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CERN and Religion

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posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 03:05 AM
So, this post is related to another post on here regarding CERN and the supposed evil they are trying to release on earth. I am of Christian fath and have a strobg believe of heaven and hell and with all the talj about CERN supposedly trying to opeb portals to other dimentions and possibly hell, i find that I am becoming a bit cobfused with other parts of these discussions. While i find that it may be that scientists are messi.g with things that shouldnt be tampered with such as this (god particle) as well as the forces of nature and creation , i find that opening other dimentions isnt so hard to believe,given the information that has been posted on ATS to date. What confuses me is that CERN has the Statue of Shiva the destroyer at the facility as well as having performed and recirded some ritualistic danceas sone of yoy might know of.I am just curious as to how hell and Shiva which is a Hindu god if im not mistaken all cones into play.
Now if i am an atheist, these matters of other worlds or hell wouldnt scare me; what would is the possibility of creating a black hole ob earth.
Being a Christian, i fear the posibilty of them releasing evil into the workd via portals possibly from hell.

What do Hindus view this as , especially being that Shiva is the distroyer

Sorry about the rambling tobe of my post. As you can see i am considering all infor,atiob about the dangers related to CERN.
Have any if you seen the photos of the supposed demons that they found when colliding particles?
Anyways, hopefully you can see what i am trying to get at in this post.
How does Hinduism, hell and CERN all come together and what are your thoughts on CERNS intentions and possible dangers of messi g with such forces?

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 03:12 AM
a reply to: BeyondBlessed

I think you need to study more about Shiva and Hinduism.

Oh and yes I would like to see the photos of the demons also.

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 04:09 AM
I sent you a PM

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 04:37 AM
a reply to: BeyondBlessed

I seem to remember that the Archangel Michael held the sword of God and when you read about what the angels did to the citizens of Sodon and Gomorrah its hard to see where religious minded people stand when it comes to other faith's Gods - if you take my point.

Also with the brains we have - or were given - depending on your point of view, we have the ability to make the changes our species needs. These are done by experimentation and learning about life at quantum level is essential to our understanding.

I do think that those who want the world to stay as it is or even to revert back to where religion/magic - which a miracle actually is albeit untastefully put, have a vested interest in plain scare mongering. I also remember the biology/science teacher saying - if you can create it you can destroy it, food for thought.

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 04:39 AM
Did you come to this idea by reading this: arns-large-hadron-collider-could-open-gates-of-hell/?

Because: if it is like something from WND = it is a fake or wrong or stupid. Please remember this.

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 05:28 AM
a reply to: BeyondBlessed

Being a Christian, i fear the posibilty of them releasing evil into the workd via portals possibly from hell.

There were those who said the LHC would create black holes that would destroy the planet when CERN started the LHC , did that happen ?
People who don''t know what they're talking about will spew any nonsense that supports their uninformed belief , don't fear the possibility because it doesn't exist.

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 06:29 AM
OK, here are some FACTS:

- They are not trying, have never tried and are not planning on opening any portals to other universes or dimensions

- They are researching antimatter and further studies on the Higgs. Amongst other smaller experiments. This is all on their website and its all open for people to read

- The god particle is only called the god particle because the author of the book wanted to call it the goddamn particle, but they would not let him. Thats it. Its not a single iota deeper than that.

- The Higgs Boson (the god particle) has nothing whatsoever to do with any god. Its to do with particles having mass. Its an unfortunate name that stuck. Please read that again. THE HIGGS BOSON HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GOD OR PROVING/DISPROVING GOD.

- The LHC at CERN is one in a long line of particle accelerator. Its not any different (to the layman) other than its much bigger and more energetic than any of the dozens that existed before it.

- They are not trying to create black holes. If they did create one, it would fizzle out in nanoseconds. Even if it didnt, and persisted, a black hole that small would not be a threat to anything. But thats moot as they are not creatign black holes.

- It is not a weapon

- It has zero ability to be a weapon of ANY type.

- It cannot affect the earths magnetic field in any way. No more than an ant can affect a house.

- There were never any "demons" they saw when they were colliding particles. Do you realise people have been colliding particles since the 50s? Any pictures you saw are 100% fake

These are FACTS

There is NOTHING sinister about CERN. Try reading the thousands opf public documents and try understanding it and you wil see its just another particle accelerator.

It is, in my opinion, the most incredible, complicated machine ever built by man. We, you, me, every human on earth should be immensly proud of it. It shows off what mankind can achieve when we work together. It is a testament to our ingenuiity and our understanding of the universe and what we are made of and it will expand on all that. It is a beautiful, exciting maching.

edit on 4-9-2015 by 3danimator2014 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-9-2015 by 3danimator2014 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-9-2015 by 3danimator2014 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-9-2015 by 3danimator2014 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: BeyondBlessed

I hope you are like 10 yrs old, because if you are an adult and still believe in that nonsense, the world must be a very scary place. Someone has misled you in a terrible way.

