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This is What 2 Weeks of Not Smoking Looks Like.

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posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: WhiteHat

Try vaping. Seriously. It's not going to be as cheap as a pack of smokes for the initial investment (you can get a good set up for about $70), but it will pay for itself in less than a month, then you'll be saving a ton, feeling better, smelling better, giving yourself extra years and it's not even hard. Feels like cheating. It also tastes a lot better and you can do it inside.


Good for you Jude! I'm seeing more and more of these stories. The smokes I buy (maybe a pack every two weeks now if that) are $10 a pack. I used to smoke a pack a day, and if I'm honest more than that. I've treated vaping like more of a hobby so it's cost a pretty penny, but I'm still saving money and I'm healthier (blood pressure down significantly). One thing I've noticed too is that a few puffs will satisfy as much as a whole cigarette. At first I was vaping all the time, but it's slowed down a lot and I can go a lot longer without nicotine cravings. Like 8 hours instead of 1.

So happy to hear you and your wife are quitting. I'm not as strong as your wife either, I have had a heck of a time with smoking, and vaping is the only thing I've tried that's worked for me. Hated gum, hated lozenges, patch didn't do anything. I think I'm just as addicted to the habit as I am the nicotine. I would imagine it would be really hard to give up if your partner wasn't on board and willing to try too. I'm lucky my girlfriend doesn't smoke, it's made it way easier.

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: Domo1

It's been the most difficult thing I have ever attempted in my life.

Most difficult things in life are momentary. This has been minute by minute by hour by hour and now day by day..

Whenever it gets to the point of a face melt, I look at my silver and shake my head once again.

It really works.


posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: jude11

I wish I had your strength. I don't want to quit for my health as much as for my wallet.

$13.75 and $14.75 per pack?? When I first started they were 95 cents a pack, and I remember saying if they ever reached, $2, $3, $4 dollars a pack I was definitely quitting. Now I smoke generics and am still coughing and bitching.

Anyway, congratulations man

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 08:57 PM
Just want to chime in with what has been said for 2 pages now. Congrats 🎉!!

I quit 2 years ago this weekend on my way to Mt. Rushmore with my girls, haven't looked back. Bit me and the joytech have been friends off and on, low Nic but still there.

I'm happy for you and hope it sticks for both of you!

a reply to: jude11

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 08:58 PM
As a recovering food addict and someone who has been around and amongst addicts of all stripes since birth, you have my sincerest congratulations and wishes for continued success and health! And that's a wonderful motivational tool for sure!


posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 09:34 PM

Go Jude!...and Mrs Jude too of course!
I went to vaping back in February and the only time I really miss a real cig is after.....well, you know.....a good meal. Hah! Thought I was gonna say sex didn't you?
Well, now......come to think of it................

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 09:36 PM

originally posted by: AceWombat04
As a recovering food addict and someone who has been around and amongst addicts of all stripes since birth, you have my sincerest congratulations and wishes for continued success and health! And that's a wonderful motivational tool for sure!


Thanks for the words.

I keep looking at the rewards of just a few weeks and can't help but be a little angry with such a waste over so many years.

Oh well, better late than never I hear.


posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: jude11

Congrads to both of you!

My best friend quit 7 months ago and she looks younger now!

Just think... all that money you spent can go into a rainy day fund and all those thing you went can get now...what a winning situation!!!!

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 08:10 AM
I have a very stressful job that hasn't allowed me to quit smoking yet, but I will do my best to go cold turkey starting on my next vacations. Wish me luck and congrats on your achievement!

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: jude11
Good job Jude, keep it up.

I quit about a year ago, never looked back. I did start vaping though, which helped a lot, down to 3 on the nic.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: caladonea
a reply to: jude11

Congrads to both of you!

My best friend quit 7 months ago and she looks younger now!

Just think... all that money you spent can go into a rainy day fund and all those thing you went can get now...what a winning situation!!!!

It's always raining in our house.

We have a few plans in place tho.


posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:03 AM

originally posted by: JameSimon
I have a very stressful job that hasn't allowed me to quit smoking yet, but I will do my best to go cold turkey starting on my next vacations. Wish me luck and congrats on your achievement!

It's not easy but I just came to the point of realizing that the suffering of quitting is minor compared to the money spent and the health wasted.

I do wish you luck...


posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:07 AM
I quit December 18 of last year.

People ask me how I feel.

I feel like I haven't had a cigarette since December 18 of last year.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: jude11

What a coinkydink, it will be two weeks for me this monday. I wish us all the best.

I thought about vaping but decided to go cold turkey. During the first week tootsie roll pops helped a lot especially when driving.

Quitting isn't something I thought I'd ever do. I tried a couple times before and two weeks was the longest. It was total hell, I was prone to cheating/climbing the walls etc.

