OMG Star Wars and now I have just found out about this?
Stars Yun-Fat Chow and from IMDB.
Sun Wukong, (The Monkey King) is a monkey born from a heavenly stone who acquires supernatural powers. After rebelling against heaven and being
imprisoned under a mountain for 500 years
I love these kinds of movies. Will definitely watch if I can get my hands on it sometime. (I don't get to the theater much, sadly. I miss it. I WILL
somehow make it for Star Wars, though. Even if it kills me lol.)
I've already seen it. But ever since I cried at the end of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, and everyone I knew distanced themselves from me because of
it, I have a feeling that Movies from China have different meanings for the rest of America than they do for me.
Maybe it was all those years I spent in the east.
Sure this is a children's movie. I see in it the pathology of a China that still thinks it is the closest thing to Heaven here on his floating world.
A china that rejected their living forebearer/teacher and embraced idolatry. And to this day views the west as a monkey. I cried during the scene
where the princess of heaven gave herself to heal the land. But that's because I know the real story, of the princess who was supposed to be married
to the hairy westerner, but was decapitated instead.
It's a children's movie. And in it innocence and trust is punished. Treachery and guile are rewarded. The king of Heaven is Chinese. The west is a
monkey who upsets his classmates. Because he is "a little bit unrefined". There is always another excuse for the murders to justify their luxury.
Isn't there.
See the two read feathers coming out of his head gear? Those represent the pairs of arterial blood that spurted from the head of his decapitated
bride. In the older version. In this version, instead of being worn by his enemy (guardian of the southern gate) they are worn by the Monkey King
As though he is to blame for the games ancient china played with his title, his bride.
Well... all of that certainly obliterated my naive wonderment at enjoyable action sequences and stylish art direction with perspective shattering
insight and sensitivity developing revelation. Perhaps I won't grab the popcorn quite yet after all.