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UK to accept 'thousands' more refugees

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posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 02:39 AM
I wouldn't even rise to it. He certainly didn't read how to win friends and influence people

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 03:00 AM
This whole situation makes my blood boil for numerous reasons. However looking at the physical size of the UK enough is enough. Its also patently clear that we are all being emotionally blackmailed. Nothing is being done to stop the real treason (Freudian slip) why these people are fleeing and has not been done quite deliberately. Its a forced exodus otherwise intervention would have been earlier.

We could handle this easily by utilising our foreign embassies to screen people before they even get to the borders. Further more it is easier to get to the truth of who people actually are closer to their own countries. This screening is owed to the public in Europe because some of those coming in will have committed dreadful atrocities and therefore represent a real danger to destabilising European countries.

I also think people should use their brains when it comes to condemning various countries because of their governments actions. Its not the public who are never consulted on foreign policy and usually disagree with it.

I notice many are being refused entry into countries like the USA, Canada and also Israel, right on the border to help out. However America has vast stretches of land and should, because of its foreign policy outcome and wealth help with this situation. It might make its government think twice before it carries out its puppeteers demands in the future. Many of these people are from Iraq and there is a huge responsibility there (along with lying Tony Blair's I own) but we have done our bit in fairness.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 03:07 AM

originally posted by: woogleuk
a reply to: crazyewok
The North is so screwed up because the Tories killed industry up here, once upon a time the North was the Steel/Coal/Nuclear/Engineering capital of the modern world, Thatcher soon destroyed that and it is still recovering.

You can't keep blaming Thatcher for destroying the north.Those industries were not competitive on the world stage, if there had been a future for them they would still be going on today. People didn't want the products any more, so the jobs went. If there is a demand from the people then the jobs would still be there. At this very moment the biggest investment in the north of England is a mine. Yes
They are still developing mines! One of those oh so wonderful historic memories up there, but it's brand new and being developed right now with a £1,700,000,000 investment................. Into a mine
You can't blame Thatcher because those northerners can still be mine workers (1,000 jobs) if they want as there are people who will buy this product as it is economically viable to extract
People will buy this product so it is all go up there in the mines again, second one so far and possibly more to be

People will still mine up North, you can't blame Thatcher, it all comes down to whether it's economically viable or not

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 03:56 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

I worked in a power station and bearing in mind that both mining and power were nationalised industries they should have been able to cooperate really well, something our government did not have in mind.

What governed both three industries was the piffling investment money the government ran them on. Obviously with the full intention of denationalisation and especially destroying the miners power.

It was also about the fact that coal mined in the UK was vastly superior and cost more than the cheaper coal from abroad which added to the budgetary limits imposed the government stuffed both these industries because it put our coal out of reach financially. Later our government even provided grants to help instal gas fired power stations. Some made a lot of money out of this quackery. Anyone within the industry would tell you never do this except for a backup because they are extortionately expensive to run and the consumer couldn't afford their costs. Natural gas was know to have only a limited supply whilst coal has vast supplies.

Sadly it was a put up job for privatisation and the fact many of our stations were crippled by low investment over the years from our own government. We don't only pay direct taxation we are milked by unseen indirect taxation due to where our government chooses to waste tax payers money and then borrow when something breaks down. Our country's infrastructure has always been run on a shoe string. One of the most substandard things in the UK is its politicians.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 04:19 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

We are facing the problems of giving up our manufacturing in this country right now. Hundreds of thousands were thrown out of work purely so a few rich could get richer from cheaper overseas labour.

Ever wondered why our apprenticeships, once a terrific system of training the best, literally died out. Because these industries were some of the best trainers in the world, offering real training and studying together for large numbers of people each year on the job. Since their demise we teach our apprentices out of text books and set them the impossible task of getting an employer with zilch to offer initially!

Our manufacturing has to come back because our economy cannot exist on service industries only we have to have something tangible to sell. The City only makes money for a very few. We also have a wealth of people in need of regular employment that our factories and industries use to supply. If you ask those who want to work, do they want a job, do they want prospects and would they go into a factory, many would jump at the opportunity. Tossing burgers typical of the little jobs around today - the hint is in the first word of this sentence, depicts that kind of employment which offers little incentive except the minimum wage, minimum hours not enough to provide for a family and pay your bills plus certainly no real career advancement for the majority. We should be past poverty trap employment in 2015.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 04:21 AM
a reply to: Shiloh7

Very interesting view from an insider within the power generation industry. It does make one wonder if with investment there could still be a coal mine in the UK. Remember in my youth all the up and coming excitement and positivity about super pits like Selby and that one down in Leicestershire whos name I can't remember. Maybe it was eastern Europe joining the EU that finally finished off the competitiveness of our pits, looking at the EU it's not just the UK that lost its pits, pretty much every western European country closed them down and went for cheap eastern European, South African and Australian coal. Even the German very heavily subsidised pits that were kept open have been closing recently. It's a European phenomenon. These days though with nuclear power being on the edge of another disaster like Japan in Europe and gas in the hands of Russians and Arabs, it does make you wonder if keeping a national independent resource going would be a wise decision.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 04:31 AM
a reply to: Shiloh7

