achieve with the stroke of a pen
yeah lets expedite the process!
edit on 6-9-2015 by fartlordsupreme because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to: fartlordsupreme

No, their own greed made them that way.

True thing, that

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: poncho1982

and trump isnt greedy?
im really not getting where you are coming from

and their greed alone does not make them do the things they do
we have devolved into a system where you can not get elected (no matter your intentions) without absolutely insane sums of money
where do you think thats going to come from?
people who want something in turn

the politician in this case is essentially acting as a middle man
and your solution is to remove the middle man who is acting somewhat as a buffer
and giving power directly to those who were seeking the favors

the same bull# will occur but it will be fast tracked and cost them significantly less

might be good ideas when applied to commerce (though provide significantly less jobs making it bad for the economy)
but a completely asinine way of dealing with corruption

yeah youre so fed up with it youre going to the source
edit on 6-9-2015 by fartlordsupreme because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: xuenchen
I actually watched 5 minutes of some speech he had on the TV today.

He is saying all the right things people want to hear and touching on all the hot button topics. Which really for the most part is what it takes to get votes. The whole jobs thing! Ya most likely. But really he not saying anything new, he even went on to say that the US is going to outcompete Japan on the automobile industry. Good luck with that, which basically will likely lead to more auto bailouts some time in the future. Besides its quite clear that Japanese cars for the most part are all around a better product, more affordable and due to how many of them are out there even much cheaper on parts.

Then he went on to say were going to compete with China. OK there, hold yer horses. The only way your going to compete with china even if you bring all factories back to the US is if you start paying all the workers in those factories 5$ an hour, and even then its still not likely you will succeed or outcopete china in the cheep goods department or any other department. Obviously he does not fully realize the whole partnership US has with China, its a ring around the rosy type of dance.

Besides even if the US starts making all the cheep stuff in the world? WHos going to buy it..>China? There not that stupid, nor would they need all that crap. America is still primary consumer of all the world goods, so you could try and sell it to the American populous. But then again they could not afford it as they are working for 5$ an hour to keep a roof over there heads. Its a whole different world. But you know whatever lets ignore that. He does not even seem to grasp the concept of the little toe dance American is doing with china. But then again why should he, as it has never effected him or anybody he knows, and never likely will.

Then I think he went on about how he will get rid of illegal immigrants and how he employees thousands of Mexicans. I am quite sure he does, I mean casinos and hotels need all kinds of employees to function. So I suppose the plan is to just build a bunch of casinos and a whole lot of overpriced hotels to bring on more jobs. And considering that it was to begin with big business men ie like him and other and even everyday citizens of this country in the middle rungs whos original idea was to flood the country with illegals and others to bring down the cost of labor to begin with and to pass on the buck to themselves or there constituents...

Oh ya! you get the picture. It would be like solving the issues they created to begin with. Kind of like every other time others have said the same thing.

Or how about that whole building a wall to stop illegals or the whole war on drugs. I mean I suppose the drug thing will know whats what and will phase that out of his campaign, or if not they will take him into another room and explain to him that many people in this country and others make a whole hell of a lot of money off it, and that if anybody wanted it to stop it would have long time ago, and that if he messes with the thing, he just may one day end up slipping on a banana peal and fall backwards into a bullet which was on the ground...Which will totally mess up his hairdo.

Or how about the foreign policy and the whole getting rid of Isis thing? It was hard to keep a straight face while watching that and the things he said. I mean I dont expect presidents or very rich men to be aware or keep up with what really goes around them or in the world. They have people who they pay to do that. But come on, this guy is even more ignorant of goings on then Obama was. And I am sure like all others he has his constituency or will once he gets in office. To say he is incorruptible because he is rich, not on the play ball team is just stupid, most especially since the play ball team is based on that very fact.

And saying all that. Ya! Trump has a very good change of wining, and is a bit above his competition or at least Bush and Hillary and may be on equal footing with some of the other like Sanders, or whoever else is out there. And yes he has a very real chance more then most of becoming our next president, after all there is nothing overly special about him or he will do nothing which will rock the boat to much, and lets face it most Americans are to complacent, or are part of the gravy train or working for somebody who is, or are to busy working and life to keep up or care.

He would make as good a president as any, and maybe a bit better then most, simply because his ignorance, and big head and fame will carry him and things farther then most others would. And lets face it he is saying all the right things which people want to hear, and for the most part thats all it takes.

But the real question is is he willing to take a pay cut, and 4 years out of his life, to play this political and president game? I mean after this he can put out another show on the tube and make more in a year from that alone then his whole presidency will bring him in. Now if he was a real smart business man just like last time he will shake up a few trees and move on the greener pastures once he really starts to sit down and think about what it all may mean, and it all may mean actual work.

So ya! Possibly more hot air and posturing as always. After all even he said it last time around in the presidential election when he was making noise, and I quote "there is no such thing as bad publicity"

edit on 8pmSundaypm062015f0pmSun, 06 Sep 2015 20:44:27 -0500 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 09:09 PM

originally posted by: fartlordsupreme
a reply to: poncho1982

and trump isnt greedy?
im really not getting where you are coming from

and their greed alone does not make them do the things they do
we have devolved into a system where you can not get elected (no matter your intentions) without absolutely insane sums of money
where do you think thats going to come from?
people who want something in turn

the politician in this case is essentially acting as a middle man
and your solution is to remove the middle man who is acting somewhat as a buffer
and giving power directly to those who were seeking the favors

the same bull# will occur but it will be fast tracked and cost them significantly less

might be good ideas when applied to commerce (though provide significantly less jobs making it bad for the economy)
but a completely asinine way of dealing with corruption

yeah youre so fed up with it youre going to the source

I'd call Trump successful.

