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Anyone else having weird climates?

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posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 10:41 PM
OK.. This ihas to be the weirdest winter for our part of the U.S. i live in Louisiana.Take it today.. the high temperature was 75 degrees... when it should be around 61 degrees for this time of the year... now on christmas day we had snow... SNOW!!! what is up with this.... last time it snowed on christmas day was 50 years ago.. and the thing is...2 days before christmas day... it was in the 80's >_< ... well i just had to post this... please tell me if this is happening near you

Im thinking that the world is going throught some major changes... i.e.. Tsunami's cause by a 9.0 earthquake one of the biggest in the 1900's causing a shift in the earth's rotation shortening days by a fraction of a second and caused the planet to wobble on its axis

Altering of earths rotation

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 10:46 PM
In Chicago, right now, it feels like late spring. It's warm and extremely windy... and thunderstorms are supposed to be here in an hour.

Now... this is Chicago, a northern city on the edge of a lake. There's usually a few inches of snow on the ground around now (just last week we had temps in the negative digits). Right now, however, it feels like the first evening of spring.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 10:47 PM
HEHE, yeah. Last week we had 1 foot of snow with a layer of ice right in the middle. Today its 50 frikin degrees out side
BTW, Louisville usually doesnt get snow untill mid January to mid March. I have seen it as early November and as late as April, but its mid January to mid March for the average. I didnt have a jacket on today, just a long sleave shirt. It was kind of wierd for the temprature to be that warm and the area stil be covered in snow. There was so much snow that it it melting faster than it can drain. The ground is saturated completly. Now we have muddy ground with a layer of watery slush, with another layer of hard icy snow on the top. The snow is melting though, thank God. I cant stand the stuff.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 10:55 PM
Here in the desert it's been pretty darn cold! Lot's of rain lately with flooding on the low lands. I guess the rains won't bother the firework display in Las Vegas as long as the winds don't exceed 10 m.p.h. I wish them luck, otherwise the tourists are going to be really disappointed. They are expecting several hundred thousand tourist to bring in the New Year there. Mount Charleston is getting lot's of snow and more expected tonight.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 11:12 PM
Kazkek I think it's a given with most places on the planet at
the moment.
As an example we had a hailstorm here in Aus the other day in the
middle of summer, unheard of, in fact the weather actually reminded
me of early spring.
Some friends of mine in Memphis said they had 2 inches of ice last
week, and into the single digits, now it's back into the 50's I believe.
Strange Planet indeed at the moment

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 11:14 PM
Well here in sydney we usually have summers with days in the high 30's to high 40's (celcius, you guys can figure it out in your wierd american measurment), we've barely gone over 30 yet. We've had a mild summer and we had a hot spring...

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 11:23 PM
This Christmas I got a tank top with shorts and a long sleeve sweater with gloves
Guess I,m ready for some unusual weather... lol

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 11:23 PM
hmmm..odd... could there be something happening with the polar caps ? i mean like... could global warming actually have started to the point inwhich we actually notice a major difference in weather patterns?..

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 11:29 PM
Here in Los Angeles it rained for 1 1/2 straight days (12-29-04,12-30-04), hard. Our total rain for this season so far is 8 1/2 inchs. The average for this year is 2 inchs of rain. Last year was 1 3/4".

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 11:44 PM
Got up to 62 degrees today in Iowa and it rained. 5 to 10 more degrees and I could have worn shorts and been comfortable. This is really strange. I remember when I was younger we would have 2 to 3 feet of snow on the ground every year. This year it has mostly rained and no snow is to be seen. It has been like this for about ten years, but this year is by far the most tame winter I have ever seen. It really doesn't hurt my fealings though. I hate the cold, but I like to snowboard. Have had wonderful snowboarding conditions when it's not raining.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 11:54 PM
Yeah here in los angeles, a tornado started to form during heavy rain and winds! I was all like what the hell!?

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 11:55 PM
here in michigan the forecast for tomorrow is 53 degree's. hmm sure this is january of course last week it was 10 degree's

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 12:00 AM
***I stare at the wall as my eyes gloss over and a scene from "The Day After Tomorrow" fades into thought*** Thought the movie was over-the-top and I'm not one to over react, but geesh..... kinda makes you think.

