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originally posted by: theMediator
I never understood all these ideas about :
"If you really believe in something, it will happen."
"Imagine sucess and it will happen."
"Manifest your mind into reality!"
It's all BS to me. I've never EVER had anything I REALLY wanted and prayed for all my life, at least nothing that mattered. Whenever I want ANYTHING it takes me 4x the time it should and life seems to be against me at every turn, every time I want simply anything at all.
Jobs, appartements, cars, women...waiting and waiiitng. Deceptions after deceptions.
Things I work for while staying positive, things I feel I deserve after all the sacrifices I've done...yet, I mostly end up with what I don't want.
And I don't feel there's anything inherently wrong with me. I'm not stupid, not ugly, not without talents...
I'm keeping up with being positive about life but I don't understand how some seem to always get what they want while others never get anything they want.
originally posted by: TheLaughingGod
Nobody needs an outer god, it is merely a crutch for young ones that need that kind of stuff. "Ye are as gods".
originally posted by: Murgatroid
The end result of using Magick and ouija boards are both the same as well...
Demons, just like vacuum cleaner salesmen, will use ANY doorway you leave open.
DO NOT DO IT you will regret it believe me. Do not play with thes things it is a doorway to Hell. I was possessed by a demon after dabbling in the occult and thought these were fun.This demon drove me to try and commit suicide. Source
A girl I know CLAWED HER FACE TO PIECES after playing with a Ouiji board. She went crazy!!!!!. PLEASE guys just don't even go there. These things are bad news. Source
Once you use the damn thing, you let your door open to evil spirits. A friend of mine used it a long time ago and now she's in a hospital. She starts talking about a tall black thing that watches her and talks to her. She regrets using the Ouija board. Source
i cannot stress enough than to ask you DO NOT USE THIS all this does is open up the world of dark spirits my aunt was with a group of high school students they did this 1 student died 1 student went missing and my aunty was put into a mental institution for the rest of her life you can never close this curse once the board is in action it will never stop and it meaning the spirits will kill thats all they want
originally posted by: SoulSurfer
a reply to: network dude
Ami I now? my experiences says otherwise. So i trust my experiences which resolates with theirs. I KNOW jezebel exists, and those who dwell in the occult will sooner or later have to deal with her.
Take it from me, who is surrounded by such people including Santeria and what not. I have seen things that would make you hide under your covers.
But hey, by all means go ahead , i wont stop you. But I warned you. I hope your eyes become open to the truth. These people are more credible to me than your sources are. However if you wish to define insanity, just take a look at what really is destroying the earth. When people realize this, there is no denying who the insane really are.
originally posted by: Rosinitiate
a reply to: SoulSurfer
God called me out of my illuminati family?!?
He grows up within an illuminati family, has no formal education, asked to be the knowledge base for IBM, tells them he's actually an idiot and they disagree because he is an Aquarius? Did I get that right? Nothing about that story bothers you?
Of course we should believe him, he's a born again evangelical Christian. WEEEEEEEE!
originally posted by: blueman12
Do you have any techniques I could try? I'd be interested in trying something to see what happends.
originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
God doesn't lie either - but he veils the truth from those who consider themselves wise in their own eyes. Finding the truth is a matter of humility and the acceptance of our need for grace (nobody can be counted pure in the eyes of God... Perseverance in seeking the person of God is the key. If we knock, the door will be opened. After that, it's just a matter of time until he 'leads us into all truth' by the power of His Spirit.
originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
You are an open-minded sort of person, by the look of things! A rare thing in these days and times. I would advise you to pray a simple prayer, and see what happens. Test it out! Simply say: ''God, if you are real, would you reveal yourself to me in some way. I want to know the Truth...''
That's what I did ten years ago, and the very next day someone walked past me in the street, before stopping, turning back and pointing to me. She said: '"You've been praying. God answers prayer. Come with me...'' She was prompted by the still, small voice of calm, the voice of God's own Spirit, who lives with all believers, to be an intermediary between me and God, to prove His existence, so that I could answer the call of God, to give my life to Him.
I came to faith in Christ through her talking with me, and since that day God has shown me a thousand things that I would have no natural way of knowing. He does so in order to help us in real, practical and spiritual ways, and to help others to come to know Him. He desires for you to walk with Him, and to know His voice, and to bless your life in a million different ways. Take it or leave it - but I hope you take it, in faith.
Ask, and you will receive. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you.
originally posted by: WeAllDieSoon
The nature of the Truth is that not everyone hears it. ...proof is something that comes from God. The truth is either God revealed the truth or He didn't. The truth is you have been given the ability to seek the truth. Where there is smoke... Me, I know because I spent years seeking. My God has revealed Himself to me. He does that after you seek Him. He does it because He said He would. You can't know if I am telling the truth, though. That is because God designed your reality so that it is up to you, personally, to seek the truth. If you hear it, and believe it, you will seek God. And then you will know what I know.
The Bible tells us that if we DILIGENTLY seek God, that He will reveal Himself to us. So have at it! Just say "God if you are real, SHOW ME!" Say it out loud, and be patient and DILIGENT - Do it each day diligently and persistently until He shows up. It won't be God the Father, but it will be either Jesus or an angel who will appear to you or you will hear His voice - either in your spirit or audible. He will do it in His timing, not yours, so be persistent and diligent and patient!