You are bang on regarding the apprenticeships being an excellent way to continue to manufacturing in this nation. So many compoanies off shore as they can't get the staff or the raw materials. So many people I meet in factories are in their fifties, ther's very little youth coming through. When the skills aren't around then companies look overseas, it's not just about the cost of employing people, its finding people who can operate welders, macinists, etc. I know one world renowned tent manufacturer who off shored for this very reason, not going to name but left the UK (apart from development) as could'nt get the people with skills plus all the raw material suppliers had dried up, for the same reasons. Not done for wage reasons as high profit margins in what they did in the UK. It's a never ending circle when the people with skills aren't being trained up and there being no real incentive to do so.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 05:13 AM
Yes I suppose everyone is correct. The UK helped bomb Syria and caused the situation, so they should wear the consequences....and look after all these displaced people.
Why stop at Syria though.
How about the Australian Native man....The British killed 1000s and displaced 100s of thousands...making them refugee in their own country.....I think the UK should give their descendants 1 million Pounds each.
And how about all the Commonwealth nations who heard the call of the Mother country and sent 100s of thousands of young people, mostly men, to Europe to fight and die for the liberty of Britain.
My Great Uncle was killed in the fields of France in 1917....I think my Great Grandmother received a letter from the Imperial forces and 2 shillings and thrupence. Your 21 yo son is dead, Sorry about that, Jolly good show tho, keep your chin up, pip pip and all that....tally ho...
How about 1 Million pounds each to the descendants of those who sacrificed for England.

The Syrian "Refugees" should stand in line.....a VERY long Line.......

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 05:59 AM
I read a report just now how Syrians are converting to Christianity in droves, Germany I think, ISIS must be hopping mad they cannot chop their heads off.
British actress Emma Thompson says Britain is 'racist' for not taking in refugees, I wonder how many she has offered to take in?
I see Bob Geldof has, good for him.

One thing I can see happening in twenty years, that's Europe wont be 'Christian' at all. (Lord help the ladies under sharia law).

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 06:30 AM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunterYou can't keep blaming Thatcher for destroying the north.Those industries were not competitive on the world stage, if there had been a future for them they would still be going on today.

Quite. I am no fan of Thatcher and even protested against her as a student. The decline of British industry had a lot to do with the demands of the unions and poor management as nationalised industries. Thatcher just had the balls (and the mandate) to sort it out.

Anyway, we digress.

In Syria, is it now the time for the international community to declare a "safe haven" and start to intervene to remove belligerents? One thing ISIS, or Assad would not want is to face NATO. The other alternative is we just leave the place to rot.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: gort51

How about all Australians not directly descended from the aborigines leave Australia and return to the lands that their descendants came from? You can cut history all he ways you like, or just accept that it happened and you best learn from it.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: woodwardjnr
I wouldn't even rise to it. He certainly didn't read how to win friends and influence people

Im not here to "win" friends or influence people.


posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: Shiloh7

Look I think Thatcter was a reprehensible person and some of her economic decisions were of questionable judgement.

But whats done is done.

The old North is DEAD, its not ever coming back. Its been over thirty years now. People need to forge on and build a new north.

Best way to do that is to take advantage like many are doing of the very cheap (compared to the south) business set up costs up there. Create jobs.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 08:53 AM
We should definitely take people in, we have helped create much of the instability and we have a duty, just like every other country, to help these people.

This is what Icelanders think

Speaking on Iceland’s RÚV television, Bjorgvinsdottir said her country’s attitude was being changed by the tragic news reports.
“I think people have had enough of seeing news stories from the Mediterranean and refugee camps of dying people and they want something done now,” she said.

“Refugees are human resources, they have experience and skills,” the Icelandic letter reads.

“Refugees are our future spouses, best friends, or soulmates, the drummer for the band of our children, our next colleague, Miss Iceland in 2022, the carpenter who finally finished the bathroom, the cook in the cafeteria, the fireman, the computer genius, or the television host.”

Many of those posting on the group have said they would offer up their homes and skills to help refugees integrate.

“I have clothing, kitchenware, bed and a room in Hvanneyri [western Iceland], which I am happy to share with Syrians,” one wrote.

“I would like to work as a volunteer to help welcome people and assist them with adapting to Icelandic society.”

“I want to help one displaced family have the chance to live the carefree life that I do,” another wrote.

“We as a family are willing to provide the refugees with temporary housing near Egilsstaðir [eastern Iceland], clothing and other assistance. I am a teacher and I can help children with their learning.”

Makes me proud to be human sometimes, seeing the kindness, compassion and collective human spirit shining through such appalling situations.

edit on 5/9/15 by blupblup because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: Shiloh7

Uhhhh bad idea because we have lunatics that would wanna put them into slavery.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 09:10 AM

a reply to: crazyewok
The North is so screwed up because the Tories killed industry up here, once upon a time the North was the Steel/Coal/Nuclear/Engineering capital of the modern world, Thatcher soon destroyed that and it is still recovering.

Um, no.
Industry died in the North after years of the Coal Miners blackmailing the rest of the country into subsidizing an industry that had already collapsed.