You have some kind of proof Trump was the one seeking favors via lobbyists?

He donated some money along the way, but they all do that.

It's the Corporations that do the lobbying, not people like Trump.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: whyamIhere
Nice list but none of that is effected all that much by who is president.

"No more spinning the truth"...Thats human nature whoever is in charge would not matter or be able to do anything about that, no more then they would be able to move the sun in the sky.

"No more of the media making up lies"...Thats what the media is for, after all who cuts there checks? Are you saying they should not do there job and opt for being fired? Little white lies to big lies, to straigh up bull#, its all the playpen of the human condition.

"Time to build a big beautiful wall"...OK whatever, just dont be surprised when it will cost billions and it still will not stop illegals or anything else from getting in. And likely the only thing it will do is make the loopholes and those providing the loopholes more richer.

"I worked hard to get where I am"....You and everybody else, including Trump. Or at least its all just depending on your definition of "hard" For instance trump when he was banckrupt. Well after his court date he went outside, got into his limo, had his driver take him to his multi-million pent apartment, had some lunch, after which being broke and all that he got bored and went to one of his acreage mansions to chill out. Then when he was feeling much better he opted to go to play some golf, you know in that club which has a monthly fee of $ 10,000 a month to be a member, and likely checked how many more millions his golf courses made that year. And then he likely called his secretary and told her to cancel brunch.

So ya "hard' like being "bankrupt" or "broke" means different things to different people. For instance how likely would it be that if you were bankrupt, and broke, that you will be out on the streets eating out of soup kitchens in a few weeks?

"I'm tired of supporting lazy drug addicted men"....I am pretty sure that most lazy drug addicts end up dead in a ditch somewhere. Besides a lot of addicts are very productive, and seing its a multi billion dollar business, well it takes all kinds from all walks of life, I have seen the poor downtrodden addicts but I have also seen as much if not more who were ordinary and many who were doing really really well for themselves.

In fact you may even say that everyday there scouring around searching and thinking of ways on keeping them pills or drugs coming. In fact the mind of the addict is the mindset of our society, ya know the rat race. Besides its not the addiction which kills addicts, its the fact they cant afford there drug of choice. In other words poverty kill addicts not the drugs there on.

I'm tired illegals having kids for our Government benefit....Well then you should be aware that a great many in your government benefit in one way or another from with one program or another from it all. Its kind of like the whole health insurance thing which took off a few years ago, when you create a symptom you thereby create a way to make money off that symptom.

As for health insurance or the whole Obama care thing. Well they did give him money for his sponsoring in that campaign run. And seeing it only covers small stuff which you can likely pay yourself and and anything major you will be paying out the wazoo or become indentured. What do people have to pay now? A few hundred per month? Well even if it were so, lets say they pay $200 dollar per year. Whats 200$ times 318 million? ie the amount of people in the US who will now have to pay that? Somewere in the the multibillions right? and I think they pay monthely for it, and now you have to pay even when you dont pay into it, for what looks like a shoddy product, even Canada is selling a better product when it comes to social health.

And even splinting all that, and taking into account other factors such as policies, and workers, and expenses, and even expenses on law issues ie suing. Thats till a whole lot of cash flood going somewhere right?

I mean math is not my favorite language but I am sure you can figure it out, that the way things are is because well lots op people want them to be that way. And if Trump could have got in on the ground floor last election on the whole health marketing thing, you best believe he would have.

And yet the funny thing is. Trump may still have the best plan out there our of any of these other guys running for office. But then again, I dont watch these shows often enough to know whos who or whats what. But really it would be interesting if he became president, not to really change anything, as there is nothing to change which people have not opted for to begin with. But just to see what happens, when Trump becomes president.

edit on 9pmSundaypm062015f0pmSun, 06 Sep 2015 21:25:47 -0500 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: poncho1982

he admits to it during debates (check the gop debate that was moderated by megyn kelly)
hes claimed donating to his current rivals for favors to make them look bad (and only one on the stage denied it)
no i dont have proof
but when it comes out of his own damned mouth....

and do i really have to hold your hand through this...?
"It's the Corporations that do the lobbying, not people like Trump. "
who runs these corporations?

oh.....shiii....people like trump
edit on 6-9-2015 by fartlordsupreme because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: galadofwarthethird

When is the last time a President accomplished even a sizable fraction of what they said they were going to do while they were campaigning?

Every single complaint I've heard about Trump applies to every politician we've ever seen.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 10:53 PM

originally posted by: Answer
Hispanic people don't like illegal immigrants either. Legal immigrants, especially, tend to have a stronger dislike for illegals than folks who were born here.

There are a lot of ignorant people out there who tend to lump all Hispanics in with illegals and I'm sure they're sick of it.

This x 115%. If you went through the legal system, no matter what nationality you are, it's insulting to see people circumvent that system entirely and be rewarded for it.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: Answer

When is the last time a President accomplished even a sizable fraction of what they said they were going to do while they were campaigning? Every single complaint I've heard about Trump applies to every politician we've ever seen.

Ya exactly! Trump is as good as any of them and maybe better then some, may as well just put all there names into a hat and see which one you get. I don't see why people are so upend in Trump becoming president as it will not likely change a single dam thing in how things are, or were there heading. He may not even be the most entertaining of presidents or candidates as well which is kind of average, but that can be worked on over the years he is in office.

At the very least this will lead into the same place were all other have, just think of all the jokes comedians and late night shows will have for how long if he gets the job as he says? It has the possibility to go on longer then the decades long of bush jokes, that alone may even be above average in this pool of absolute averages.

I say trump for president. Because? Hell why not, as good as any, better then some. That right there should be his and all candidates slogans that I have seen so far.

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