Why is it always the religious people who will believe the dumbest things? Put down the bible and pick up a science book. Quit going to church and go to school. Quit believing in ghosts and demons and start studying science. You want to learn amazing things that are real? Then drop the religious BS.

1,000,000,000 stars to 3danimater. You can count them while i bang my head through my desk.
edit on 4-9-2015 by Woodcarver because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-9-2015 by Woodcarver because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: BeyondBlessed

All they are doing is colliding particles at hi speeds.

They arent fiddling with the laws of the universe, or opening portals of any type.

Stop listening to idiots that know nothing about cern.

It is like this, I want to see what is inside a clock, but I can't open it.

So I drop it off a tall building and record the impact to see what pops out when it smashes.

That is all they are doing

Besides wouldn't you " all powerful" god stop it from happening?

Edited because autocorrect hates me
edit on 4-9-2015 by johnwick because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 07:03 AM
a reply to: johnwick

Oooh tell us about the portals and what comes through them dude

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 07:09 AM

originally posted by: boymonkey74
a reply to: johnwick

Oooh tell us about the portals and what comes through them dude

Lol, well it lists like in Diablo 3 reaper of souls.

First we open a portal to whimsyshire then we kill all the treasure goblins, before we hit a nephalim riff and kill the rift Guardian , then we hit a hell portal so we can fight the " prime evil".

As long as tyreal helps us, we should not have to worry about imperius interfering......

Wait what was I talking about again?

This video should help op, it is imperious a Diablo, the Prime evil, at the diamond Gates of heaven.

I believe this is what cern is trying to do

edit on 4-9-2015 by johnwick because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 08:10 AM
The dance you speak of is from a movie and not real life...

Best video I could find.

I am not smart enough to even pretend to understand CERN. Not the benefits nor the possible ramifications.

However, I do feel like we may be messing around with things that we shouldn't be. Things that quite likely could be catastrophic. One of the greates minds of our time has even voiced some concerns...

Dr. Stephen Hawking recently warned that the reactivation in March of CERN’s large hadron collider could pose grave dangers to our planet…the ultimate reality check we are warned. Hawking has come straight out and said the ‘God particle’ found by CERN “could destroy the universe” leaving time and space collapsed as shared in the 2nd video.

edit on 9/4/2015 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/4/2015 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe


You just fell for the same crap. That site is also BS. Hawking and Tyson have never spoke about the cern center in terms of it being a threat.

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe
The dance you speak of is from a movie and not real life...

I am not smart enough to even pretend to understand CERN. Not the benefits nor the possible ramifications.

However, I do feel like we may be messing around with things that we shouldn't be. Things that quite likely could be catastrophic. One of the greates minds of our time has even voiced some concerns...

Dr. Stephen Hawking recently warned that the reactivation in March of CERN’s large hadron collider could pose grave dangers to our planet…the ultimate reality check we are warned. Hawking has come straight out and said the ‘God particle’ found by CERN “could destroy the universe” leaving time and space collapsed as shared in the 2nd video.

We are not "messing around" with anything. We understand exactly what we are doing there. The results may be unknown, but we are not just trying stuff out for fun. If you understood the complexity of the LHC you would realise that every single part of every single experiment running has to be fine tuned to a degree that you and will never experience in every day life.

So they cant just try things and see what sticks. They have specific things they are looking for and they tune the machine to look for it. It does not just "run". it is managed to a crazy level.

They HAVE to know what they are doing or the machine does not run. Simple as that. They mathematical groundwork leasding up to each experiment would be years old and peer reviewd and discussed. No one is taking a stab at anything in the dark and like i said, we are not "messing" with anything.

And, once again, we have been doign this for 60 years+

I cant speak in detail of Hawkings quote, but i am willing to be bet a large sum opf money that either he was taken out of context or it can be explained by someone who knows the whole story of what he said.

Either way, i think to be scared of something that you admit you know nothing about is very silly. We are not in the dark ages and the LHC is not dark magic.

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: johnwick

Lol, well it lists like in Diablo 3 reaper of souls.

Wrong . Theoretical Physics and Quantum Mechanics have proven it would be as the DOOM series (not the movie,though)

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 10:11 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog
a reply to: johnwick

Lol, well it lists like in Diablo 3 reaper of souls.

Wrong . Theoretical Physics and Quantum Mechanics have proven it would be as the DOOM series (not the movie,though)

Lol, good point, you got me there

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: Woodcarver
a reply to: BeyondBlessed

I hope you are like 10 yrs old, because if you are an adult and still believe in that nonsense, the world must be a very scary place. Someone has misled you in a terrible way.

Why is it always the religious people who will believe the dumbest things? Put down the bible and pick up a science book. Quit going to church and go to school. Quit believing in ghosts and demons and start studying science. You want to learn amazing things that are real? Then drop the religious BS.