I loathed Thatcher, hated her government and everything the Conservatives of that era stood for, but lets not try to rewrite history here.

Mining died in the north because of global changes and competition - not Thatcher's fault.
The Miners then attempted to hold the country to ransom - again, not Thatcher's fault.
The local governments in the north refused to evolve or develop alternative incomes - not Thatcher's fault.

When your community relies on a specific industry for income, you take action to replace that when the industry collapses. The Unions and the local governments did NOTHING AT ALL to replace the mining industry when it collapsed and expected the rest of the country to just keep throwing money at them instead.

Thatcher was absolutely right to tell them they were no longer going to be paid government money to endlessly dig useless holes in the ground.
edit on 5-9-2015 by Rocker2013 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 09:21 AM

originally posted by: pikestaff
I read a report just now how Syrians are converting to Christianity in droves, Germany I think, ISIS must be hopping mad they cannot chop their heads off.
British actress Emma Thompson says Britain is 'racist' for not taking in refugees, I wonder how many she has offered to take in?
I see Bob Geldof has, good for him.

One thing I can see happening in twenty years, that's Europe wont be 'Christian' at all. (Lord help the ladies under sharia law).

1. Please link to that report so we can see this for ourselves and judge its credibility.
2. Emma Thompson is allowed to have an opinion and to express it. She's wrong in that the GOVERNMENT is failing, the British people are looking out with confusion and distrust, while wanting to help people too.
3. Europe won't be "Christian" in 20 years because it isn't "Christian" now. We have secular societies, not theocratic rule by priests.

Religion is declining throughout Europe, it's not being "replaced" by anything. When you see people offering the statistic that "Islam is the fastest growing religion", they're stating that for propaganda reasons. It's the "fastest growing" because Christianity is DECLINING. Religious delusion across the board is ALL DECLINING.

Every religion in Europe is on the decline. Free information and a better education in secular nations is resulting in the (much needed) rejection of all religious mumbo-jumbo and superstition.

Just as has happened a billion times before, these Muslim adults with their kids coming into Europe will integrate on the most part, and their kids will grow up in secular societies with some Muslim values but nothing like the devout beliefs of the societies they came from.

People fail to understand that people are a product of their upbringing and the environment around them. If you raise a kid in the deep south surrounded by racism and Christian bigotry, they will be that as an adult. If you move that kid out of that environment and they were to grow up in New York City they would not be that bigot when they grow up. Exactly the same thing is going to happen with these people.

And, just so you're aware, this "Sharia law" you mention is nothing more than a religious counseling, no different to those offered by Christians and Jews to their followers. It DOES NOT replace the laws of the country or the society in which we all live.

When people start screaming about Sharia Law, 99% of them have no idea what it is or what it means. It's no different to any other religious group providing advice to their flock.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 09:31 AM

originally posted by: paraphi
In Syria, is it now the time for the international community to declare a "safe haven" and start to intervene to remove belligerents? One thing ISIS, or Assad would not want is to face NATO. The other alternative is we just leave the place to rot.

I was thinking about this last night, and I really believe that we need to go into Syria with full force, using Turkey as a base of operations.

We have ignored this full-on war for too long, and it's time to act. Making little air strikes here and there is clearly not enough. We need to go and kick some behind, take out Assad if needed, send in as much as we can and annihilate ISIS once and for all.

The reason I say we have been ignoring this war is because we are now seeing exactly what we would see in any large war, potentially millions of people on the move. We haven't seen this kind of Humanitarian crisis in Europe since WW2, and this fact alone shows that this is a genuine war affecting genuine victims.

We need to start treating this conflict properly, and we need to work together as an international community to clean up the mess we have allowed to grow to this level.

This is not Iraq or Afghanistan, we are not invading an otherwise stable country to topple a regime for "American imperialism". This is a new full-blown war and we have consistently ignored it for too long.

One thing that really gets me is that while we claim to be striking ISIS, they can hang out at ancient temples and blow them up without a jet in sight to take them down... we have the most advanced military capabilities the world has ever seen, and yet we seem to find it impossible to locate and destroy entire encampments and convoys of armed militants tweeting out their plans?

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 10:37 AM

originally posted by: Rocker2013
We need to go and kick some behind, take out Assad if needed, send in as much as we can and annihilate ISIS once and for all.

Syria is under attack by hardcore Islamic terrorists backed by outside money. Why "take out Assad" when he is the legitimate leader of country? What we need to do is stop backing 'moderate' terrorists with arms and money or we will get another disintegration of Middle East state and support the Syrian people in their hour of need. Life under Assad like many other leaders in the Middle East might not be perfect, but looking at all the refugees and the evil Isis that is terrorising them, it certainly was better than what we see today.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:08 AM
I don't really know what to make of this whole situation; I'm not sure if I really believe that ISIS are real. Every person that's been interviewed on the British TV news seems...well, kind of odd - as if they're an actor; or radicalised; or under mind-control; or demonically possessed or simply a hard to fathom personality. And I don't really care that much about the truth because I'm sure it would be far too complicated to find one that's satisfactory. I know that I really, really don't trust the media or many of my fellow 'human beings'.

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