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 12:04 AM
Every year the weather here in Houston seems to be a little different then the year before. Lots of above normal rain (tropical storm alllison - worst flood in 100 years), then the next year (more rain, again 10 days of straight rain = mass flooding again)... now this .... snow on christmas and two days later in the 70's.

We actually used to have FOUR seasons, now it is either HOT or COLD, nothing inbetween.

I really think something is going on and we won't know what until it happens... and then it is too late. I would keep my senses on the animals and watch them for signs of something more. If it is some large scale earth change, there is very little we can do but hope we are in a safe place when it happens. .. and if not, make it quick... i don't want to suffer.


posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by dmonkey
We actually used to have FOUR seasons, now it is either HOT or COLD, nothing inbetween.

haha...yes this is very very true...unfortunatly i wish it would atleast choose one temperature area... i wouldnt even mind if winter became summer and summer changed to winter... as long as it stayed in the same area of temperature..

Spring and fall is now no more than a continuation of summer.. so its cold for 3 months and hot for 9 months...

You know how you would take out the winter clothes.. that had been packed away from the previous year... well... i now have winter/summer clothes.. all over the place.. because its either one day shorts, next day bundle up in warm clothes

Personally i think... we should blame the weather man... how he keeps changing the temperature... why cant he just pick a constant temperature

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 12:19 AM
Over here in jersey we got a very light snow covering but the next day I didnt even need a jacket it was like it was summer or something really weird Its been nice all week

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by Kazkek
OK.. This ihas to be the weirdest winter for our part of the U.S. i live in Louisiana.Take it today.. the high temperature was 75 degrees... when it should be around 61 degrees for this time of the year... now on christmas day we had snow... SNOW!!!

Wow, that is pretty extreme. Obviously a snowstorm system passed thru while the area was having otherwise warm weather, but still pretty nutty.

Im thinking that the world is going throught some major changes

The planet is allways going thru changes. Earthquakes and associated tsunamis aren't unsusual. There was a cyclone in the 70s that killed 500 thousand people. An earthquake in china around that time killed 200 thousand. There's nothing 'mystical' about an earthquake causing a tsunami.

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by Kazkek
hmmm..odd... could there be something happening with the polar caps ? i mean like... could global warming actually have started to the point inwhich we actually notice a major difference in weather patterns?..

Extremely unlikely. The polar caps aren't doing anything particularly odd. The effects of global warming are poorly understood. For my own part, i'd say that any increase in greenhouse gases, liek water vapour and CO2, is going to have effects, even if its very little. But I don't think that anyone can really but a cause and effect relationship on it now.

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 12:28 AM
I wasn't really referring to the tsunami specifcally..

... I was thinking this weeks ago.

Yes, I know the earth is a living breathing creature but it still seems strange. My life span of experiencing weather patterns from year to year is only over 36 years. So if there are this many changes that little'ole me notice in my small fragment of the time line.... what is the bigger picture? LIke putting all the little pieces together. to see what is really going on.

I am not a scientist or anything but surelyl common sense could say something is going on. Are in for more? If we take the past few years and say, OK this is the way it is supposed to be and is considered "normal"... or within reason of normal.... it just puzzles me.

Did we not keep good enough records in weather patterns in years past and that is why we now notice the "little changes"?

I can't imagine what it will be like 50 years from now.

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
The planet is allways going thru changes. Earthquakes and associated tsunamis aren't unsusual. There was a cyclone in the 70s that killed 500 thousand people. An earthquake in china around that time killed 200 thousand. There's nothing 'mystical' about an earthquake causing a tsunami.

Hmm no i dont mean that there is something odd about an earthquake causing a tsunami.. i can understand that could happen at anytime... but the magnitude of the earthquake is what makes me wonder at whats going on with the earth..

Originally posted by Nygdan
Extremely unlikely. The polar caps aren't doing anything particularly odd. The effects of global warming are poorly understood. For my own part, i'd say that any increase in greenhouse gases, liek water vapour and CO2, is going to have effects, even if its very little. But I don't think that anyone can really but a cause and effect relationship on it now.

Thats what i meant... i shouldnt have said global warming.. but ultimatly the ice caps are what control our weather patterns.. along with the trade winds that move along the systems of weather

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