posted on Sep, 3 2015 @ 07:04 PM
I hated math as a kid. Still do, but now I know I have dyscalculia, the number version of dyslexia and I can work around it to some extent. I could
have never learned math this way. I would have struggled with this method extensively due for the same reason long division was my own personal hell.
Too many steps.
I bet They make these kids show their work. If the kid can figure out the correct answer a different way, but have to go back and do all the steps
for this method, so they can show their work, they risk getting confused and lost in the steps. That is what happened to me. I was taught that even if
I got the right answer if I didn't do it by the method I was supposed too, it was wrong. This is horrible.
If a teacher stands up against it, like my husband did, they lose their job. My husband who is a teacher but currently not working as one because he
opposes common core after being forced to teach it, says it now takes 2 years to teach a concept that could previously be done in one quarter or
semester at most.
My husband lost his job as a teacher because dared ask his students the question, "Why, does it work?" instead of telling them "This is how it works,
don't question it, just memorize it." This was at a charter school. Be very wary, just because it's a charter school, doesn't mean that they are
using a different curriculum than the public schools.
As for the children of the elite... Before I met my husband, he had the opportunity to be a temporary substitute for a couple months at a top private
school. I think the best way to describe what he has told me is to explain that we have a very clear educational caste system. Don't think for one
moment that the middle class kids are getting anywhere close to the same quality of education.