A guy at my school was speaking and he said he talking at a convention and he went up to a girl and gave her $20, she started bursting crying.. And she said that when she woke up that she asked God "If your real someone will give me $20 today" So God can show himself in many ways.
Sundar Singh was born in 1889 into a wealthy Sikh family in Rampur, India. At the age of 14, on the night before a planned suicide, he cried out to God to show himself. Jesus appeared to Sundar in a vision saying, “I died for you. I am the Savior of the world.” This encounter was so powerful, that Sundar dedicated his life to following Jesus and sharing the Gospel. Sadhu Sundar Singh
originally posted by: Murgatroid
originally posted by: blueman12
Do you have any techniques I could try? I'd be interested in trying something to see what happends.
What is it you are really after, what are your motives?
Therein lies the KEY to your journey...
Like the below quote says: "Finding the truth is a matter of humility..."
Although what you say is true I tend to stay away from the terms you use. The terms Alchemy and Magick have been twisted in two directions. Physical and Occult.
Often times they implore rituals of power that separate themselves from their true nature.
One may achieve a position of influence as a result of will, but under the pretext of magick and alchemy it is associated with the occult and not the type of magick and alchemy that I believe you are speaking of.
Practitioners of the Occult typically have very limited understanding of their own true nature, power and enlightenment.
If influence of others outside of attaining a position of leadership was possible through magick and and alchemy one wouldn't need the magick known as propaganda.
The two eyes of the soul of man cannot both perform their work at once: but if the soul shall see with the right eye into eternity, then the left eye must close itself and refrain from working, and be as though it were dead. For if the left eye be fulfilling its office toward outward things, that is holding converse with time and the creatures; then must the right eye be hindered in its working; that is, in its contemplation. Therefore, whosoever will have the one must let the other go; for ‘no man can serve two masters.’" - Meister Eckhart (c. 1260 – c. 1328[1]
For the Occult they are deceiving themselves by believing that they can manifest spiritual influence over others.
Choose your path wisely...
Occultist and medium Dion Fortune's nervous breakdown and her early death due to her use of magick is also another major red flag.
Carl Gustav Jung [on Active Imagination]
As developed by Carl Jung between 1913 and 1916, active imagination is a meditation technique wherein the contents of one's unconscious are translated into images, narrative or personified as separate entities. It can serve as a bridge between the conscious 'ego' and the unconscious and includes working with dreams and the creative self via imagination or fantasy. Jung linked active imagination with the processes of alchemy in that both strive for oneness and inter-relatedness from a set of fragmented and dissociated parts. This process ultimately resulted in the Red Book.
[Active Imagination's] Role in scientific and mathematical discovery
Hadamard (1954)[21] and Châtelet (1991)[22] suggest that imagination and conceptual experiment play central roles in mathematical creativity. Important scientific discoveries have been made through imaginative cognition, such as Kekulé’s famous discovery of the carbon ring structure of benzene through a dream of a snake eating its tail. Other examples include Archimedes, in his bathtub, imagining that his body is nothing but a gourd of water, and Einstein imagining himself to be a photon on a horizon of velocities.
Involution according to esoteric cosmology
As an example, the so-called descent of the Monad into matter means an involution or involving or infolding of spiritual potencies into material vehicles which coincidentally and contemporaneously, through the compelling urge of the infolding energies, unfold their own latent capacities, unwrap them, roll them forth; and this is the evolution of matter. – Gottfried de Purucker
That period of time devoted to the attainment of self-consciousness and the building of the vehicles through which the spirit in man manifests, is called involution. Its purpose is to slowly carry life lower and deeper into denser and denser matter for the building of forms, till the nadir of materiality is reached. From that point, life begins to ascend into higher Worlds. This succeeding period of existence, during which the individual human being develops self-consciousness into divine omniscience, is called "spiritual evolution."
In the cosmology of Surat Shabda Yoga, involution and evolution apply to both the macrocosm, the whole of creation, and the microcosm, the constitution of an individual soul.
The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, a Rosicrucian text written by Max Heindel, advances the concept of epigenesis as the key related to the evolution (after an involutionary period) of human beings.
Magick is deception.
On many levels.
Stronger in what sense? how is that measured?
i'm curious what is your opinion about two individuals with conflicting manifest destinies?
Isis was worshipped as the ideal mother and wife as well as the patroness of nature and magic. She was the friend of slaves, sinners, artisans and the downtrodden, but she also listened to the prayers of the wealthy, maidens, aristocrats and rulers.[2] Isis is often depicted as the mother of Horus, the falcon-headed deity associated with king and kingship (although in some traditions Horus's mother was Hathor). Isis is also known as protector of the dead and goddess of children.
and if conflicting intentions can hamper your results then wouldnt societies shared view of the way the world is structured essentially be an anchor preventing you from having any success in trying to counter it?
also, can multiple people combine their efforts? does combined intention in a group increases results?
also, how do you explain unexpected things happening to people? example sinkhole swallows up a house family dies, would you say someone in that family was expecting/intending to be swallowed by a sinkhole?
i ask about lottery winners, are they all a measure if intention VS lack therof? or are some of them just actually lucky and hit it randomly?
originally posted by: Involutionist
a reply to: Parthin96
I've been a Dancing Wu-Li Master always - we all have been. I feel you to a certain extent.
Btw, define "less advanced people"?