This time feels very different. I haven't cheated once. When I think about it I chase those thoughts away and get busy. In fact I'm painting several rooms/shampooing carpets to get rid of the smoke.

I'm so determined to do this. Rewarding yourself with silver is a great incentive. After I'm done painting, we're getting new furniture.

My hubby never smoked but he's very supportive. So far the only side effect has been a twitching eye. I'm replacing the bad habit with good ones. After meals instead of smoking, I go for a walk or clean, listening to music helps too. Sometimes I just go outside and breathe the country air. I figure anything's better than smoking.

Getting my head in the right place first helped with the anxiety/withdrawal. For the first time not smoking feels like a worthy reward instead of a dreaded punishment.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: Morningglory
Good for you Morningglory, keep it up

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 03:14 PM
Good for you. It's a really good thing for your health and wealth

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 03:07 AM
I also went the vaping route. Been vaping for 2 years 3 months and I couldn't be happier. I know some people use them to quit cigs altogether but I'm just not ready to give it up entirely I guess. In the meantime tho... My lungs are happier, I can run a little without dying now! And my wallet is happier too. Not to mention my wife not complaining about the smell of smoke.

To anybody that's on the edge of trying vaping but don't think it'll work for them, take it from me. I smoked a pack a day for ten years and kept telling myself I wouldn't like vaping...was totally surprised that first day.

To the op and the ops wife: congrats on the quitting! And good luck staying quit!

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 05:32 AM

originally posted by: Domo1
a reply to: WhiteHat

Try vaping. Seriously. It's not going to be as cheap as a pack of smokes for the initial investment (you can get a good set up for about $70), but it will pay for itself in less than a month, then you'll be saving a ton, feeling better, smelling better, giving yourself extra years and it's not even hard. Feels like cheating. It also tastes a lot better and you can do it inside.

I dont know where you guys got the idea that vaping is somekind of cure, but it actually is still really bad for your lunges and maybe even just as bad or worse. It probably does save you money, so if that is your reason for switching to vapes then good for you.

The tobacco-industry is probably involved in these researches but I wouldnt just say theyre healthy or healthier than sigarettes.

I dont want to be a party-pooper here because it is obviously a huge achievement, and congratulations on quitting the smokes.

So I would like to add something from my own experience, and a friends. Over the span of 15 years of smoking he tried quitting in all kinds of ways: patches, lasering, cold turkey and vapes. Vapes made his throat itch/hurt, lasering didnt work, cold turkey was too difficult and nicotine-patches made him nauseous. Then he tried nicotine mouth spray and they worked like a charm. They are expensive but they do last long and give a good dose of nicotine. + they give you a fresh breath at the same time. So if you really want to quit all of it but you still need help to go from something in your mouth giving nicotine to nothing I would recommend those.

And personally Ive quit an addiction as well and I think its all about will-power. So when you get bored of the money it saves, start thinking about all the other advantages of not smoking. The ones you probably didnt care as much about when you were still smoking. The obvious but most important one to me: it can save you and relatives a really slow and nasty dead. And try to replace the moments you would smoke with something different: take a mint or a chewing gum or a cup of coffee/ sandwich instead. In breakes take your sandwich outside and go for a walk for example. Be creative. Another tip which might be obvious: Teach yourself to think of a list of disadvantages as soon as you realise you feel the urge to smoke. And then think is it worth it to throw it all away now for 1 stupid smoke? Every time you beat one of those moments without smoking is actually a big victory in the process of quitting. Becauce not smoking anymore is just the first step of quitting.

Anyway just my few cents.
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posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 06:58 AM
Congrats to you on quitting....

That system you've got is quite an eye-opener. If I ever
decide to quit (i know how hard it is) I think I'm going
to forgo the usual smoking cessation aids and employ
the new... "Jude System of Smoking Cessation."

Just looking at all that silver is so darn compelling...
I think I could quit for good once I got a little pile of
bling built up...

I've read your posts before but I didn't realize you
were such a fart smeller....I mean, feller.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: rival
Congrats to you on quitting....

That system you've got is quite an eye-opener. If I ever
decide to quit (i know how hard it is) I think I'm going
to forgo the usual smoking cessation aids and employ
the new... "Jude System of Smoking Cessation."

Just looking at all that silver is so darn compelling...
I think I could quit for good once I got a little pile of
bling built up...

I've read your posts before but I didn't realize you
were such a fart smeller....I mean, feller.

Thanks for that.

It wasn't all planned that way but after a few days of not smoking and buying a little silver on my Monthly budget I realized "Damn!

I can up my silver budget by about 1K if I choose because that amount was already in my budget but just going up in smoke. So I bought more and made a new rule.

Better to see a few coins and bars on the table rather than an ashtray full of cig butts any day.


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