1,000,000,000 stars to 3danimater. You can count them while i bang my head through my desk.
I hope you realize Woodcarver that you come off as a know-it-all. I was simply asking questions to see peoples opinions about such matters. I am not one of those fools that believes in everything people say and post here as well as online. What I can say is I seek facts and opinions of others while researching to come to my own conclusion about such matters. In this case it appears that there are those who believe CERN is evil and those whose feel their work is benign.
As far as my religious beliefs are concerned, I feel you have no right to imply that those of us who are religious in any way are less intelligent than those of us who don't hold certain beliefs. To say such a thing like only religious people would believe dumb things is simply ignorant, especially in that you don't know everyone's opinions on these matters regardless of one's religion.
Id like to also state that people visit this site and become members not because they want to be bashed or belittled, they do it because they want to share information, experiences, and search for answers to those things that are unknown to us. These thing that science so frequently dismisses, and fails to research. Science while having many answers doesn't have them all.
I hope you understand that many, many , if not more than half of the people on ATS believe in ghosts, aliens, paranormal experiences and things that science simply cannot explain. This leaves me to wonder as to why a person like yourself who seems to know it all even comes on to posts like mine, let alone ATS.
And for the record, I am a proud Christian and will hold to my faith regardless of what people may think or feel about it. In that you seem to bash religious people in their beliefs and rely so heavily in science, I feel it safe for me to assume that you are an Atheist. Well, Im not going say ill pray for you and that sort of thing because you are and adult and can obviously make the "right" decisions for yourself; Instead I will simply tell you that I hope you are truly content with all you believe in when your days become short. I know that I would be fine with having lived by my beliefs of there being a Creator or God only to find that there was nothing after death, as I would be dead; Rather than to have lived without putting my faith in something more and finding that upon death I was wrong.
Regardless, I have experiences my little moments of just knowing that their is a higher power and this is something that only I as well as other who have experiences such instances would know.
So, to each his/her own.

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: BeyondBlessed

Yes. I spend my time learning science so that i can spread that knowledge. I understand that there are a lot of people who do not care about reading journals and would rather read hokey BS from less than reputable sites like wnd. I come here to deny the ignorance that prevails in these forums. When threads like yours pop up, i get extremely frustrated at your lack of care about educating yourself. Instead of coming here and spreading the ignorance, you could have spent some time learning about particle physics. But no, you think demons are real so when you read an article that agreed with your uneducated bias, you felt that it was more reasonable to bring it here to see what kind of positive reinforcment you could garner.

The truth is, you got called out for spreading ignorance instead of denying it another foothold here on this sight.

Stop trying to pass off BS and i will stop correcting you. Have a nice day.

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 06:11 PM

originally posted by: 3danimator2014
OK, here are some FACTS:

- They are not trying, have never tried and are not planning on opening any portals to other universes or dimensions

- They are researching antimatter and further studies on the Higgs. Amongst other smaller experiments. This is all on their website and its all open for people to read

- The god particle is only called the god particle because the author of the book wanted to call it the goddamn particle, but they would not let him. Thats it. Its not a single iota deeper than that.

- The Higgs Boson (the god particle) has nothing whatsoever to do with any god. Its to do with particles having mass. Its an unfortunate name that stuck. Please read that again. THE HIGGS BOSON HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GOD OR PROVING/DISPROVING GOD.

- The LHC at CERN is one in a long line of particle accelerator. Its not any different (to the layman) other than its much bigger and more energetic than any of the dozens that existed before it.

- They are not trying to create black holes. If they did create one, it would fizzle out in nanoseconds. Even if it didnt, and persisted, a black hole that small would not be a threat to anything. But thats moot as they are not creatign black holes.

- It is not a weapon

- It has zero ability to be a weapon of ANY type.

- It cannot affect the earths magnetic field in any way. No more than an ant can affect a house.

- There were never any "demons" they saw when they were colliding particles. Do you realise people have been colliding particles since the 50s? Any pictures you saw are 100% fake

These are FACTS

There is NOTHING sinister about CERN. Try reading the thousands opf public documents and try understanding it and you wil see its just another particle accelerator.

It is, in my opinion, the most incredible, complicated machine ever built by man. We, you, me, every human on earth should be immensly proud of it. It shows off what mankind can achieve when we work together. It is a testament to our ingenuiity and our understanding of the universe and what we are made of and it will expand on all that. It is a beautiful, exciting maching.


Thank you.

posted on Sep, 18 2015 @ 04:17 AM
a reply to: Woodcarver

I came here in search of opinion . To see what others thought about the information that I had read. Of course when facts and such knowledgeable information is passed down in a manner such as yours, it tends to shy people away from what you have to say by how they are communicating their so called "knowledge" in these topics I dont see how you can get very far in spreading knowledge with the tone and manner in which you are choosing to communicate with me. Again, you assume to much about me. The fact is that all things posted online arent always true and I completely understand this, but for some reason you seem to know exactly all my beliefs on this topic, not to mention how I preceive things. I hope you don't spend all your time spreading knowledge online with this approach that you have shown me. I would hope that you would speak on such matters that you are so knowledgeable about within an academic setting; one in which people can fully appreciate your wisdom.

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